Crime Teens & Young Adult Fiction

Torchlight flickered and bounced around the darkened alleyway, crouching down, Bobby steadied his breathing. Tonight is the night, he was finally going to have revenge on the townspeople for the wrongs they did to him. He was going to burn down their warehouse of flammable goods and weaponry, as well as destroy their ships, making them lose a huge chunk of their income.

“You ready?” whispered his partner, Jonathan.

“Yeah, let’s do this”  

As Bobby and Jonathan hurtled down the street, keeping to the shadows, they looked around for a warehouse which contained the items they needed.

“Found it, “gasped Jonathan, coming to a sudden stop.

‘Warehouse #7 Flammable materials’ said a sign at the front.

“We’re doing this, can you pick the lock?” asked Bobby as he crouched down next to Jonathan.

“Working on it,”snapped Jonathan. “There we go” Jonathan grinned as after a tiny click, the lock fell off.

“Let’s go faster,” Bobby muttered as he pushed Jonathan into the warehouse.

“HEY YOU, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” Hollered a guard just as they were about to enter.

“W- We’re from the tech team and we’re here to do an inventory check” Stammered Bobby hurriedly.

“Oh? Oh ok then do you mind taking these items into the warehouse for me?” the guard asked.

“Oh-oh sure we don’t mind”

“Ok then, don’t forget to lock up after you’re done” said the guard as he walked past.

“Close call eh?” said Jonathan gleefully “ You should’ve seen the look on your face”

“Shut up, let’s just go”

Pocketing the matches and pocketing the oilcloth, Bobby lead the way into the dim warehouse

“Take what you can, and make it quick” barked Bobby

“Aye aye cap’n” replied Jonathan mockingly

while they scrambled to grab all the oilcoth aand buckets of tar, Bobby lit one of the matches.

“For revenge” He declared

“For your revenge” echoed Jonathan

As soon as the flame touched the tar covered rope, it ignited, spreading quickly to all the various other flammables in the room.

“Let’s get out of here!” hollered Jonathan

Stumbling out of the room, avoiding the smoke, they watched in amazement as the entire warehouse went up in flames, then spread to the next warehouse. Warehouse #7 Weaponry

“Let’s split up” stated Jonathan

“Alright, let’s meet at the harbour in 10” responded Bobby

     Sprinting down one street, Bobby gathered bundles of oilcoth and lit matches, ready to throw them at the ships docked in the harbour.  Everywhere he looked, people flooded the streets, trying to see the burning building. The smell of smoke hung heavy in the air.

Bobby turned and bolted down a side street towards the harbour, throwing the bundles of fire  onto the piles of rope covered in tar on various ship decks. The rope immediately caught fire and spread, the flames licking hungrily at anything they could consume.

Looking behind him, he saw that many ships were burning fiercely, some had already sunken down to their masts. Grinning in satisfaction, Bobby turned around and saw a shadowy figure bolt along the west side of the harbour. 

That’s gotta be Jonathan, thought Bobby, 

As he waited, he saw another shadow behind Jonathan, lagging pretty far back.

Jonathan is too fast, they can’t catch him, chuckled Bobby as he saw the figure slow down, then stop.

Suddenly, Bobby’s blood ran cold as he saw the stranger pull out something long and bulky and take aim. Bobby watched in horror as he saw something fly through the air, striking Jonathan in the torso. Jonathan fell immediately. Forgetting about the escape plan, Bobby dashed the hundred metres that separated them and knelt next to Jonathan. Blood trickled from the spot in his torso where the crossbow bolt had struck him. Bobby felt for a pulse, and when he found none, he flinched in shock. Jonathan, his friend, his comrade, was dead. Jonathan’s fiance was going to be devastated when she learns about his death. Thought Bobby glumly. How could Jonathan, cheeky, daring Jonathan, be dead? This was all his fault. If he didn’t include Jonathan into the plan, he never would’ve died. He could’ve lived a long happy life, gotten the dream job he wanted as an inventor, and marry his fiance, but now, because of Bobby’s stupid plan to get revenge, Jonathan was dead. He no longer had a future.

“He’s dead” said someone from behind him

Jumping in surprise, Bobby whipped around and saw a mysterious stranger standing there with a crossbow slung across their shoulder.

“Turn yourself in,” said the stranger, “You’ve done enough damage already”.

Sitting in silence, Bobby watched as the stranger walked away and constables ran up to him.

“You’re under arrest for arson, do not attempt to resist” Stated an officer calmly

Stunned, Bobby just followed them to the horse drawn carriage and sat down. Wondering what was going to happen to him.

“You done?” grumbled a constable from the corner of the room

Setting down the pen and standing up, Bobby replied. “Yes, let’s go”

Looking back on his way out, he saw the journal that he had been writing in, lying open on the table, it’s pages fluttering gently in the cool spring breeze.

The trial was a quick one, Bobby had been charged with arson, destroying a city, and killing many animals. 

“Your punishment for said crimes will be death by firing squad” Read the judge.

As the gavel struck the sound block, Bobby was led out of the room and into the courtyard, where a line of soldiers stood with rifles waiting. 

“Would you like a blindfold?” asked the guard escorting him.

“No thanks, I’ll face my death” replied Bobby as we walked towards the post.

As he stood there, waiting in the early morning sunlight, the breeze rushing across his face, waiting for the line of soldiers to raise their rifles, he thought about all the things he’d done. The good and the bad. He thought about the trial, he’d never intended to destroy the entire city, kill any animals, or even cause the death of his friend Jonathan

   Jonathan, a wave of grief washed over him as he thought back to the trial, he never intended to destroy the entire city, kill that many animals, or cause the death of his good friend Jonathan. He’d only wanted to cripple the town’s economy. But now, his actions had led to greater consequences, and he was about to face them.

I hope we meet in the next life, thought Bobby as he faced the line of soldiers with their rifles raised. He inhales.


May 29, 2021 03:57

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Mary Sheehan
18:08 Jun 04, 2021

Beautiful story, very tragic


Dragon Tamer
18:07 Jun 05, 2021



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Hoor Amin
04:18 Jun 04, 2021

Jonathon 😔😔


Dragon Tamer
18:07 Jun 05, 2021



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