The mystery of the antiques

Submitted into Contest #37 in response to: Write a story that starts with the reveal of a long-kept secret.... view prompt



On one day Scarlett Buffalo lays down on her bed as she watches the news reporter say.

Several antiques have just been stolen from the national history museum witnesses claim that 32 year old Scarlett Buffalo was the woman who caused this great catastrophe only time will tell next up these 24-karat gold encrusted earrings are the nutren for girls everywhere first Scarlet thought to herself wow I'm going to get one of those but then Scarlett

turns off the TV and walks into the kitchen where her husband is cooking dinner

As she is walking in she thinks to herself this is ridiculous I tried so hard to cover that up how did people find out what can I do I can't go to jail because abandoned my child but if I don't go to jail my child well so either way I will be without my daughter and I don't know what to do.

did you hear on the news I can't believe it after all these years I may get caught what do I do? Well you can start by helping me cook dinner not funny just a thought I mean you never do anything around here is that what you think I steal all this stuff for you and our daughter our familyyou do this for our family it could get you arrested and who knows what that will do to our daughter if you really want to help our family out turn yourself in

ames it is not the right time to tell her I know I'm going to have to sooner or later but now is not the time if I tell her I'm going to lose the only daughter I have. Yes I understand that but if you don't fix up your mistake and tell her the cops would come after you and it's not going to be pretty yes I know that but she's not old enough to know the truth she is 13 no offense but I am pretty sure that is old enough I am the one who committed the crime I should be faced with the decisions don't tell me what to do honey wait a minute I know this is hard for you but it's going to be even more hard on you if she goes to jail for a crime you committed I will give you a few hours to think about it but if you don't tell her I will tell the cops she is your daughter she deserves to know ames slammed the door on his way out

 Scarlett's daughter c sat down at the dinner table when she heard a loud siren from outside she panicked ran as fast as she could and then looked out the nearest window there were six cops out of the six cops none of them looked happy she wondered to herself what they were here for she also wondered why none of the people in her family were criminals at least what she thought was true so she continued running until I got to the door and stepped out then I told the officers that we are good family and I don't know why you are here then a officer pulled out a wanted poster I couldn't believe it I told the officer I have to have been framed

Of coursethe cops didn't believe a word she said in fact one of the cop said we do not appreciate lying around here and if you lie one more time your sentence could be extended of course she didn't want that so she decided just to let it go and hope that some miracle was going to happen and what a miracle it was although it was a sad miracle to

Just as she was getting in the car her mom came out of the door and said stop you should be taking me not her I am the criminal I am the one who stole those antiques I photoshopped my daughter's picture onto the photo she doesn't deserve to go to jail

honey I know this is a lot to take him go with your dad okay

I'm sorry to inform you this but you're under arrest for stealing a million dollars worth of antiques you will be coming with us and until wheel decide how long are sentence is let's just say you will be in jail for a very long time you may say goodbye to your children.

Goodbye darling


After her mom drove away she started writing in a journal of all the experiences she had during this time and what happened after as she was writing her last page she thought it would be a good idea to read it aloud

Yeah that's a crazy story I know but through it all my Dad tried to comfort me and he said

It's for the best honey dad says as the cops are arresting her mother

After that me and my dad sat down to eat dinner I asked him of few questions about Mom I felt like I didn't know her anymore. I felt like everything was going to change but then again he comforted me and told me everything was going to be alright after that I had fun times with my dad I grew up not having a mom yes but I did grow up having a dad the best dad ever I eventually did end up going to school and making friends it was pretty much I have fully ever after for all of us my dad ended up pursuing his dream as an engineer a few years after Mom went away and I finally got the friends I wanted I thought it was all back to normal then I got a call back from Mom from the police station saying that she wanted me to break her out I can't believe after all this time she was still thinking about committing crimes of course I told her no but I was sad and disappointed at her decision anyways life lived on I met a handsome young man who quickly became my fiance and then my husband we had kids together and we all laughed this is the story of how 1 secret change my life.

April 14, 2020 15:44

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