Submitted into Contest #44 in response to: Write a story that starts with a life-changing event.... view prompt




Her body exploded into a roar of feelings when he touched her shoulder. His fingers sent shock waves through her entire body. She couldn’t would be a futile fight anyway. Without either depth or authority like a heated ball of cheese resisting to crumble.

   Her heart sprung into overdrive beating against the chest rapidly in a reflex action. Every nerve cell jumped in delightful anticipation. Why. The tingling clumsy feeling through her thighs was like a carafe of cold water down her spine. The long-nailed fingers and the dark knees involuntarily shook like flipping banknotes. The strawberry-colored nipples stood hard like steel nails while the lips became as moist as the Victoria Falls. The body organs, which should have been her best defense against such predators, climbed to the mountain top to betray her with loud ringing tones.

    "Stop this rubbish, this could be an enemy!" she hugged herself with some warning. Clinging to some semblance of decency was becoming a desperately futile struggle.

     Completely unaware of the cyclone of feelings tormenting the woman, Saka Lyamali grabbed her shoulder, swung her round to face him. And this time he saw something amusing. The face looking at him contained alarm racing ahead of girlish mischief for a good romance.

      He twisted his face into an amused smile, loads of mockery shone from the squinting pupils in eyes narrowed to dark slits. This disgusted Matilda, erasing every bit of interest.

     "So he thinks I am a cheap picking," she thought to herself. "He can't even ask properly, like a gentleman." That same moment she told herself to squash all womanly sensitivities, no matter how hard. She swung away from him and waded out of the water towards her clothes.

He looked at her naked buttocks swinging as she lifted one leg after another to move faster in the water until she reached the bank. To his dismay, she started dressing up ...trying to get away from him. His heart leaped bounds at the incalculable loss. Hurriedly, he followed her out of the water in typical predatory fashion men are known for.

    She heard his hurried splashes. Failing to flee, she stooped down watching his naked movement through the corner of her eye. Indeed he was a marvel to watch; the immaculate feet splashing the water, the thigh muscles stretching in bundles as he lifted one leg after another. Above all the dingy looking cobra swinging angrily from left to right in response to the movement ripped her already wounded soul to pieces.

     She was still hugging herself with pity when he grabbed her arm, swung her body round to face him, and then pulled her closer into a delicious embrace. Their bodies smashed into each other fusing into one imaginary object that mapped all their organs as if they were alone in space, away from everyone else. "My secret is almost out..., the beast will know it ...Maybe it was that fear which helped change the events. His tongue sticking out narrowly missed its mapping -she had flung her head to the other side. Was it a shame, shyness, or the secret?

    Saka Lyamali was shocked when the woman made his tongue lap her hair. He was a gentleman, in fact, a proud gentleman whose joy thrived on consent from a willing woman. This one was not willing, she must be left alone.

    Peeling himself away from her delicious warmth he walked towards his clothes where he dressed up faster than a blinking eye.

  Finished dressing, he bowed his head down to express gratitude for her hospitality and with a hurried "goodbye madam!" he left at the speed of a fleeing warrior.

    Matilda had already started melting in his embracing arms wrapped around her shoulders. Surges of current flowing into her heart made her wow like 'what a moment'. She felt a strong urge to call him back but her tongue stuck to the roof of the mouth...

    A week later, Matilda, seated alone away from the other mourners, felt an urgent irrational desire for the company. She remembered the brief encounter with Saka Lyamali at the river, a delicious little moment stolen from time. She didn't love Saka Lyamali, but she just felt a void that needed filling by a man with that stature.

      "Only Saka Lyamali's touch can fill this gap I am feeling right now," she was telling herself. The consuming desire became so overpowering that she never realized what she was doing teasing the man with a sex laden call.

   "I thought I had a true friend," She teased him. "You can't even call me, sure?"

   "Oh, how are you Matty, long time?" Saka Lyamali answered using the endearment name Matty instead of the official name Matilda. "Do you want to sell some more cattle?"

   "No, just checking on my friends," she said failing to cross the barrier of telling him she was dying to see him.

   "Are you at home, Matty?" he was also reliving the encounter at the river, the delicious moment when nature almost unleashed a flood of happiness.

    "I'm in the forest gathering firewood," she said checking herself in the kitchen mirror where she was washing plates.

    Saka Lyamali could feel the cobra in the trousers uncoiling as his brain distilled the suggestive information.

    "Are you with your husband?" he asked. "A beautiful woman like you should not be left alone."

    "You, my husband is busy," she said. "I'm just alone like Eve in the Garden of Eden, see for yourself."

     She sent him an old picture by WhatsApp; she was leaning against a huge baobab tree, all alone. The picture of a smiling woman was as innocent as a dove pecking grain on the ground. Except the yellow skirt was rolled up slightly allowing a pair of devilish man-eating thighs to peep at him like a road junction. The thighs were so enchanting that his mind imagined seeing a screaming promise of 'The bearer pledges extreme pleasure on touch.'

    "Matty, listen, can I come over there?" he said with a husky voice. By now the cobra was galloping violently against the Bermuda trousers.

    "You are such a coward! Coming where?" Matilda teased him further in a hooker's voice, noted for it's accusing tones. "Won’t you run away from me again like last time?"

“I am coming, just now, let me find you there. We will see whether I'm a coward," Saka Lyamali said in a voice a matting frog would envy greatly.

     Hastily dropping a pile of money into a small casket shaped like a coffin, he took out three thousand which he staffed into the buggy pocket of loose-fitting Bermuda shorts before locking the casket. Than he quickly threw a loose-fitting leather jacket on his broad shoulders and dashed out of the house.

     He almost forgot to lock the door but a neighbor howled in surprise forcing him to go back. After locking the door to the house he quietly dropped the key under the front door mat before entering the small path that would lead him to the main road which in turn would take him to the forest where women gathered firewood.

     Meanwhile, Matilda reluctantly went through her plans. She wanted a taste of the honey drops from adultery...but the fear of the husband finding out. That was not all; there was also the fear of exposing the secret. No one should know the was a deadly secret. However, the pressure was too much; "Just have to risk it or you will go mad," she consoled herself. She ran to the edge of her husband's field.

     "Give him the impression that I was already in the bush the time he called," she swirled her pool of dark Brazilian hair sideways making her look more beautiful than Oprah at twenty. After gathering a small bundle of twigs to justify her mission, she placed it near the road and kept on tying and retying the same bundle to kill suspicion while waiting for Saka Lyamali.

     When she saw him coming a few hundred yards, she waved at him and entered the maize field. He reached the spot, entered the maize field, and followed her some thirty yards away from the road.

      "What do you want?" she asked him, her eyes playing some mischief.

     "Don't play such games with my heart, Matty," he grumbled, lacking all originality.

      "What games?" The fear of someone discovering the secret again gnawed at her heart.

     "Matty, give me, just once please," he begged." "Let me... just once..."

     "Okay," she said her eyes twinkling with girlish mischief. "Take those leaves and small branches, make a bed."

     Saka Lyamali obeyed. He pruned some pile of mango leaves and placed it on the flat ground which Matilda covered with her chitenge cloth trying to make the makeshift bed, as comfortable as any rain-soaked bush can be.

     Saka Lyamali took off his clothes and piled them a few meters away. He strolled towards Matilda with all his physical attributes on display, swinging arms like some evil-minded Buddha.

     Matilda hugged her heart the centre of a raging cyclone of feelings. Her mind was spinning out into turmoil. "Saka Lyamali ...the secret ..." she begged. The dread pricked her skin massaging it like a cold shower. She cringed, she prayed, she complained...until...He grabbed her shoulders to balance himself on her belly...      

     Meanwhile, Pwinga decided to go and inspect the traps that afternoon. Passing through the forest he entered the maize field and walked towards the traps. The first trap had caught a partridge; he removed the bird and put it in the bag before he set up the trap again. As he walked to the second trap at the edge of the field he heard some squeaking noise punctuated by heavy breathing. He decided to investigate the strange phenomenon.

    Pwinga walked quietly towards noise thinking it could be a puff adder trying to swallow a frog. But as he came closer, the sound was not of a puff adder or any other snake; his shocked eyes saw the up and down movement of a man's bare buttocks as if it was a horse in full gallop. He became very angry witnessing the transformation of his field into an open-air brothel; his hands trembled violently as he went closer, a shambok suddenly jumped into his right hand.

   "No wonder my crops are not doing well people are using my field for prostitution," he grumbled angrily as he moved around selecting a good whipping point. When he reached a clear space he lifted the shambok above his head and whipped the man on the bareback with full force. The man rolled away and started running into the bush. Pwinga tried to follow him to continue whipping but realized the man was too fast...he was getting away.

Dropping the shambok, he hurriedly pulled out a spear from his backpack and prepared to throw it at the escaping figure.

     Saka Lyamali never heard the intruder coming. It was unlikely that the delicious moment he was savoring would permit his mind to worry about security. He was galloping towards the finish line, the sweetest moment of his life. But just when he thought he could enjoy a joyous explosion, a searing pain coursed through his backbone like hot water racing on bare skin. Turning around with eyes widened in alarm he saw the horrible shambok coming down for the second strike. No time to argue......, no time to think...He just had a split second to pull out of the woman before desperately fleeing to the nearby bush. He was donning nothing more than his elegant birthday suit.

   He was making progress but suddenly, in the corner of his eye, he saw a raised spear aimed at his back. He could not hope to outrun the terrible weapon. He threw himself on the ground, clapping his hands begging for mercy.

    "Pwinga Mwana, listen," Saka Lyamali continued clapping his hands like a dog welcoming the master. He was some ten yards away. "I will pay whatever you ask please, let's just talk." Pwinga was flexing his right hand in a swing to throw the spear, aiming it directly at the belly. It would be difficult to miss at that range.

     "Aaaa...A! Dash it!" Pwinga dramatically cooled down upon realizing that the offender was a friend, “it is you Saka Lyamali, why didn't you take the prostitute somewhere else?"

Dropping the spear, Pwinga started roaring in a friendly laugh while slapping Saka Lyamali’s back in schoolboy congratulations. He even wowed a "sorry, I disturbed you mwana" before walking away, to leave the couple in peace.

      However, Saka Lyamali's next words arrested his attention.

    "Pwinga, Mwana ..."

    "What is it?" Pwinga was baffled. "Just leave my field and take your woman with you." He continued going away from the two lovers, feeling some envy.

     Saka Lyamali's persistent pleading, however, forced him to look back, now at the woman as well. "Don't worry, Saka Lyamali, we are friends," Pwinga was saying still with a coarse laugh like a matting goat. “Just continue even here let me not” 

He squeezed his eyes, dying to identify the woman. Just then a slight breeze lifted the woman's yellow skirt. "There is something familiar about that skirt," a thought nagged at his heart. Looking closely, he understood why. That dazzling pool of Brazilian hair is for….

   "Wha...aat? It is my wife, Matilda!" he could not talk properly now. Anger had claimed his entire personality, it was chopping his words.

   "Maweee....! Sa...ka! Sa..ka! “His eyes were twisted into tiny angry slits and the mouth trembled as he went for the spear again. He aimed the spear at Saka Lyamali's belly, lifted his left leg to gain momentum, and than swung to stab the enemy. Saka Lyamali saw the ugly spear pointed at point-blank range. He knew the end had come...He was dying...Pwinga was going to kill him. Like a police siren, he tore the airwaves with a powerful scream;

    "Maaaaweee!" he wailed with reckless abandon. "Pwinga Mwana! Please I beg you with my life..."

     "Alright, I want 15 herds of cattle now!" Pwinga declared as he relaxed his grip on the spear, but still kept it in a swing position pointing at his belly.

     "No problem Pwinga! No problem Pwinga! I will give you anything you demand, just spare my life." Saka Lyamali’s voice was quaking; he knelt down twisting his head like a trapped fox negotiating with a hungry lion.      

     "That can be arranged," Pwinga said greedily." I need your belt, shoes, and all the money on you as surety."

    "There, take them," Saka Lyamali pointed at his clothes, generously surrendering everything before fleeing towards home. He was wearing only a pair of shorts and a summer vest. He was lucky it was getting dark, visibility was becoming poor.

      To Pwinga, the money was little compensation. After releasing Saka Lyamali, he went to deal with his wife. He was getting angrier with every step he took. His rage could only be assuaged if he could whip her senseless or even kill her for treachery.

      "How does she open her damn legs to commit adultery?" he grumbled to himself, balled his left hand into a fist to signify determination.

        In extreme anger, he gripped the spear dangerously in his right hand. When he reached her, he tightened the grip on the spear taking aim at the belly; yes the stupid belly, which propped Saka Lyamali up, must be ripped open.

 "Stupid!" he shouted at a little shrub that seemed to hinder a clean strike; he needed a clean blow, just one. Like the one he used when killing duikers.

    Angrily, he walked a bit to the left, pushed away more twigs before edging himself into a position near Matilda's left foot. This was the blow must come...the blow to send the adulteress to Hell. He lifted the spear high, aiming a killer blow.

       However, as the arm accelerated to release the spear, his humanity or the perverted portion of it, swung into play forcing him to grunt a pained "Maweee! Ha!" as he quickly halted the swinging arm just in time.

        It was quite unfortunate or fortunate depending on the side of the fence one may be standing; Pwinga again succumbed to the power of vision.

Scanning the belly for a killer blow, his eyes fractionally strayed to the knees, going up further to the thighs. These were well kept, soft and brown; holding a delicious appeal that reminded him of Susan, the dreamy girl in the nightclub.

   Pwinga's jealousy anger quickly crumbled under the overbearing power of a cobra uncoiling with a demeaning urgency. “I didn’t know bina Dina was this beautiful ha!”

        Shamelessly throwing down the spear Pwinga quickly started removing his Bermuda trousers as fast as an Olympic champion. Now naked, he threw himself on top of Matilda, hurriedly stabbing home.

       "Damn it! Can't seem to direct this thing..." he grumbled in desperation. Trying to direct his surging cobra, he panicked too much, and twice it slid out of Matilda's slippery cave. However, the third time he stabbed home with regrettable force, the whole shaft sank to the hilt. Relegating the woman’s feelings to the dustbin and denying the legal implications of banging a woman in a state of comatose, he clumped his tongue between teeth and got down to work.

      "I must hurry," he said to himself. "She may wake up before I finish."

Matilda's orgasm had thrown her into a coma making her completely oblivious to anything happening around. Her dazed eyes threw up a scaring evil slant while she clamped her teeth tight like in a tug of war and unconsciously grabbed Pwinga like a drowning person. Grinding against him like a kalindula dancer, she wriggled her waist and screamed wildly when he exploded inside.

When she opened her eyes, an unbelievable shock assailed her. She found herself in her husband's arms. He was holding her fondly, lovingly leading her home.

Gasping in alarm, Matilda tried to flee but the grip was firm.

“Don’t worry my wife, I love you very much,” she heard him say. Looking into his eyes it was clear he meant every word. Matildah resolved never to misbehave again.


June 05, 2020 19:36

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