Kiwi green. That was the color of my case, once smooth and free of grime. Not see through, either, not like those Atomic Purples willing to expose themselves. Simply opaque, no gimmicks, and bright enough to catch the attention of any wandering eye. I was a perfect little package that could fit anywhere, and buttons? All you needed was two perfect circles, a four directional pad, and two lines for start and select. I was a no frills type, straight to business, and that business was entertainment.
Oh, I entertained. Unlike the dinosaurs preceding me, I brought color to the grey life of my audience. Thousands and thousands of colors were possible, with up to 56 at once on screen at any time. When my screen lit up for the first time, the small face that beheld me was dazzled as if he was transported through space. All eyes on me, providing hours of entertainment day after day. Mine was a variety show - I had a game for anything. Wanted to be a monster tamer? I could start you on your journey to mastery. Wanted to race cars? I could get you in that driver's seat. Wanted to explore dungeons on a mysterious island? Play some tennis? Try your hand at farming? I could take you there - I could take you anywhere.
Of course, such a gig took me everywhere. I was a traveler, on many a car ride, the occasional plane, even a boat cruise. Certainly, some complained I drew attention away from the sights of the greater world – but how could I be blamed? A shining star can’t help but cast a glare on everything around it. Capturing attention was simply my calling, what I was made to do. Of course, even I can admit I had faults. I wasn’t particularly bright, I’ll admit that; they made enhancements for that sort of thing, but I wouldn’t be caught dead inserting any of THAT nonsense into my ports. My role could also be quite draining; even a star needs to rest. But a fresh change of batteries would perk me right back up.
Yes, I had quite the audience. I always drew a crowd in public, more faces clustered around my screen as I put on my show. Of course, that brown haired boy was my most enduring fan, a groupie, one might say. He always treated me decently, that one. Sure, he sometimes would handle me clumsily, or even get me a bit dirty, but I can’t say I ever had problems with him. Others weren’t so lucky. I knew a poor Teal fellow who was soundly thrashed by his enraged fan who didn’t like how the show was going. Cracked his screen and off he went. I never saw him again, but I heard he was at least repaired. Others aren’t quite as lucky and into the trash they go.
But nothing good lasts forever. Eventually, I parted ways with that boy, winding up sold and into the hands of a girl. My shows continued, the faces changed. I changed hands many times as the years went by, but as loathe as I was to admit it, I knew that my prime was getting past. There was a new face on the scene, one with even more colors, better graphics and was a lot brighter than I. He could entertain at all hours! To put it bluntly, I just couldn’t compete. What could I do? I had my limitations and provided the best possible. Nobody beats the march of time.
I had a long unemployment stint. The bad years, as I remember them. I ended up forgotten among other has-beens and never-coulds, my once vibrant kiwi green case slowly building up dust and dirt, the bold color of my shell fading little by little. It’s not a point in my life where I was proud of myself, that’s for sure. I wallowed in self-pity, languishing as I was transported to one junk pile after the other, even once being dropped in the mud! I can’t describe to you the indignity I felt. All the while, I saw entertainers become bigger, louder, more colorful than ever, their shows more bombastic and vivid than ever before! I was green with jealousy, no pun intended. It should have been me in those homes, delighting those wanting to visit a new world or new experience. Didn’t anyone remember me? Didn’t they remember how it used to be? Why was I stuck in the past?
I was cleaned up by a new groupie, but even that wasn’t the big comeback I was hoping for. Instead I was put under glass surrounded by the games I once touted, now at ridiculous prices. My own price tag wasn’t much better. I should have been flattered people prized me so highly, but it left me…distant from the humble audiences I was used to. Was it really in me to play to an exclusive crowd, isolated from the rest like a rare bird in a cage? No, that didn’t sit right with me at all. But I couldn’t do anything but sit there, wondering what rich dilettante would hire me.
Yet, when I was finally bought, I was surprised to find another young face staring down at me. Not so young as the old days, but clearly someone who might appreciate my talents with respect. I felt happy again just to perform, to show off those games with colors bursting from my screen. Well…not exactly bursting. The colors were a little less vibrant, the picture a little less clear. My buttons weren’t as snappy as they used to be, but I did the job.
I can tell I was nearing the end of my life. Nothing lasts forever, not even regular battery changes can fix that. Things just fade. But as long as I had the chance to entertain, no matter how old and outdated I was, I would do so. Anything you love doing is worth doing until the bitter end.
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