Citizens of Centervale

Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about community.... view prompt



Ugack was an Orc living in a supposedly enlightened age and land. It was the begining of the Mellenium of the Azure Lamb. The last two hundred years had seen a lot of change for Orcs.

Ugack's great great paternal grandfather, Gelub, had been brought to the Kingdom of Dinastia as a slave. Her mother, Poh's heritage was complicated. Poh had a human mother, Sabrina, and an Orc father, Viguka. Sabrina and Viguka's union had to be kept secret from both their families. Interracial relations had been illegal in Dinastia until about fifty years ago; and even after legalization, children in such families often felt isolated, never fully accepted by many in either traditional culture.

By some stroke of luck, Poh had found Ugack's father, Shamar while they were both attending Centervale University fifteen years ago. Both were studying civics and Dinastian history, they also were members of the debate club. During meetings of the aforementioned orginization, they found they shared many of the same interests.

After a year of courtship, Poh and Shamar got engaged. Their union ceremony took place the following spring. Not long after, their children, Ugack, her sister Zhirva, and brother, Olfin had been born. Each was about a year and a half apart. They were a happy family for the most part.

Their home was in Hornblende, a neighborhood in Centervale that contained mostly Orc residents. Urgack's parents worked at the Hornblende Historical Society as archivists. It brought the family a modest income and managed to provide for their needs. Overall, things were good but not always.

Dynastia had problems with intolerance. Even though the Pete Raven laws had been repealed, most of Centevale's prisoner population were Orcs. Humans often viewed their non-human neighbors as noble savages with a propensity for violence. On multiple occasions, whether it was justified or not, Centervale's Dragoons, the peacekeeping force of the city, had been called on Orcish residents. The Dragoons sometimes used controversial tactics and not always the ones taught in their training courses.

Urgack's neighborhood was regularly patrolled by the Dragoons. Most residents of Hornblende were wary of them but generally kept out of trouble. It never occured to Urgack that her family would be negativly impacted by the Dragoons.

Her mother, Poh, had just gotten a call on the radiogram. "Ahoy?" Poh used the standard greeting to answer. She breathed in, air hissing through her pointed teeth as she did so. "What?!" She screamed. "You're sure it was my husband?!" There was a tense silence in the small apartment. "I can't believe this! You Dragoons are--are--!" Poh choked on a sob as she continued. "I'll be down to the station to identify the remains...and then your High Commander will be hearing from my Lawyer!" She let go of the talk button and violently slammed the radiogram's reciever back onto it's charging base.

Poh took deep breaths before turning to look at her shocked children. Finally, she met Urgack's questioning gaze. "Sweetshroom," her mother used the pet name for her eldest child. "Take your little brother and sister into the bedroom to play. Then come back into the living room; I have some news for you."

After getting Zhirva and Olfin settled down playing a game of Troughs and Rungs, Urgack returned to her mother. "Sit with me on the couch baby." Poh told her. Once both were seated Poh began to explain to her daugter. "Your father was killed today. A group of Dragoons stopped him on the way home from the bank. They claimed he had stolen the money. He tried to explain but the officer wasn't listening. This...this IDIOT throws your daddy to the ground and holds him down! The way they had him positioned caused him to suffocate! WHY?! WHY WAS SHAMAR NOT LET GO?!" Poh screamed in grief and cried a little before continuing to rant. "WHY DIDN'T THE OTHER OFFICERS STOP HIM?! YOUR DADDY DIDN'T NEED TO DIE! OH GRUUMSH, I LOVED HIM!" Once Poh had shouted this oath she completely broke down in sobs for a long time. Urgack shed silent tears of her own.

When her mother had regained composure, she called grandma Sabrina and asked her to come watch the children while Poh went to the Dragoon station. Sabrina agreed and promptly arrived at the appartment. After a few quick words of advice, Poh thanked the elderly human and exited through the front door. Urgack ran to Sabrina and locked her in a fierce hug. "Grandma!" Urgack exlaimed. "I can't believe dad's dead!" The matronly woman gently stroked her adolescent granddaughter's dreadlocks. "Oh, Uru!" Sabrina said, tenderly using her nickname. "I'm so sorry. It must be hard for you; Shamar loved you, Uru."

Blinking away fresh tears, Urgack stepped away from her grandma and invited her to sit. The pair sat watching the Vision Box. Urgack's siblings could be heard still obliviously playing, in a world seprate from terrible reality. It was almost serene until the news came on.

Her Father's murder at the hands of the Dragoons was the first story in the report. Urgack, listened angrily for a moment then turned off the Vision Box. "IT'S NOT FAIR!" She shouted angrily. "THEY TREAT US LIKE CRIMINALS AND BRUTES! THEN THEIR REPORTERS TAKE OUR DEATHS AND MAKE THEM ENTERTAINMENT FOR OUTSIDERS!"

Urgack was about to throw the controller across the room when her grandma gently grabbed the object from her hand. "Uru," Sabrina chided. "Breaking things won't help. I understand how you feel. But you brother and sister might've heard your angry remarks. They're still young and need a little bit of time for normal things. Can I tell you something?" Stifiling another outburst of rage, Urgack nodded. "When your grandpa and I were young, the Orcish rights movement was building momentum;" Sabrina told her granddaughter. "It's leader, Dr. Mugdul advocated peaceful protest and demonstration. I truly believe that this is the best way to advocate change. Maybe you can raise awareness of the issue that lead to your Father's death with a protest?"

After this conversation, Sabrina helped Urgack use the radiogram to contact friends and neighbors. They set a date, talked about what message they wanted to convey and where the protest would take place. Urgack even encouraged the people she called to get their friends and neigbors involved. When Poh arrived home, Urgack had things so organized, her mother couldn't help being touched and proud.

The day of the protest finally arrived. The group met in Eon Square carrying signs that said "End Prejudice!" , "Orc lives have value!", and "End Dragoon Brutality!" Bold letters in shades of black and red on multi colored paper flooded the square.

Suprisingly, it was not just Orcs protesting. There were humans, elves, ogres and other races too. It would seem that not just residents of Hornblende had joined together, but a lot of people from all over Centervale!

Things seemed to be going well. Centervale's major news outlets had arrived to cover the event. Reporters had interviewed sevral protesters and even Urgack and her family members. Then, a panicked silence came over the crowd as eyes looked simultaneously in the same direction.

The Dragoons mounted division was riding into Eon square. They were wearing body armor and looked exceptionally intimidating on their black war horses. As one, they rode up to the group of protesters. The Dragoons stopped in a line right in front of the gathered participants, then dismounted. A single officer broke away from the rest and removed his helmet.

"Is Urgack here?" The Dragoon asked. "My name is Captain Lombardi of the Centervale Dragoons. I am here to talk." Captain Lombardi stood at attention, quietly waiting. Her heart beating a rapid pace in her chest, Urgack cautiously stepped forward. "That's me, Sir;" she verified.

To the protestor's suprise, Captain Lombardi saluted her. "Young Lady;" he said. "I have heard about what happened to your father. It was inexcusable and not an appropriate thing for a Dragoon to have done. The officer and those with him at the time, are standing trial for willful manslaughter. As a gesture of solidarity, my men and I would like to join in your protest."

Upon a signal from Captain Lombardi all the other Dragoons dismounted and knealt in front of the assembled group. "Sir, I am still angry at my father's murder;" Urgack said honestly. "However, it honors me that some of this city's protectors have joined our cause! Thank you!"

The protest began and ended peacefully. Though not until a long time later was it realized, this was the begining of change. Real lasting change in Dynastian society. A more actual equality was brought about all because a fourteen year old Orc had taken action.

June 07, 2020 01:01

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