Contemporary Fiction Mystery

This story contains themes or mentions of sexual violence.

"Zzzzzzzz..." The mosquito's buzz hummed around her head like an annoying miniature helicopter. She suddenly woke up irked. Reaching out for her phone and after looking at the time, Jael released a profound sigh. It was 7:30 PM, and she hadn't even realized when she fell asleep. Suddenly, the doorbell rang with a buzz. "Ian?" she murmured, striding to the door. Throughout the day, he didn't bother to call or send her a single text. She swung the door open.

"Gigi," She sighed.

"Boo, are you not happy to see me?" Gianna asked, standing firmly at the doorpost, clutching a striking blend of pink and red bouquet and gift bag in her right hand. She donned a pair of faded blue jeans that hugged her curves and a cropped pink jacket above her waist, adding a pop of color to the muted denim with rolled-up sleeves revealing a hint of a delicate silver bracelet on her right wrist. She sported classic black Converse sneakers while a pink cap sat jauntily on her head, its brim shading half of her brow and her hair peeking out from under the cap, giving her a sporty edge. Her whole attire had a playful blend of casual comfort and youthful energy.

Unresponsive, Jael walked away and slumped onto her sumptuous royal blue couch. Gianna stepped in, closing the door behind her.

"Did anyone die, or were you expecting someone else?" she quipped, her tone tinged with dry humor, gently placing the flowers on the cool marble coffee table.

Gianna's voice carried a note of insistence as she repeated her question, her tone more direct this time. She stood beside the coffee table, hands resting lightly on the marble surface, her gaze fixed on Jael with concern and curiosity.

"It must be Ian, right?" she asked again, her words hanging in the air expectantly.

Jael finally lifted her gaze to meet Gianna's steady stare. There was a flicker of hesitation in her eyes, a momentary pause before she replied.

"Yeah," Jael finally admitted quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's Ian."

Gianna nodded slowly, her expression softening with understanding. Blushing off the issue, she handed her the gift wrapped in soft pastel pink paper adorned with delicate gold floral patterns that shimmered under the light. 

"What is this for?" Jael asked, her lips curving into a subtle yet mischievous smile as she gazed at the object in front of her with curiosity and amusement.

"Wow, you forgot again?"

"What did I forget?" Jael asked, looking a bit perplexed and furrowing her brow in confusion.

"Happy 4th friendversary, Boo," said Gianna as she lounged on the mustard armchair, sitting parallel to the royal blue couch while feigning a frown.

Face palmed, Jael walked towards her and clutched her from behind

 "I am so sorry, bestie," she affirmed. It's been a hectic day, forgive me, pretty please."

"Why is my gift?" Giana asked promptly.

 "I will buy you two gifts later. But now let me make your favorite meal."

"Really?" She faced up to glance at Jael.

"Umhh," nodded Jael.

There was a dense silence between them as Jael walked into her open kitchen carrying the flowers. Gianna tilted to look at the intricately patterned curtains that billowed gently in the evening breeze: the fabric, a tapestry of soft blues and whites. Jael set the bouquet down on the counter, the vibrant colors of the flowers in stark contrast to the serene hues of the curtains. Gianna stood and walked towards the casement. Parting the curtains, she shook her head in disbelief, focusing on the disarray that had overtaken the balcony.

"Girl, you are such a mess," Gianna said, sliding off the casement.

"It is my favorite spot hunny." Replied Jael, her whole face buried in the fridge.

Gianna chuckled softly, the sound carrying a mix of exasperation and affection. "You are weird, Boo."

Jael finally emerged from the fridge, a mischievous grin playing on her lips as she held up a container of ice cream. "Want some?" she asked, her voice a blend of teasing and genuine warmth.

Gianna shook her head, but her smile betrayed her. "You're impossible," she murmured, reaching out to ruffle Jael's hair affectionately.

"Jael, there is something that I have been meaning to tell you.

"I don't love the sound of that but I am all ears," she verbalized scooping a spoonful of ice cream.

Gianna took a deep whiz her spoon swirling lazily through the ice cream in a repetitive motion, creating small ripples in its smooth surface.

"I have a baby," she finally uttered.

"What do you mean? Are you pregnant? She asked, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

Gianna shook her head slowly her gaze fixed on the swirling patterns she was creating in the ice cream, "No,” she murmured, her tone carrying a hint of sadness. "I mean, I have a baby... a daughter. Kai."

"You are being ridiculous, Gigi. Everyone knows that you always claim Kai is your daughter. But you and I both know she is Liza's child," Jael asserted with a sense of confidence.

"Jael I need to clarify that, Kai is my biological daughter. She isn't my elder sister's child."

The sudden revelation jolted Jael, stirring unforeseen emotions. She paused, setting down her spoon as the ice cream slipped her mind, her wide eyes fixed on Gianna.

Gianna met Jael's gaze steadily, her features softening with sadness and determination. She took a deep breath, her spoon still idly swirling through the now-melting ice cream. Jael's confidence faltered momentarily, surprise flickering across her face before she quickly composed herself. "But why did you lie to me?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of hurt.

"I wanted to protect Kai," she explained with a tinge of regret in her voice. It's complicated, Jael."

"Protect her from me? Do you think I can hurt my buttercup?"

"No, you don't understand, Boo," Gianna replied softly, her eyes pleading for understanding.

 "Then make me understand, Gigi," she said, walking off the kitchen counter.

Gianna stood still"for a little while", her fingers delicately tracing unseen patterns on the smooth countertop. "Boo, it's not about you hurting me," she began, her voice carrying a quiet strength. "It's about shielding us both from the potential obstacles that could threaten our bond."

"What do you mean Gigi?" inquired Jael cross-legged on the couch.

"Remember the first time we met at the concert?" Gianna started, her voice carrying the excitement of reliving a cherished moment. "I used to brag about my daughter all the time. You never quite believed me, but you were eager to meet her."

Jael chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I remember. You talked about her like she was the brightest star in your universe."

Gianna continued with her narration "Then, a few months later," Gianna began, her voice tinged with nostalgia and hesitation, "I learned that you were dating. You used to talk so fondly of your boyfriend, and that night at the Unicorn Hotel when you introduced me to Ian, I quickly changed my narrative."

She paused, searching Jael's eyes for understanding before continuing.

"I said I was lying about Kai, that she was my niece," Gianna explained, her tone carrying a hint of vulnerability. "And you... you took it so lightly."

Jael listened attentively, her brow furrowing slightly as she processed Gianna's words.

"I remember that night," she responded gently, her voice carrying a hint of nostalgia as she recalled the past events. "I didn't understand why you quivered so much after seeing him; your fear was palpable. What does Ian have to do with all this? Wait, I hope it isn't what I am thinking," said Jael with a genuine sense of curiosity and concern, her mind racing with possibilities.

Gianna's eyes descended to the ground, where she took a moment to collect her thoughts before locking gazes with Jael once more. She could feel the apprehension in Jael's tone, and she understood that she needed to provide her friend with a thorough explanation.

"It's not what you think, Jael," Gianna started slowly, her voice steady but with a touch of sadness. "Ian... he's connected to my past in a way that's hard to explain."

Jael leaned forward slightly, her curiosity piqued. "Connected how?"

Gianna took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. "Ian.... is Kai's dad.

Jael sat back, stunned, her mind racing to comprehend the implications of Gianna's revelation. "What? How? Do you realize the weight of what you are saying?

Gianna sighed, her shoulders tense with the weight of the past. "That night at the hotel when I saw Ian every memory flooded back, do know how hard it was for me to pretend to like the man who turned my life upside down?" Tears welled up in Gianna's eyes as she met Jael's gaze. Jael still seemed perplexed by her confusion.

"That night I know I was tipsy, but I will never forget his filthy face and the smell of his perfumes gives me trauma till today.

"Wait, Gigi, can you be more articulate? You are confusing me."

"Ian assaulted me, he defiled me," she said tears streaming down her face.

"What do you mean? Do you realize the implications of what you're saying? Gigi, I'm walking down the aisle in a few weeks, and you're just telling me this now? Why didn't you tell me before, Gigi? Why?"

"I'm sorry, Boo. You always talked so lovingly about it, and I didn't want to break your heart."

"Break my heart? Well, you've done more than that—you just crushed it," Jael said, tearing up.

"I'm sorry, Jael," Gianna said remorsefully.

"You're sorry?! Sorry isn't enough, Gigi! You've had years to say something, to tell me that my whole life is about to be turned upside down. And now I'm supposed to sympathize with you? I don't think I can ever trust you again."

"Jael forgive me, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"it feels like I don't know you?"

"I didn't... I didn't know what to do," she blurted out. Her eyes were swollen.

A heavy silence settled between them, thick with unspoken emotions. Jael's gaze bore into Gianna's. A mix of disbelief and sorrow was evident in her eyes, which shimmered with unshed tears. Her voice, trembling with hurt and confusion, broke the tense stillness. "What am I supposed to do? Tell me, Gigi," Jael pleaded her tone a blend of longing and anguish. Gianna met her stare, her expression a mask of uncertainty and regret. Words eluded her, caught in the whirlwind of emotions that churned within. Just as she opened her mouth to respond, a sudden knock at the door shattered the fragile tranquility hanging between them.

Jael stood to open the door her mind ringing Ian. Her thoughts raced, caught between the raw emotions swirling inside her and the anticipation of who might be on the other side of the door.

"Kael, what are you doing here so late?" she asked, swinging the door open.

"Hi Jael, can I come in," she bobbed leading the way.

"Hello," he said to Gianna, acknowledging her with a nod as he entered the room.

"It is about my friend Ian he got detained today?" he stated patching on the armchair

"Detained for what?" Jael asked curiously.

"I don't know how to bring this out, but it's for assault."

Jael leaned back and tilted her head up, taking a deep, measured breath before fixing Gianna with a piercing gaze. "Are you behind all this?" she demanded, her tone steely.

Gianna's eyes widened, her voice quivering. "No, of course not!"

Jael's frustration boiled over. "Do you want to kill me? It feels like my life has been a freaking lie!" She clenched her fists, the intensity of her emotions evident in every word.

"You are going to see him tomorrow?" Kael asked innocently.

Jael didn't respond. She stood up abruptly, her face a mask of frustration, and stormed off to her room, slamming the door behind her. Gianna's eyes followed her, the weight of her guilt pressing down on her like a physical burden. Kael, perplexed and sensing the thick tension in the air, threw a glance at Gianna. His eyes were wide with confusion, mirroring the intensity of the moment that hung heavily in the room.

July 24, 2024 08:43

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Jan Holley
18:56 Aug 02, 2024

Hi Maria. I love how you describe some things in vivid detail, like Gianna's appearance, the gift she gives Jael, and the curtains. And there are some great descriptive actions like 'her fingers delicately tracing unseen patterns on the smooth countertop '. I'll be honest, I got a bit confused when Jael says "Do you think I can hurt my buttercup?" And a bit later Gianna says "Boo, it's not about you hurting me." I'd assumed 'buttercup' was Kai, but perhaps I'm misunderstanding something somewhere. What you are writing about is not an eas...


Maria Cal
09:45 Aug 12, 2024

Hi Jan, I am glad you loved my story and thank you for your feed back.


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