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Crime Drama Fiction

Murray is watching the shopping channel. An exclusive collection of knives is being sold. It is called, “The Doug Smith Collection”. There are only 15,000 units being sold. Murray goes to his computer and goes through the procedure of ordering one to be delivered to his home.

After one month, a package arrives in the mail. When he opens it, he finds the knife that he ordered in it. He carefully inspects it. He notices that there are digits on the handle. The digits read: “10,045”. He knows that means it is the 10,045th unit produced of only 15,000 total units produced. He rubs his hands in glee!

Murray has a diabolic mind. His favorite movie genre is horror. He derives pleasure in seeing blood. He goes hunting for deer just for the thrill of killing.


One day, he decides that animal killing is not enough to derive full pleasure from. He now has the urge to kill a human being. He must figure out whom he is going to target as his first victim. He decides that it will be the person who withdraws cash from the ATM at the bank closes to him. He will do it at 3:00 a.m., so there is less chance he will get caught for the murder.

Murray demonstrates his deviousness once more. He will use the “Doug Smith Collection” knife to carry out the murder. This way, he can frame someone else for committing murder, and he has tremendous potential to get away with it.


It is now 3:00 a.m. Murray stakes out the ATM of the bank near his house. Fifteen minutes go by. He finally sees someone enter the area of the bank where the ATM is. Murray goes to this area of the bank. He pulls out the knife. He waits until the victim exits the building. Murray attacks the victim and stabs him 3 times. He takes the money out of the victim’s wallet. There is $ 1000 in it. Murray is gratified that he earned $ 1000 for killing someone!

He discreetly gets into his car, with the knife in his pocket, and drives back home. He quietly enters his house. The next thing he does is that he takes a picture of the knife with the blood and number inscription clearly visible in the picture. He then wipes the blood off the blade and wipes the fingerprints off the handle of the knife.


He demonstrates his deviousness again. It is 2 weeks before Halloween. He knows his neighbor carves a pumpkin every year to celebrate this holiday. Murray now does something sinister. He will break into the garage of his neighbor’s house. He will plant the numbered knife in the drawer of the cabinet where his neighbor keeps his knives. This way, the evidence is in his neighbor’s possession. 

Murray doesn’t stop there. He e-mails the picture of the knife with the blood and the number inscription on it to the police. The e-mail cannot be traced back to Murray. In the e-mail message, he tells the police that this was the knife used in the murder. He advises them to go to the house that is located 3 doors down from him, where they will find the knife.

The police authorities do as Murray has instructed them to do. They knock on the door of his neighbor, Fred. They inform Fred that they are investigating a lead of the recent murder that took place at the neighborhood bank. 

The police officer says to Fred: “We have a lead that indicates that you are in possession of the knife in this picture. It was used in the murder.”

Fred replies by saying: “I have never seen that knife before. Please, have a look. You won’t find it here.”

Fred directs him to the knife drawer of the cabinet in the garage. The police officer reaches and grabs the knife that is shown in the picture. He shows it to Fred.

“This is the knife in the picture. The number inscription matches the one on the handle of the knife in the picture.

“Mr. Harp, you are under arrest for the murder of Simon Crow.”

Fred replies by saying: “This is preposterous! There must be some kind of mistake! That is not my knife!”

The police officer resumes speaking by reading Fred his rights: “You have the right to remain silent…”

Fred Harp is arrested, handcuffed, and put in the police cruiser. They drive to the jailhouse to put him in jail.


Murray is watching the news channel. The news anchor explains that the murderer has been arrested and thrown in jail awaiting his sentence.

Murray is ecstatic! His devious plan worked to a “T”.

Another month passes. Murray feels good about himself that he has framed someone else for the murder that he committed.


The day has come for the trial of Fred Harp. He is brought in handcuffs from the jailhouse to the courthouse. The trial has taken place. A verdict has been reached.

The judge reads the jury’s verdict: “Based on the evidence that has been brought forth before the court, we the jury find Fred Harp guilty of the murder of Simon Crow.”

The judge concludes by saying: “I sentence you to 20 years in jail for first degree murder.”

Fred Harp is devastated. He finds himself in the unfortunate situation of being convicted for a murder he didn’t commit. It is a crying shame that he will spend the next 20 years in jail. The question Fred asks himself is: “If I didn’t commit the murder, who did?”

The trial has now ended. Fred remains in handcuffs and is transported back to the jailhouse.


Murray is unaware of what transpired with the neighbor he framed for murder. Therefore, he turns on the television to the news channel. The lead story is about Fred Harp’s trial. Murray listens intently.

“Fred Harp has been convicted of the murder of Simon Crow. The jury in his trial has found him guilty as charged. He has been sentenced to 20 years in jail by the trial judge.”

Murray almost can’t believe it. He can’t believe that he has gotten away with murder. He laughs about the whole situation. He thinks to himself: “Who says ‘crime doesn’t pay’”.

Murray now feels he should reward himself for having a diabolical mind. He heads to the nearest travel agent to book a flight to the Caribbean. For him, life is grand!

October 25, 2022 20:41

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1 comment

Marilyn Filewood
05:57 Nov 03, 2022

Hi Joseph. I was asked by Critique Circle to comment. Wow Murray is pure criminal. Crime paid in this one! Because, usually, the bad person doesn't get a reward, I felt that was an unexpected twist. Poor Fred! I liked the Shopping Channel start, it was a bit intriguing, and made sense when the knife was identifiable by its own number. That was well done.


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