Simply Simple

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt

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In one hour, I will be proposing to the love of my life. We've been together for eleven years in counting. We've been talking about our future together since we started dating. She and I were young and in love, I was terrified it wasn't going to last. The thought of her leaving me like every single one of my girlfriends had before loomed over my head. She stuck by my side through thick and thin, and eventually, the thought of her leaving disappeared. I never knew someone could love another so much. Emily, though, she's one of a kind. She's smart, kind, loving, she has a fantastic sense of humor. She's sarcastic, beautiful, and crazy in all the right ways. Most importantly, she loves me as much as I love her, that is something I'd never had before her. Finally, after eleven years of loving her, I'm going to get down on one knee and say the three words I've been wanting to say for a very long time.

"Hey, Baby, you ready to go?" I look at Emily, smiling ear-to-ear.

"You better believe I am!" She's so excited, she's jumping up and down. Little does she know we're not actually going to go see the movie she's been wanting to see for ages. If all goes well we're going to see the film tomorrow.

"Okay, go get in the car, I'm driving," I smirk at her, she gives me a wink and walks out the door. I check my hair in the mirror, pat my pocket to see if I have the ring. I do, so I walk out of the house, locking the door behind me. I hop into the driverside, look at my girl, smile, and start the car. I drive to her favorite gyro restaurant, jump out of the car, grab the food, hop back into the car, and drive off. Emily Looks at me confused, she raises her eyebrow. Damn, she knows I'm a sucker for that face.

"I thought we were going to the movies, why did you just pick up gyros?" She's starting to get suspicious, I've gotta think fast.

"I thought we could get a late dinner before the movie, is that okay with you, Baby?"

"Yeah sure, do you want to eat in the car, you know gyros can get smelly?"

"No, it's alright, we can eat them when we get there," I smile at her again and start to drive. I take a left instead of a right, but Em doesn't notice that I went the wrong way. She's never been one for a confrontation, which I suppose is a benefit in my case. She's playing a game on her phone, so she isn't paying attention to where we are. I pull up to the beach, put the car in park, and turn off the engine.

"Peanut, we're here," I look at my baby and smile.

"Huh?" She looks up from her phone and looks around. "What do you mean we're here? We're at the beach Bubba," She's super confused at this point.

"So, uh, we aren't actually going to the movies, but you've probably already figured that out," She is still looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Then what are we doing here, why are we at the beach?"

"I know that your perfect date was picking up your favorite food, then going to the beach at sunset, having a picnic, watching the sunset," I look at her, I look at her eyes, her beautiful, hazel eyes.

"Bubba, I don't know what to say," Uh oh.

"Are you mad?"

"No, no, absolutely not! This is so incredibly sweet Bubba, I love you so much," She looks, happy, so incredibly happy.

"I love you too, Peanut," We smile at each other, I never want to look away from her beautiful face.

"Well, let's get to it sir," She winks at me, opens her door, and runs towards the beach. That silly girl forgot to grab the food, I reach over and grab the bag, I walk around to the trunk and grab a blanket. My crazy girl has already taken off her shoes and is looking for shells in the water. I step onto the beach, lay the blanket down, and open up the bag of food.

"Emmy, come here, let's eat!" I shout over to her, and she comes running over. Her long brownish blonde hair flowing behind her. God, she is so beautiful, I am the luckiest man alive.

"Thank you Bubba, I really appreciate this,"

"Anything for you," We eat our gyros, make small talk, and the sunsets above the water, reflecting off the water, turning it orange and pink. We finish our food, and the sun has almost entirely set. Emily gets up to go back to the car-

"Emily!" She turns around, I get down on one knee and open the box to show her the simple diamond ring that fits her personality. "I have loved you for eleven years. You are the most amazing, beautiful, kind, loving, smart, funny girl I have ever met. I am the luckiest man in the world to have a woman like you in my life. We have been talking about growing old with each other since we started dating. You have changed my life for the better. We have been through thick and thin and so many ups and downs. Going through those ups and downs have been ten thousand times easier with you. I have become a better man and a better person, thanks to you. I want to live the rest of my life with you. I want to have kids with you, and spoil grandkids with you. Emily, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else in my entire life. I have wanted to say these next three words for an extremely long time. Will you marry me?"

"You give me this big ol' speech, and you expect me to give you a one-word answer? Now I feel like I'm not saying enough!"

"All I need is a yes or a no Peanut,"

"Yes, yes, yes, of course, one hundred percent, yes!" I pick her up and squeeze her in my arms. I look her in her eyes, I lean in close and whisper in her ear. 

"I love you,"

"I love you too," I close my eyes and kiss her soft pink lips. 

July 11, 2020 10:10

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1 comment

Sarah B
16:27 Jul 18, 2020

Hiya! I thought the nicknames you used were really sweet! For some reason (maybe because I read your name before I read your work) I thought it was about two girls. I saw that she called him Bubba, but didn't think too much into it. When you said "God, she is so beautiful, I am the luckiest man alive." I was like ooooohhh. It didn't take away from the story. He was super thoughtful going to the beach and getting her favourite food. Where are these men hiding ??


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