A Lost Cause Or.. Not?

Written in response to: Write a story about a character who’s lost.... view prompt


Crime Drama Horror

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

(not a true story by the way) Let me set the record straight, I didn't want to end up here ok? I just happened to be a 15 year old girl, walking alone, in the dark, on a random Tuesday night. I didn't ask for anything I received. None of this was on my Christmas wish list... I know I just made you bored so I'll get on with the story folks.

It was a random Tuesday night and I was really craving a Dr. Pepper. So, why not just go to the gas station 2 miles away? *text messaging*

Aubrey: Hey mom?

Mom: Yes honey?

Aubrey: I'm gonna walk to the gas station, I really want a Dr. Pepper. Do you want anything?

Mom: Hold on, you didn't even think to run this past me first?

Aubrey: I just did, didn't I?

Mom: I mean I guess you can go, but you have to be extremely careful. If something happens to you, I will be the one that hurts you after. (joking) and I want a Snickers.

Aubrey: Ok, see you soon, love you!

After I sent that last text, I walked out the door. Walking down the alleyways and the dark, dim-lighted streets of California was unsettling as is. But it's another thing to have one specific car continue driving slow directly behind you.

Being the careless person I am, I ignored the car and continued my walk to the gas station. I arrived about 30-40 minutes after leaving my house. As I walked out of the practically empty gas station, that same car was waiting for me outside.

Unsettled, I started jogging a bit back to my house. I didn't make it far before I was snatched and put into the back of their car. They banged my head pretty bad to the point where brain surgery was needed but that is another story.

After I woke up, I saw 2 men towering over me. They look exactly as they sound. Tattoos, small grey beard, tall and gruffy. Stereotypical kidnapper type. You know right?

After looking around a bit, one of the men spoke but in a different language. Although they sounded like they were saying most of the words wrong, I could ironically speak that language and understand around half of what they said.

They agreed to let me go after they tortured me and made sure I wouldn't make it within a mile of the house they took me too. I was determined to make sure that didn't happen. So, I did the bad ass thing that Aubrey Shepard would do. I kicked their asses. Or at least I think I did. I can't really remember.

"What the f*ck just happened?!" One of the kidnappers asked after being knocked out for a couple hours. Although they thought they saw me, I was already running out of the door and into the brightly lighted forest, as fast as I could.

I didn't kill them of course, that wasn't my job. My job is to protect myself and make sure that I make it out of there alive. I just wanted to be able to see my mom, sister, brother and basically my family again. I couldn't let my family have to say goodbye too early.

After running for what seemed to be forever, I saw a road. "Finally!" I yelled but quietly. I had been waiting there for, again, what seemed to be forever, until I saw a car. I waved them down and convinced them to call 911. But that's when I noticed. The kidnappers were in the forest.

I knew because I heard their voices. So, I opened the car's door, ducked down, and told the driver to "DRIVE!". My words exactly. After driving for a little bit,

"Well, Aubrey don't leave us hanging like that! What happened after that?!" Ok, ok, chill out. After the driver, drove a little more to the police station, I walked in and told them everything that happened. I hope they believed it and I think they did because they took me to the hospital soon after.

It wasn't a long time before that manhunt ended. They found the kidnappers and notified my mother that I was in the hospital as well. She drove as fast as she could to the hospital and my siblings followed after. Me being the youngest, I was adored out of my mind.

I had just had brain surgery and the anesthesia was still hitting me, so when my mother walked in, I looked dead. The doctors told me she burst out into tears when she saw me. That's how you know someone truly loves you.

After another surgery, I was under anesthesia again. But it was the last time. The surgeries went well and my family saw me again. I cried happy and sad tears when I hugged them.

I explained everything and told them all about be being the bad ass I am. Which I believe they went insane and gave me an applaud. Anywho, I went on to be a living miracle and grew a family of my own.

I hope those 2 kidnappers enjoy their death penalty. Although I do thank them for one thing, I have become a police officer because of them. I am protecting young women and making sure that they do not go through what I went through.

Listen guys, I appreciate everything that everyone has done for me but I don't need donations or anything. I'm not a pity person, I can live my life without it. I still don't know why I left in the middle of the night for a soda. I'm just build different I guess.

I just wanna end this with one last thing. Thank you to the driver that drove me to the police station, the police officers (who are my partners now), my mom for holding me the whole time, the kidnappers who inspired me to be an officer, and my siblings, who gave me the inspiration to live. Thank you for everything.

December 01, 2024 06:54

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