Contemporary Romance Sad

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

The petite hand of a pregnant mother was placed gracefully on her swollen belly as she waddled behind her mischievous twins, Judy and Jeremy. The twins laughed at their mother's struggle to keep up with them, and a victorious smile graced their chubby faces as they witnessed their mother huffing and finally settling down on the recliner to catch her breath.

“What happened Mommy? Aren't you going to scold us today?” Their innocent question brought a chuckle from their tired mother as she ruffled their hair and kissed them feverishly, savouring their sweet scent. “No, I am not going to do that. Instead, I am going to ask your dad not to surprise you today,” she replied cheekily, hugging Judy lovingly. This was followed by a loud celebration as both of them got excited upon hearing their father’s name.

“No Mommy, please don’t do it,” they hugged her and kissed her, compensating for the mischief they had done earlier. Giselle smiled at their gleefulness and nodded, making them sigh in relief.

Houses can be built easily but homes don’t. It takes a family to bring love and turn it into a loving home. Have you ever experienced those moments in life when you're overwhelmed with emotions? Maybe it's a euphoric rush of happiness, a gut-wrenching wave of sadness, or a heartwarming feeling of gratitude. But let's face it, there's one emotion that trumps them all - guilt. It's like a sharp knife that digs into your heart and soul, causing immense pain. And while it's okay to make mistakes, it's downright audacious and selfish to commit sins and feel proud of them without any remorse. People who act this way don't deserve forgiveness and must face the consequences of their actions.

Heavenly winds were blowing, the slow chants of melodious rhythm were exquisite enough to make a person sigh in serenity. The sky was pellucid blue, A misty rain fell down. It was as frail as a Scottish smirr and its misty dew felt like warm butter melting on a face. As it fell, it unlocked the glassy fingers of winter's frosty fist, one by one. Flowers slowly unfurled in the meadows and rippled like coral arms at low tides. The rivers exhaled with a murmurous purr of satisfaction. Midnight drizzling was not less than a blessing to the people. In this very moment, loving Giselle was all ready to welcome her deployed husband after five months. The spring rain was here and it was sinless and glistening as an angel's tears.

How much time was he going to take? Her unsettling beats made her anxious. In that exact moment, the doorbell was heard through the pitter patter of rain. Judy and Jeremy had slept while waiting for their father. Giselle opened the door as fast as she could waddle with her heavy pregnancy. They say when a person gets addicted to sins, he is nowhere near a human being anymore. Callum wrapped his arms around his beautiful wife as she snuggled closer to his chest. In the dark of the night, Giselle and Callum talked about everything that had happened, but Callum withheld some important information. Despite Callum's red eyes, Giselle didn't suspect anything because she was deeply in love. Callum made coffee for both of them, reminiscing about old times.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck, and Giselle felt a sharp pain in her throat that traveled up to her chest, making it difficult to breathe. She tried to stand up, but she fell onto a beanbag by the couch, knocking over the coffee cup. As I analyze the situation, it becomes apparent that Giselle has been through a lot of pain and hardship in her marriage. Despite her husband Callum's unfaithfulness, she persevered and gave her all to her family, putting her children's well-being above her own. She made sure that her home was a welcoming and safe place for her family, even though it meant giving up her career as a teacher. Giselle's devotion to her husband was nothing short of spiritual love, giving everything in the name of love itself. Life can be challenging and merciless, but Giselle's unwavering patience and resilience in the face of adversity are truly admirable. It takes tremendous strength to stay committed to one's home and family in such trying times, and Giselle has exemplified that strength.

As she lay there, her body convulsing with intense pain, she couldn't help but ponder the true value of her marriage. She wondered if the love she had shared with her husband was enough to justify the unbearable anguish she was currently experiencing. Despite the whispers of a spiritual connection and a divine union, she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was being punished for the mistakes of her lover. The cruelty of life seemed to be at its peak, especially for those who seek to live in perfect harmony with the universe.

Her auburn locks fell around her face, obscuring the pain etched there. The poison coursing through her veins was too much to bear.

Callum's eyes remained fixed on her chest as it rose and fell in a labored rhythm. He couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that hung heavily on his heart. With each passing second, the weight of his actions bore down on him harder. He knelt down beside her, his body trembling with the effort of holding himself together. Every inch of him wanted to turn back the clock and undo what he had done, to erase the pain etched on her face. Yet, he knew that it was too late for that.

"Giselle, please forgive me," he whispered. "Kaia made me do it. I fell in love with her. If only you weren't carrying our child, I would have never--" But he knew that his excuses were hollow. He had betrayed the woman he loved, and now he was consumed by guilt. "I cannot accept your excuses. You have betrayed me, and you need to take responsibility for your actions. It doesn't matter if Kaia influenced you to do it. You chose to cheat on me, and that is your fault alone. Additionally, do not try to blame our child for your mistakes." Giselle wished she could express her feelings out loud.

The last moments of Giselle's life were filled with unimaginable agony and despair. As she looked up at him, her heart struggling to beat, she could barely find the strength to ask him the question that had been gnawing at her. Her question was simple but powerful, "How could you--?" These final words would forever echo in his mind, a reminder of the pain and betrayal that he had caused.

February 21, 2024 20:45

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Paige Leppanen
03:46 Feb 25, 2024

Wow, great use of imagery


Salkah Hashmi
14:56 Feb 25, 2024

That's the best compliment any writer could receive. I appreciate it


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