Fiction Horror Kids

One stormy day, it was dark and raining like cats and dogs. The hungry wolf on the porch just waiting for someone to come out so it can eat. This Bill jones here loves eating eggs with my best friend john.

Bill and john always compete eating eggs every time they get a chance and been best friends for years. His brother joe can't fit in to nothing really, but since bill was home in his bedroom alone, he feels a little bored. Out of nowhere a big bang beats on the window bitterly.  

It was a strange guy who hitting his bedroom window. Bill screams for his life and he tell his parents, but it was nothing there and parents did not believe him. Bill knew his parent will not believe any more since he keeps telling something out there and not. the next day, Bill competes eating eggs with his friend, but he did not feel good because of the eggs. He told his friend he will be back. his friend thought he just had to do something for his family.  

The moment he lefts to go outside on his porch there was the wolf angrily growling with full of teeth. Bill ran for his life screaming, but the wolf chases him. His heart was pounding so fast, His out of breath. He hears the wolf fearsome growls coming for him. The wolf got closer and closer and closer to with his mouth open full of long sharp teeth.  

Bill dramatically yells out from the top of his lungs. HELP! HELP! No one was around. No one heard him scream. I don't want to get eaten. Bill cried. He was so exhausted out of breath. He could not take it anymore. Then something forcefully caught him from behind. It was the bush that got caught threw pants. Bill was stuck, trying to pull his leg out. He can hear creepy footsteps, but did not see the wolf behind him. Bill turns around and it attacks. Auuuuuahhh!  

 It was the wolf that tackled bill down to lick his face because he smells like eggs. Soon, He feed the wolf eggs and he gulp the eggs up in one bite. The wolf was full and left. He ran home quickly when say the strange guy that was watching him. His friend was there when he came home.  

John told him it was an eating egg competition at the museum and like always Bill helps his best friend win the egg competition every time. They left to go to the museum, but Bill starts walking funny the way there but his thought he trying to be funny to motivated him. Eventually, they start competing. Both teams start eating eggs fast. Bill stops helping his friend smelling something delicious.  

It's was the other team that had fresher delicious eggs that caught bill's eyes. And he left to go to their side. How could you go to their side to help them win, says his best friend John? We normally eat eggs together all these years and we always win together please don't betray me. John cried. 

 Bill went back on his side but it was hard smelling fresher eggs. He begins to show tears since he known him for years and did not want to hurt his best friend that been together through everything. the other team knew he was struggling between them so the other team puts out best smelling egg. Then someone gobbles it down with one bite. 

It was the other team eating the egg to tease him and Bill flew over eating all their eggs making the other team win. John his best friend was heartbroken and left. Bill left to go home but out of nowhere was the strange guy trying to get him but bill ran so fast home and slam the door and locks it. he bends over trying to catch his breath with both hands on his knees. He starts to slowly shriek.  

His hands and feet begin to be solid hard, but his body was goo wee and stretching. He's screaming to the top of his lung so much he passes out and fell flat on ground with big boom. Some red liquid spread around him like blood. 

It was red fruit punch that got tipped over by the loud boom. Bill is not a boy. He is an egg. John went to his bill's house and seen the red juice all on the floor and that the egg was red. John thought this will be yummy since it was red. He picks up the egg and boils it fresh. Then he grabs the egg and opens his mouth bringing the closer to eat the egg whole. A big loud scream came from the house. 

It was the egg that dramatically cried, PLEASE DON'T EAT ME! The egg is talking! John wailed. He threw the egg against the couch and ran into the wall, not paying attention to where he's going.  

The egg popping out of nowhere one million eyes. John ran like lighting out of that house. The egg form into an egg monster that have two legs and two powerful arms with claws. 

 His million eyes were solid yellow and had one million sharp teeth with eggs shape body. He relaxes on the couch and became human bill again. Bill left out the door to find his friend, but something caught him from behind with a rope pulling him backwards aggressively and quickly.  

It was the strange guy who pulls Bill to him, making him screams each time he got closer. Ha-ha-ha! It's me, says joe. It was his brother the whole time just wanting to spend time with him. 

 Bill agrees to spend time with his brother after he make it right with his best friend. His brother agrees. Bill went to john house and came inside. He went to john's room who was sitting on the bed depress. I'm sorry for betraying you. please forgive me.  

John looks at him for a moment and then he ran and gave Bill a hug saying, i forgive you. John picks out a movie to watch with his friend. He wants to watch the egg competition and a big loud fearsome growl coming from the room.  

It was bill fearsome who did not want to watch the egg competition and broke a lot of his movies. John was not happy at all and regrets to be back friends with him. GET OUT NOW! John screams aggressively, pointing his finger at the door. Fine, I will leave. Bill mutters.  

He left his house and was enemies. Bill left to go home. Now can we spend time together brother? Joe askes. Yes, brother. bill answers, going over to brother, but he stops. A growl from his stomach made him change his mind. 

It was the monster inside of him, making go again his own brother. Bill told him in a dramatic angry voice. NOOOOOO! His brother left crying in his room and slams the door. Bill thought to himself.  

This is not me! bill cried. Bill realizes he hurts his best friend and his brother feeling and having flash back of the times his best spent time with him. He knew it was the monster making him go against his best friend and his own brother. Then something hit his head with a ding. 

The ding that hit his head was an amazing idea. out of nowhere the amazing idea hit him. He rushes in their drinking a lot of water. Of course, the monster was angry making his stomach growl since the egg monster hates water. Bill kept drinking.  

The egg monster makes him run into the wall, bumped him to the door, making him fall and do flips cause the monster did not want come out.

Bill did not let that stop him from drinking water. Then the egg monster got so angry he made bill aggressively smash against into the wall so hard he fell out. It was scream of horror in the hall way. 

The scream of horror came from bill's brother joe who came out to see what was that big boom. Joe flew like lighting to see his brother but he was not breathing. He poured ice cold water on his face and it still didn't wake him. Joe tried very hot water and bill did not move a muscle. His brother roughly shook bill dramatically scream DON'T LEAVE ME! But it was no answer.  

He ran in his room in blink of an eye to look for his phone, but couldn't find it. Joe started shaking nervously saying where is my phone, he cried, knowing he don't have much time before he loses a brother. One hour passed and he still could not find it. He looked one last look at his brother and went straight to his room sobbing. Two hours later, it was a big sneeze. 

It was bill who sneeze out the egg monster into the trash and threw all the eggs into the trash. His brother came out and was excited to see him and gave him a big hug. 

Bill showed his brother the alive eggs and told him these eggs was inside of me controlling me.

Joe and Bill rush throwing the eggs in the trash. John came over Bill's house missing him and wanting to start all over since they grew up together. 

Bill shows john what was controlling him and they all hugged. They quickly through all the eggs in the trash outside and the trash man pick it up and threw the bag in the garbage truck and left. They were so happy the eggs were gone.  

Mom and dad left from work getting the boys egg since they normally compete every time, they get a chance. the parents surprise them boys with eggs and their face was frozen full of fright. Dad gave bill the eggs to compete and left. 

I will give you a good live. I can help you. Let me control you. Said the normal regular eggs that is not the monster eggs. Bill drops them eggs and they flew in the house without thinking twice.

November 12, 2020 06:38

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