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The heat rising from the tarmac took her breath away as stepped from the air-conditioned cabin onto the top of the stairs. She didn’t remember it being this hot the last time she was in Key West. Seems like before there had been bright sun but cool breezes that made it seem like paradise. Maybe once she got away from the airport on the center of the island and nearer to the beaches, she’d experience that once again.

         “Liz! Over here!” Her friend Madelyn jumped up and down and waved frantically near the fence.

         “Maddy!” Liz hurried down the steps and ran to meet her friend. It had been too long since she had seen her best friend from high school. They grabbed each other in a tight embrace and now both jumped up and down.

         Maddy pulled away and held Liz at arms’ length. “You look fantastic! How was your flight?”

         “Ugh, flying isn’t like it used to be. The seats are crowded so close together now. Taking a nap is impossible. Luckily, it was only a three-hour flight.” She took Maddy by the hand and they started towards the terminal. “So, how are you? And where’s this mystery man you can’t wait to introduce me to?”

         “He’s at work right now but you’ll get to meet him tonight. We’ll have plenty of time in the meantime to catch up.”

         Liz picked up her bag when it finally came around the conveyor and the two headed for Maddy’s car in the parking lot. Being such a small airport, it wasn’t far, but they chatted incessantly the whole time.

         “So, you aren’t working tonight?” Liz asked.

         “No, this is my night off. We can stop by work on our way if you’d like to grab something to eat. Margaritaville is right on the way. If you’re not too tired, that is.”

         “Me? No way. I’m ready to see some sights. It’s been five years since I’ve been here. I’d like to see how much it’s changed.”

         “Great! I’d like you to meet some of the people I work with. Some of them are real characters.” She paused a minute in her trail of chatter. “You know what? Most of the guys I work with won’t be on until later tonight. Why don’t I call Bobby and have him meet us there for dinner? That way we can kill two birds with one stone – you can meet my co-workers and my fiancé at the same time.”

         Bobby? Liz’s stomach sank into her lap as she heard the name. There had to be dozens of Bobbies on the island. The chances of him being the one she had known five years ago were slim.

         “Hey, you with me?”

         “Oh, yeah, that sounds like a plan. That will give me a chance to settle in and freshen up a bit first.”

         Duval Street hadn’t changed much from the way Liz remembered it. Doors and windows were wide open to the sidewalk and music blared from each one they walked by. Tee shirts or tank tops and shorts and flip flops was the standard of dress for just about everyone who passed them. Liz felt slightly out of place in the sundress she had chosen to wear.

          “Wow, look at this crowd! I hope we can get a table,” Maddy said.

         “Maddy! What are you doing here? I thought it was your night off.”

         “It is. I just brought my friend to meet everyone. Liz, this is my boss Jerry.”

         “Oh, the long-lost friend from high school! She’s been talking about you coming for weeks. Glad to finally meet you. So, are you two staying? Table for two?”

         “No, actually Bobby is meeting us here.” Liz’s stomach did a flip at the mention of the familiar name.

         “Excellent. You can take a seat at table six. I’ll send Lori over to take your drink order.”

         Liz and Maddy wove their way through the crowd to a table by the stage. “Hi, Maddy. What can I get for you?” Lori asked.

         “I’ll have a Yuengling. Liz?"

“That sounds good.”

“You and Bobby will have to come by here tomorrow night, too. I’ll be working but I’m sure you can keep each other company. Jimmy Buffet is flying in tomorrow and he always likes to come by when he’s in town and do a show. It’s a real treat to get to see him in such a small venue.”

         “Won’t it be too crowded to get in?”

         “No problem. I can save you a table. I’ve got an in with the manager.” Maddy winked.

         “That will be awesome! I love his music.”

         “I wish Bobby would hurry up and get here. I can’t wait for you to meet him.”

         “So how did you two meet?”

         “He came in one night and sat at one of my tables. He flirted with me the whole evening. Then he came back the next night. Before I knew it, he was a regular coming in every night and always tried to sit at my table. After a week or so, he asked me out. The rest is history.”

         Suddenly Maddy stood up and started waving. “Bobby, over here!” Liz glanced over her shoulder toward the entrance. Her heart skipped about three beats. It can’t be! She shielded her eyes with her hand.

         “Sorry I’m late,” Bobby said. “I had trouble finding a place to park.” He gave Maddy a kiss.

         “You’re fine, we haven’t been here long. Bobby, I’d like you to meet my friend, Liz.”

         Liz still sat with her hand over her face. It was the moment of truth. She dropped her hand and looked up at Bobby’s smiling face. “Pleased . . . “ His smile disappeared and his eyes flew open as recognition took hold.

         “Bobby?” Maddy looked at him puzzled.

         “Oh, sorry. Pleased to meet you, Liz. Maddy’s told me so much about you.” He held out his hand toward Liz.

         “It’s a pleasure meeting you.” She looked into his eyes. Eyes that she had looked into everyday for the last four years. The eyes of her son.

August 23, 2020 21:04

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1 comment

Ethan Jarmush
01:22 Sep 03, 2020

I enjoyed it. Each character has a distinct voice within the dialogue which is hard to do.


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