Fiction Sad Romance

“Honey are you ready?” Daniel asked his wife. “Coming in a minute.” Mary responded. They were going on a date for their 5th anniversary as a girlfriend and boyfriend. Daniel was a surgeon, and his girlfriend was a doctor. “C’mon lets go.” Mary said. They both got in the car and headed towards their dinner restaurant. They were going to a fancy French diner because they both loved French food. They were listening to music and having a great time. Daniel had thought to propose to her today.

When they arrived at the restaurant Daniel secretly talked to the manager. “It’s our 5th anniversary and I want to propose to my girlfriend. Can you please put this ring in her drink?” He handed the manager his proposal ring. “Sure sir, have a great anniversary.” Daniel headed back to the table where his wife was. “Why were you talking to him?” Mary asked Daniel. “I was seeing if I could get any discounts because of our anniversary.” Daniel responded. “You don’t want to spend that much money do you” Mary said laughing. “I want to spend the least amount of money possible.” Daniel corrected. They had a great time at the restaurant and had delicious food. As Mary ordered her last drink, the waiter came up to Daniel and said, “This is the drink.” As Mary was drinking from the glass, she felt something touch her mouth. She grabbed the thing that touched her and asked Daniel, “What is this?”. “Let me see.” Daniel said and then got into a proposing pose. “Mary would you Mary me?” Daniel asked her. Freaking out she said, “Oh my god. Yes! Yes! Yes!”. And she took the ring and put it on. The whole restaurant cheered for them. And when they got their bill, the bill said everything was free. “Wait what is this, there must be a mistake here.” Daniel said to the manager. “There is no mistake. We want you both to have a great anniversary.”

When they were returning home Daniel was a little drunk but was stable enough to drive. They both were having a great time in the car going back. “I can’t believe you proposed to me.” Mary said. “Well happy anniversary.” Daniel responded back not paying attention to the road. They both were talking and then a truck came in front of them. “Watch out!” Mary shouted to Daniel. Daniel swerved away from the truck and the car fell into a big pit.

They both were unconscious. The guy in the truck called the ambulance. They both were rushed to the hospital. If they were alive was a question but both of them dying was better, then only one being alive. They couldn’t live without each other. Then Daniel woke up. The doctors rushed to him to check on him. He was dizzy for some time but then he regained his strength to ask the doctors, “How is Mary?”. The doctors responded, “She hasn’t woken up yet, but she is barely alive. We all are praying for her.” Daniel got scared trying to think what life would be without her. He waited for an hour. Then doctors came into his room. “We have some bad news sir. She wasn’t able to make it.” The doctors said to him. Then Daniel went into a rage state. Trying to get out of the bed. He was in tears. The doctors Heald him down and put him to sleep.

He woke up in the morning. He couldn’t speak. He saw doctors around him. He was calmed down now. The doctors came to check on him. They released him the following afternoon. He went back to his house. It felt empty without Mary. He remembered how she would make him laugh. He remembered how she would make him spend so much money and how he would laugh about it. He remembered when she was there to cheer him up after he came from work. He remembered when she was here. He took off work for the next few days. He feared failing surgery because of being depressed. He lived like a poor man. He rarely went outside. He stayed home, ate whatever was easiest to make. And slept on the couch.

One night he finally decided to go outside. It had been two weeks since he had gone out of his house. But he finally went out. He went to his job, and it didn’t go that badly. He saved a person’s wife. He wanted to quit in the middle, but he kept pushing and it actually made him feel happier after saving the person’s life. Then he decided to eat outside that day. He regretted doing that. When he was eating outside, he saw a couple. And the boy proposed to the girl. He immediately got jealous and almost threw a fit. He went outside and drove home. Sad, depressed. Then his car broke down in the middle of the rode. He went and called a tow company to fix the car.

 He had to walk the rest of the way home. As he was walking home, he got stopped by a group of people. “Give me all your money.” Said one of the people pointing a gun at him. All the people in the group were pointing their gun at him. He knew he couldn’t fight or run. Not in his state right now. As he was reaching for his pocket to get his wallet, he saw person walk towards him. Then the group look towards the other person who was approaching them. “Look, we got caught two fish. Hey, dude I don’t want to make things hard. So just give me all your money.” Said one of the people in the group. The mysterious person approaching them was wearing a hoodie over his face. You tell it was a boy by his big arms and body. When the gang pointed a gun at him, the man didn’t panic. Nor did he reach for his pocket to give them his wallet. He just stood there. As one of the gangsters was about to pull the trigger of his gun. The man grabbed the guy’s arm and crushed it into dust. The others started shooting at the man, but he somehow took care of all of them. Daniel just stood there in wonder, amazement, and terror.

Daniel tried to tell the man thank you but struggled. “Thank you.” He managed to say. “No need to say that.” The man responded in a deep voice. “How did you do that?” Daniel asked. “I have my ways.” The man responded.

“What’s your name?” Daniel questioned. “I’m The Devil.” The man responded. Daniel laughed. “What, you don’t believe me?” The man said amusingly. “I’ll prove it.” Then the man started to transform. His faced turned into a wretched mess. His arm grew more muscular. His legs got longer. He stood at 10 ft tall. Wings came out of his back. He looked ugly and like a wretched swamp. Daniel fell to the ground in shock. “Wha- wha. What are you?” Daniel shouted in terror. “I told you, I’m The Devil.” Said The Devil. “Now actually I take my words back, I want something in return for helping you. And if you do, you’ll get something in return.” The Devil said. “What do you want?” Daniel asked. “Well I’m gonna send you back in time with a magical object. I’m going to send you to the time before the crash. You’re going to be in the car with your lost wife and You’re going to go behind the restaurant and find a small bottle with a note in it. Don’t open the bottle and then go back to your hotel and go to your closet and then you’ll be transferred back to real time.” Explained The Devil. “What’s in it for me?” asked David. “You’ll have your wife back. And if you don’t go back in time. I’ll make sure you will not see the sunshine. And don’t ask any question.” Persuaded The Devil. “When do I have to do it.” Asked David interested in the deal. “That’s a question. But I’ll let it slide. You will go tomorrow morning. Meet me right here.” Responded The Devil.

David woke up got into his clothes and went to the alley where he met The Devil. He waited there. He waited there for an hour. Wondering if last night was just a dream. If it was. The dream felt too real. After a while he started feeling it really was just a dream. Then he saw a man approach. Like the one last night. He said, “you up for the deal?”. “Yes” David responded. Then the man took him to an isolated place and explained him how to do everything.  “Lastly, this is the device you’re going to use to go back in time. You’ll be at the time where you were telling the boss chef about your anniversary. After you’re done eating, you’ll go to the back of the restaurant and get the bottle. Hide it from everyone. I’ll get rid of any who threats the mission.” The Devil told Daniel.

Daniel went back in time with the device. When he went back. It felt like he got crushed when he entered his body. There he was, he was talking to the chef again. He went on to do what he did that day. The made all the mistakes that day he fixed. It felt like he got a second chance. He relived the moment. And it was more amazing then before. After the proposal he told Mary, “I’ll be right back, I’m going to the bathroom.” He went out to the back where The Devil told him to. He went there and saw two monsters blocking the path. How was he supposed to get past them. Then he felt something in his pockets. There was a letter that said, “Remember how I said I’ll get rid of any problems, so I gave you some powers and you should be able to knock them out with a punch.”. David read the message and approached both monsters. They started to attack him, but he dodged all of their attacks. Then he attacked them and he knocked out both of them. “That’s cool.” Daniel said to himself. Then he saw the bottle. It was glowing yellow. He picked it up. He wanted to open it. Then he remembered what The Devil said. He hid it in his coat and went back in the restaurant. “What took you so long?” Mary asked Daniel. “I think I ate little too much.” Daniel tried to cover up. They both started driving back home. Daniel watched out for the truck this time. When the truck came, he watched out for it and made it through. He felt glad that he and his wife survived. They arrived safely at his house. Then went to his closet.

Daniel was back at real time now. He woke up in his bed with his wife next to him. “Good morning honey.” His wife said to him. “Good morning to you too.” Daniel said to his wife back. He was so happy. He went to the alley where he met the devil. “Well, someone looks happy.” The Devil said approaching Daniel. “Thank you so much!” Daniel thanked him. “Well, you’re welcome, and did you get the bottle?” The Devil asked lowering his voice. “Yeah, here it is.” Daniel said, giving it to The Devil. The jar was still shining. “Why do you need it anyway?” Daniel questioned. “I said no questions asked, didn’t I?” The Devil said threateningly. “Okay my bad.” Daniel said, backing away. Daniel went on having a great day. He had his wife back and enjoyed so much with her.

The next day Daniel turned on the news. “Breaking news! In Antarctica a giant hole appeared and is eating everything in its path. According to scientists a video was sent of what started the catastrophe.” The video showed a Red winged creature like The Devil, holding a shiny piece of paper. “No way.” Daniel said. His thoughts were racing. Did I do this? How could this happen? Why would the person who brought back my wife do this? How can I fix this? He was thinking then realized. There was one way to end this. He noticed he still had the time machine. He knew if he went back in time and let things be the way they were supposed to be, things would be normal. He went to his wife and gave her the best day of her life.  

The next day he woke up early. His wife wasn’t awake yet. He took his time machine and turned it back to the day he proposed. May be this time he will accept her choice and do things in a better way. This time he will make sure he destroys the bottle. He took the time machine and clicked the button…

September 23, 2023 00:28

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Hope Linter
01:25 Sep 29, 2023

Intriguing story. Daniel was fortunate he could re-undo his actions. Nice narrative twist at the end.


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Johnny Henderson
03:58 Sep 28, 2023

Great story 😊


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