Fiction Sad Mystery

You enter the library, except this is no ordinary library. You may only visit this library once. The circumstance for entrance is all the same, but the cause for entry is individual. Once you enter you may not leave, but your time expires within the library, entry is not a choice, but is required. In your personal library every book is available for your wandering eyes. The titles upon the shelves fit every genre, but they can never be read by any individual except you. It is your choice which book to check out first, so choose the one with the most beautiful cover. The beauty comes from the book's vague sense of nostalgia, yet you have never visited this library. The crescent curves upon the cover and the soft appearance pleases your eyes. With such a beautiful cover, surely the contents will be equally beautiful. You skip the title as there is none; what a strange library. The first page describes a scene that erupts many of your emotions: happiness, and intrigue. Despite its allure you try to push it off and thus provide the book a reach to pull you further than you can manage to find a step out. Reading cover to cover scouring the pages of this book everything happens, but nothing is lost. There is joy and so much misery. This book was something you loved so much, but it was lost. You may ask if you truly loved something, how can it be lost? That I fear is what happens when you journey to the library. Upon completion of the beautiful book something catches your gaze. A book titled “Amelia” with no cover art. This book is exciting, its contents feel mysterious. You decide this book can begin in the middle of its contents. Shortly after beginning you have to take a break because this book is frustrating. The character knows what makes you annoyed and each action they take you fight to close the cover, but something in you feels for this character, shall I say there is some sense of familial attachment? Toward the ending mark the character undergoes many transformations. This character even experiences the annoyance like you did upon opening their story before seeing their motives. You transform your feelings toward this book and somehow the character becomes someone that you love and wish the best for, but this does not save this character from misfortune and you are happy that they at least have you. These two books have been rather strange and yet you are happy you had the experience to know their contents. Deciding on the next book is difficult for you because the library has no organization method like the Dewey decimal system. You organized the library, but you are at a loss for where to find the next book. After searching, climbing the stairs holding the banisters and seeing through the sparkling chandelier fixed upon the high ceiling you see something. Set atop the farthest shelf resides a small book. It appears to be only 50 pages, but you are so desirous to know what they contain. Skipping the title and cover you hastily nestle within its pages this book describes something broad and altering to your perceptions. You see a world where people are not lost in their journey to find meaning, they know what is simple is best. They keep close relations with their families and never worry about promptness because even if they were late they could find the time to make up for what was lost. This book has taught you so much yet its lessons slip your mind after its completion, this does not lessen its meaning. Never have you seen something so ugly in a library, but it seems the next cover you know well. You leap to it, it reeks of pride and bitterness, but somehow you are yearning for its acknowledgement. The book is titled “My career”, which is rather boring. I would rather not read this book, but I cannot fight your desire as the librarian so I comply. The book details your heroic fights behind a lit screen you fight earnestly while those around you skate by. This is the truth of a career few may get a reward for the works of the many. You may not see it as clearly as I do. You appear fulfilled after turning the final page. I can now see why each person may have their own individual purpose, for your career describes my hell. The last book I see upon your face the pain it gives you even just gazing upon it, but I can sense the duty you must have to know how things ended. The cover is something of your nightmares, yet everything comes down to this final book. You don’t recognize the title of this book because it is something you never came to acknowledge due to your own inability. This book puts you through a grief you could never put to words. I gaze upon your sorrowful face and I watch you come to understand what came of yourself. You experienced much mistreatment and in that your frail mind began to atrophy losing all cause of pain. I see the numbness now. You sat in a daze, you were able to see the beauty of this library. I hope you do not feel a loss for entering, it was not your choice, but there is no avoiding the library. Any misconceptions and mistakes can be seen most clearly by reading the books within the library, but you seem lost. I know this is one of the effects of the library, for I have seen it before. I the librarian shall grant you one more title because I do not wish you to feel regret about your time in the library. It will be my selection. I chose a novel whose title is “03/27/74” . I hope this has some significance to you as I am just an observer. The title sparks no recognition in your eyes, but you seem interested in the cover which shows a kind of warmth that only a child could know. You read the novel and gleam with cheer. I can now see the brightness on your face. You lay the cover down seeming content. I will leave the contents of this novel undescribed as they are personal to you and I will let you have that. And now it seems we have reached the end of your time at the library. 

January 27, 2024 02:24

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