
Adri: It was not my fault the alarm went off.

Hannah, Brady, Ben, Jayde, Tainan, Declan, Lily: It was totally Adri’s fault the alarm went off.

Adri: It wasn’t even a big deal, I don’t know why they’re acting like I’m the main cause of this! Hannah gave me the faulty code, and Tainan didn’t even pick the lock correctly! They were in charge of making sure the operation went well!

Declan: Yeah, in Adri’s defense, Lily’s car wouldn’t start. We had no getaway, so we all were gonna get busted regardless.

Jayde: If only Brady had remembered to get the car checked out before we left. He’s so forgetful.

Ben: Alright so it started when we were at school one day. It was the last day, so we decided we wanted to go swimming in a local pond Jayde knew by her house. We agreed, and we decided to meet at the pond by three. It was a lot of fun there, and I would go so far to say that if it weren’t for Declan and his severe issues with his memory, I wouldn’t be telling this story.

Declan: The week before, my cat went missing around my neighborhood. Jayde and I live near each other, so she was located somewhere around there, but I had no idea. I accidentally left the door open when I left for school one morning and my cat got out.

Lily: Anyway, we were going back to Jayde’s house from the pond, where we had an interesting encounter with some people from our school, and I offered to drive everyone back. Declan, Adri, and Jayde decided to walk since I didn’t have enough room in my car.

Brady: We started driving back to Jayde’s house, and I realized that I forgot to get the car checked out the night before, since I had it. It was totally my intention because my sister, Lily, never allowed the car into the shop, and it needed a maintenance check. What I forgot, however, was to get it checked. I noticed something leaking, and I thought that it wasn’t good that the car was doing that, but I had a band practice, and I never skip band practice.

Adri, Declan, Jayde, Ben, Lily, Tainan, Hannah: We never skip band practice.

Brady: I couldn’t get the car checked out, so I just prayed it wouldn’t be too bad for our pond trip the next day. 

Lily: Newsflash: it was awful.

Brady: It kept making awful noises, and I saw oil leaking out of it as we were driving, and it broke down.

Tainan: It broke down in front of an old abandoned house, and I thought we were safe, but we wouldn’t be at this confessional if we were safe, right?

Jayde: So Declan, Adri, and I catch up and they tell us what’s happened to the car. Adri calls Triple A, and the girls sit on the grass a little ways away while the guys look at the car. While we’re talking, this car pulls up next to us with a group of guys that we saw at the pond. Adri’s ready to fight them, because they were mad disrespectful towards us, and they stop their car and roll down their window and shout something at us that we couldn’t quite make out.

Hannah: So we all go closer to them, the guys are looking at the car still, and they yell that we’re bitches, and we all get mad, and start screaming at them. The guys haven’t noticed yet, but Declan and Tainan are huge, and the guys are a bit intimidated by them, so they drive off.

Adri: We saw those guys at the pond. They were catcalling Jayde, Hannah, Lily, and I, and they wouldn’t leave us alone, so we threatened them with Declan and Tainan, and that was that. They didn’t bother us, and we didn’t bother them.

Declan: So while the girls are dealing with their own shit, the guys are busy working on this car next to this so-called “abandoned” house. All of a sudden, I hear the soft meow of Geronimo.

Tainan: Geronimo’s the kitten.

Declan: Right. So I hear this coming from the house, and I turn and look, and sure enough, Geronimo’s caught inside the house and is sitting on the window sill. I yell for the girls to see if they can rescue him before Triple A comes to rescue us, and they come over.

Hannah: We all go up to the window and see Geronimo chilling looking down at us, meowing. Adri and Jayde are the smallest people we have, so we’re trying to see if either one of them can get through the window. It’s when we’re looking for a point of entry that I recognize the house as my grandmother’s old house. I still remember the code for the door, so I call the guys over, who have finished trying to work on the car, and they come over. I explain that I’m going to use the code on the door to let Adri into the house to get Geronimo and Tainan’s in charge of picking the lock if I can’t get in.

Ben: Brady, Lily, and I are in charge of watching out for Triple A while they do this.

Tainan: So Hannah tries the code and it didn’t work, so she tries it again and it doesn’t work. I step forward and try to pick the lock, but it didn’t work either. We’re about ready to give up, when Adri finds an open window next to the one that Geronimo’s lying on now. Declan and I shove it open and Adri slides in.

Adri: I ended up landing right in the middle of a kitchen. There was no one in there, but I could hear soft snoring, so I knew someone was in this house, and they were not going to be happy when they found out that I was also in there. I grab Geronimo, and head back to the kitchen to find my only method of escape closed by the resident. I look to another window, this one has one of the coded locks on it, so I try the code Hannah used on the door and it doesn’t work.

Brady: Back outside, Triple A’s pulling up and is starting to work on the car when we hear this awful alarm go off. I look to the house and I’m praying Adri’s out already and the police won’t be on us. Of course, Adri broke out of a window with Geronimo and tripped the alarm. I see the resident come out of the house and see all of us gawking at her. 

Jayde: This woman starts screaming at us, and we’re just taking it because we did just break into her house for a fucking cat, and then Adri falls to the ground beside her, Geronimo in hand.

Declan: I rush to Geronimo and grab him from Adri. I make sure Adri’s okay too, but my first priority is the cat. The woman starts arguing with me about the cat, saying it’s her’s, not mine, and I’m arguing back now. The police show up because the alarm’s tripped and is there to make sure the woman is okay, not to convict Adri for breaking and entering, but there Adri is, lying on the ground, broken glass around her, bleeding.

Hannah: The police calm the woman down and offer Adri medical attention, and Adri’s taken into custody, as well as us because we’re “accomplices”.

Adri: And that’s how saving a cat got me landed in jail. But it’s still not my fault.

Hannah, Jayde, Lily, Declan, Brady, Ben, Tainan: It’s still Adri’s fault.

May 09, 2020 01:32

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