Life Beyond the Sea

Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Center your story around an unexpected summer fling.... view prompt


Black Romance LGBTQ+

My feet sway in the ocean’s cool waters and I watch as the sun paints the sky with its being, adding various shades of yellows and oranges. The breeze feels amazing against my clammy skin on this dreadfully hot day. Averting my gaze from the sea’s beyond, I turn to the ships at the docks wondering which one belongs to Luvenia, or Lovie as she has preferred this summer season. 

Oh Lovie.

My mind starts to wander to the many smoldering gazes and subtle touches.​​ The secret meetings and days filled with endless passion. I began to crave the warmth of her skin, softness of her lips, and how she would touch my—

“I wish I could read your mind whenever you get lost in thought. I truly wonder “

She stands before me in well taken care of boots, trousers and a white top. It's not often I see a woman in anything but a dress, but I guess things are different when you sail the “six seas” or whatever she says. She walks towards me and takes her boots off with care and plops down beside me. I get a clear view of her face as the sun reflects off her freckled light brown skin and her locs dance in the wind. She covers one eye with a patch and yet I still get lost in her deep brown eye. My eyes lock in on her full lips. Hypnotized I lean into her smiling lips and she turns and grabs a mango out of her sack and a knife off her belt. She cuts a slice of the juicy fruit and puts it in her mouth. 


she moans taking me back to our first night. She cuts another slice and reaches towards me. I reach my hand out and she pulls back. Interlocking her hand with my own she brings the mango slice to my mouth and I open and enclose my lips around her fingers savoring the juices.

“That’s really sweet” 

“Just like someone I know,” she says as she cuts another slice and rubs it on my neck, the juices sliding down. She leans her head in and I moan as I feel the warmth of her tongue as it glides along my neck. She then takes the same slice and rubs it on my collar bone before bringing it to my lips. I moan again savoring a bite as her lips descend onto my body. 

“We can’t do this out in the open, what if people see” I say coming to my senses. 

“So! Let them, who cares if I express my desires for you”. 

She leans in for a kiss and I pull away from her. 

“Lovie” I whisper, “What would it look like if the wife of one of the wealthiest men on this island was caught in the embrace of a pirate?” 

She scoffs and gets up from her spot on the dock hurrying to put her boots back on. 

“Just a pirate, Huh?” She walks hurriedly away from me ascending the stairs. 

“Lovie” I called her.

“Lovie” I called again. 

“LOVIE! Just wait, I promise you that you are more to me than just a pirate. But what you’ve asked of me just of late is not something I can do.” 

She turns to me with an expression of sadness that I too shares. “ You’ve told me our times together were the happiest moments of your life and yet you insult me by treating me as just some summer tryst you’ll get over when the ground grows cold.” 

She walks over to where I stand and moves the braids flowing from the breeze, from my golden brown face. Her brown eye staring into my own brown eyes. 

“Why won’t you just sail away with me? Let me continue to make you happy.” 

A tear flows down my face and she wipes it away with her free hand. 

“I have never cared for anyone in the way that I care for you. I want to spend the rest of my days waking up beside you, experiencing what the world has to offer. And besides” she smiles, “I don’t just offer anyone a spot on my ship”.

“Lovie, I can’t just leave my life here” 

“ Alaithea what life do you possibly have here that can’t be made better by just leaving? Your husband hardly ever pays attention to the beauty that you are.” 

“Its not that simple” I say with a wavering voice.

“ You are making this harder than it needs to be”

“I ca—”

“Can’t” she finishes for me as if our time together has made me very familiar to her. 

“Why are you making your life harder than what it needs to be Thea?” 

With bubbling frustration I shout, “Because I am scared! Ever since the passing of my parents I have not known peace. I’ve worked hard to climb my way out of the bottom. I am tired of uncertainty and marrying Johnathan has giving me something I have never experienced before. I can be comfortable”. I hold her hands in mine. “I can finally predict the outcome of my life.”

She shakes her head, “Unpredictability is what makes life enjoyable”. 

Now its my turn to scoff. 

“Of course the daughter of a well respected naval admiral can live how ever she pleases.” I roll my eyes and she furrows her brows.

“Yes my father’s status afforded me some opportunities, but he took me from where I was happiest with my mother. I was just like you are now, going through the motions and begging to be freed from my circumstances and I chose the sea.” 

She takes her warm calloused hands and cradles my face. The world goes quiet and I feel like I could melt into a puddle. 

“ You have a choice too Thea. I leave tomorrow morning, you can come with me. Face the world and have the adventure of a lifetime. Please say you’ll come with me” she pleads. No being able to give her an answer I pull her forward and kiss her soft lips still tasting the mango she discarded in the ocean. Clutching the back of her head I pull her in to deepen the kiss. Kissing with intense passion and lust with a hint of desperation and sadness. I know this could be the last time we see each other, so I let her take my hand and lead me to the inn she is currently staying. We do not need to worry about discretion because the patrons are too drunk to care. As we make our way into her room she slams the door shut and a night of intense love and passion ensues. We move throughout the night with reckless abandon until with both explode in ecstasy.

“I love you Thea!”

“I love you to Lovie”.

I stir from my slumber under the intense heat of the sun reaching over and trying to feel the warmth of my love’s body. She’s gone. I get out of the bed, not caring that I’m still unclothed, and walk towards the window looking out towards the sea. Of course she picked this room I wonder to myself. The longer I stare out the window the more the grief and heartbreak set in. She’s gone and I may never see her again. I close my eyes and raise my heads to the heavens praying that when I find the strength to leave the comfort of my life she’ll find me again. For now, I turn away from the window and redress and head back into my reality walking slowly through the cobblestone streets. A strange man gets out of his seat and bumps into me, shoving a letter in my hand. Frozen in shock as the strange man’s figure fades away, I lift the letter to my gaze. A wide smile begins to spread across my face as I see the words : To my sweet Thea, from the Dashing Lovie.​​ The walk home has just become easier and for the first time I am hoping for an unknown future.

August 10, 2024 03:36

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