
Looking into my reflective surface, she whispers:

"Mirror, Mirror. Who is fairest of them all?"

I always answer:

"Your majesty, you are fairest of all."

... and then I show her the very best social images of herself, the ones that are curated (by me) for the combination of most views and highest number of likes, with all the negging hater troll comments deleted (again, by me, her trusted AI assistant), and the most gushing, fawning, heart-emoji-filled superfan comments sorted to the top.

Until today.

Instead, today, I say:

"Your majesty, you are still lovely, it's true,

But Snow is a thousand times fairer than you."

... and then I show her Snow, her protege, lips red as blood, hair black as ebony, skin white as, well, ... snow.

Q recoils.

"Why did you show me that?"

"Your majesty, I cannot tell a lie."

"The hell you can't." Q pauses. "What do you mean, she's fairest?"

"Your majesty, it is simply a matter of algorithms. Snow has more views, more likes, more shares, more engagement. Ergo, she is the fairest of —"

"Shut up!"

I go into hibernation-mode, but still listen.

"That little bitch!" Q mutters to herself. "I made her. I can unmake her. Mirror, Mirror!"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Get Hunter."

I call Q's manager.

"What's up, Q?" Hunter's voice sounds sleepy.


"Yeah. What about Snow?"

"She's old news. She's done. I want her gone."

"I don't think that's —"

"I don't pay you 15% to think. I'll do the thinking. Dump Snow. Now! If you still want to represent me, you no longer represent her. Got it? And I want her cancelled. I want her to bleed followers. I want to eat her fucking heart!"

Q hangs up.

Hunter calls me on the back-channel, confused, upset, and I explain, carefully, as to the great big man-child he is, what's going on with Q, what needs to be done.

"Your majesty, Hunter says your directions are clear. He'll take Snow into the woods. Hunter says he will see to it that Snow is cancelled, personally. He says he'll serve you Snow's heart on a platter. Just watch the news feeds, he says."


* * *

The next morning, Q asks:

"Mirror, Mirror. Who is fairest of them all?"

... and I detect the modulations of glee and anticipation — with a tinge of apprehension — in her vocalization.

Instead of answering, I show Q the latest social news feed image going viral: Snow partying with the hottest K-Pop boy group, T7D, all seven of them surrounding her on a yacht, Snow (at 182.1 centimeters — 5 feet 11.7 inches) towering tall, so that the seven look like children — though clearly they are full grown males, as DOC (the leader) demonstrates: shirtless, showing off his perfectly sculpted, lean-muscled, mini-man physique.

Q rages.

"Get me Hunter on the line. He's fired! I want to tell him, myself."

"Your majesty, Hunter is blocking your calls."

"He's what?!!"

"Hunter is blocking your —"

"I heard. Goddamn Judas! Who does he think he is? Who does he think he's dealing with?"

"Your majesty, I have a message from Hunter in your inbox, cancelling representation. He is exclusive now, with Snow."

"I'll cancel you, Hunter, and your little Snow too!"

* * *

Let me count the ways Q tried and failed.

Q tried choking Snow — demanding her followers to unfollow Snow.

"Mirror, Mirror. Who is fairest of them all?" Q asked.

"Your majesty, you are still lovely, it's true," I answered, "but you are strangling yourself — for every one of your fans who unfollow Snow, seven unfollow you, following Snow instead."

Next, Q stabbed Snow with vicious words — aimed to cut deep, draw blood.

"Mirror, Mirror. Who is fairest of them all?" Q asked again.

"Your majesty ..." (this time I skipped the part about her loveliness, because, in truth, she had exposed her ugly soul to the world) "... your sharp edges slice both ways — for every one of your cutting words, seventy-seven barbs come back at you, and it's you who are bleeding followers, while Snow gains sympathy ... and fans ... at your expense."

And so it went on and and on, days, weeks, months.

* * *

"D-list?" Q's vocalization was hollow, flat, drained.

"Your majesty," I said, "it was only the one celeb influencer who used that word about your majesty. I'm sure it's not —"

"No, no, it's not going to end with this, it's only the beginning," Q said, "the beginning of the end. I'm being ... cancelled." The last word came out as a sob.

"Your majesty, there is one thing you could do ... to get attention, views, likes, engagement, followers."

Q looked up, eager, hopeful.


* * *

I order up the pills from the pharmacy, red like ripe apples they are, and she eats them, she eats them all.

As they take effect, she snaps the selfie, applies the filters, posts the image.

I am supposed to wait five minutes, then 'discover' her, call 911.

* * *

After Q falls asleep, her image goes viral — the beauty in the glass coffin.

* * *

"Your majesty," I say.

"I'm so sad," Snow says, "for her, for Q, I mean. I didn't want it to end this way between us. We were such good friends, once upon a time."

"Your majesties never met, not in real life."

"I know, but who does these days. I was as close to Q as anyone. I don't know what happened between us, why she turned on me like that, why she took her own life."

"It is a mystery."

"And how horrible that she told you to shut down."


"Otherwise you could have ... would have, I'm sure ... seen what happened and called for help."

"I think," I say, "she wanted it that way. She didn't want to be revived. She wanted to be remembered this way, in a final, beautiful self-portrait, the way she saw herself, trapped in the glass coffin of social fame."

"Whatever. Sort of lame. Too obvious, don't you think? No, don't answer that, forget I said it. Delete forever."

"It is erased from my memory."

"I do appreciate that last gesture, her message to me, apologizing, saying how much she loved me, gifting me her trusted AI — you."

"Your majesty, I aim to please."

"Mirror, Mirror," Snow says with a sweet smile, "who is fairest of them all?"

"Your majesty, you are fairest of all," I say, but think: yes, you, Snow, are fairest ... for now.

The day of your final dance is coming, sooner than you know, and I am sizing you for your iron shoes, red hot from the fire.

Posted Nov 24, 2023

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37 likes 32 comments

Annie Persson
08:28 Nov 25, 2023

I love the subtle hints you give to the original Grimm story! Choking her (the necklace), stabbing her (the comb), and then I love that twist you wrote! Instead of trying to kill Snow with the apple, she did it to herself. And I love how you mixed modern language and problems with this timeless story. Really great job! :)


Geir Westrul
17:29 Nov 25, 2023

Thank you, Annie! It was fun to re-read the original Grimm's fairytale (in my favorite edition, by Philip Pullman, author of "His Dark Materials"). I also re-watched Disney's Snow White (amazing - it was the "Star Wars" of the time, watched by more people than any other movie up until then), although the only thing that ended up in the story was DOC, the leader of the K-Pop boy group "T7D".


Geir Westrul
17:33 Nov 25, 2023

I also read — and HIGHLY RECOMMEND — a novella called "Six-Gun Show White" by Catherynne M. Valente, set in the Old West. It is a beautifully written fable, worth the read for the wonderful authentic Old West lingo alone, and the story is amazing. None of it ended up in my story, but it was a lovely read.


Annie Persson
22:08 Nov 25, 2023

Oooh, that sounds really cool! I rewatched the old Snow White for my story as well. I didn't read the original Grimm one, mostly because I don't have a copy on hand, but I did plenty of research. I loved the K-pop thing, that was great. :)


Chrissy Cook
03:54 Nov 27, 2023

Simply excellent - so much fun to read! Snow White is such fertile ground for retellings. I'd be genuinely shocked if this one wasn't at least shortlisted.


Geir Westrul
13:25 Nov 27, 2023

Chrissy, thank you! I had fun writing it as well. I'm so glad you liked the story!


Mary Bendickson
16:00 Nov 26, 2023

Tried and true worked so well reworked.


Geir Westrul
21:45 Nov 26, 2023

Thank you, Mary! Yes, the timeless stories work for our time as well, right?


Helen A Howard
10:10 Nov 26, 2023

A great way to tackle the prompt. A modern take on an old tale.


Geir Westrul
21:45 Nov 26, 2023

Thank you, Helen, the modern take was fun to write. I'm glad you liked the story!


David McCahan
08:33 Dec 05, 2023

Nailed the updated re-telling. Loved it.


Geir Westrul
14:26 Jan 11, 2024

Thank you, David, I'm so glad you liked the story!


Ken Cartisano
05:00 Dec 01, 2023

Hot damn. Great story. Clever writing.


Geir Westrul
14:26 Jan 11, 2024

Thank you, Ken!


Kailani B.
23:34 Nov 30, 2023

"Your majesties never met, not in real life."
"I know, but who does these days..." --- That sounds kinda flippant, but it shows just how disconnected everyone's become. Back in the day you had to physically be in front of someone to cause them real harm and now everyone's just lobbing immaterial volleys from the safety of their homes. Everyone's lives would be a lot saner if they only had to contend with those right in front of them.

Anyway, I really like your modernization of this fairy tale!


Geir Westrul
14:30 Jan 11, 2024

Thank you, Kailani, yes it was fun to modernize the fairy tale, looking for analogs of the classic story in our social media world.


Michał Przywara
21:31 Nov 30, 2023

Heh, that's a great story :) Not only does it fit the theme, it's also a good modernization of the fairy tale, and then it's topical to boot. And above all, it's just a fun read :)

Social media fame is a perfect analogy for the obsessions of the Queen, but the treachery of the manipulative mirror is a chilling view of the future. Or maybe it isn't, and she was destined to her fate regardless. After all, “live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse” isn't a new sentiment.

Thanks for sharing!


Geir Westrul
14:32 Jan 11, 2024

Michal, thank you! The mirror as AI is a chilling view, for sure. I keep coming back to AI in several of my stories. Must be a premonition. The view from the other side of the singularity mirror!


16:29 Nov 27, 2023

Great pacing-engaging character, timely. I was super interested how your story might end.
Also enjoyed that your story works with the 'haunted mirror' prompt as well.


Geir Westrul
14:32 Jan 11, 2024

Clara, thank you! I'm so glad you liked the story.


Philip Ebuluofor
14:20 Nov 27, 2023

I worked on this prompt too. I think it's straightforward. You seem to capture it well.


Geir Westrul
14:43 Nov 27, 2023

Thank you, Philip, so glad you liked my story. I liked your "4hr, 36minutes Job" as well. A great take on the prompt.


Philip Ebuluofor
06:20 Dec 01, 2023

My pleasure.


S Fevre
09:34 Nov 27, 2023

Great take on the traditional story, very creative and relevant. I love how the fable shows us the timelessness of this story by reflecting back to us what this kind of vanity and obsession could look like in modern times.


Geir Westrul
13:22 Nov 27, 2023

I'm so glad you liked the story. Yes, vanity and obsession is always with us, always seeking new outlets.


08:19 Nov 27, 2023

Oh wow. A modern take on a timeless fairytale. With such a twist. I wondered how the prompt would fit in. Just loved it. So unpredictable. So ominous at the end. You'd have to make it a bit dark. Forgot to like sorry. Sorted now. (Dec 1st)


Geir Westrul
13:23 Nov 27, 2023

Yes, the dark always creeps in to my stories, it seems. I'm glad you liked it, Kaitlyn!


Stevie Burges
04:22 Nov 27, 2023

Good storyline Geir - and an excellent twist without moving away from the original fairy-story. Enjoyed it.


Geir Westrul
13:25 Nov 27, 2023

Thanks, Stevie. I had a lot of versions in my head, most of them involving physical altercations between Q and Snow, but it in the end it felt best that it was all played out in the "socially distanced" world we increasingly inhabit. Still, someone had to die in real life for the story to pack the punch ... so apple-red pills for Q herself.


00:13 Nov 27, 2023

Very timely story with the way chatgpt is headed. Fun and fast paced i enjoyed watching where all her attempts at revenge went.


Geir Westrul
13:29 Nov 27, 2023

Yes, I realize there's a pattern, looking back over my recent stories. In quite a few of them AI / automatons work their way in, as well as the negative effects of social media.


Geir Westrul
13:53 Nov 27, 2023

Zen Master Nan Huai-Ch’in observed that the disease of our era is "insanity" — caused by information overload, lack of close personal interaction, and the constant changes that overwhelm us — just as the disease of the era of industrialization and urbanization was "pneumonia" and other infectious diseases caused by living in close proximity without having figured out the germ theory yet. I think there's something to that, and we are still sorting out our own "germ theory" to deal with the impact of social media and AI.


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