Tell Me Your Secrets!

Submitted into Contest #254 in response to: Write a story in the format of a gossip column.... view prompt


Drama Mystery Speculative

Tell me your secrets!

Know any secrets you feel your community might need to hear about? Want to get it off your chest? Tell Me Your Secrets will be a new tri-weekly column in the Boulder City Gazette starting on June 5th, where the lovely Miss Mystery tells us all about your dirty little secrets. Email your entries to: Please remember to keep any names involved in your stories anonymous.

Tell me your secrets!


By: Miss Mystery


A lady we here at the BCG will call Theodora, writes to us about how she has noticed a certain someone’s green truck is parked where it shouldn’t be on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. She also tells us that a woman who works at our local bank should really find somewhere else to cheat on her husband before they get caught. Theodora would like to offer her apologies to said truck driver's wife and bank teller bimbo’s husband and says she hopes that they find the happiness they both deserve. If this sounds like you Mr. Green Truck or Miss Bimbo Bank Teller, you might want to take it somewhere else, lest ye be found out! Ladies, do you know where your man is? Know where someone else's spouse is that they shouldn't be? Email us at:

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery

Trespassing & Tort

Boulder City’s famous “Dave” the pig is missing from T.D Bakers farm. Rumor has it that a couple of teenagers may have snuck into the barn to canoodle and left the gate open. Think you know who let "Dave" out? Send in your anonymous entries to

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery


Someone has been stealing from our local Piggly Wiggly for the last two months. Although the store has upped their security since finding out about the missing items, no culprits arrested. Most of the items taken were sodas, rolling papers, lighters, chips, and cigarettes. If I didn't know any better I'd say it was the work of one or many of the youth here in our community. Taking their ill gotten gains for a little fun in the woods among friends. Are your children doing drugs in the woods? Do you know where your teenagers are and what they're doing? Do you know what someone elses’ teen is doing? Remember to keep all names anonymous and tell us all about their misdeeds at

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery

Cold Case

We've learned a secret about a decades old murder case that happened right here in Boulder City in 1991. After being reported missing for several weeks, Megan Grace (19), was found floating face down in the Shady Bottom Creek on the 25th of May. A local fisherman found the body when he snagged his line on a nearby tree in the riverbed and drifted his boat to the tangle of tree roots and muck to untangle it. Although Megan's body was found in the creek, the coroner didn't find evidence of water in her lungs. Due to the fact that she was in the water for quite some time before she was found, a cause of death has never been determined. Our source says someone in our community murdered Megan and that she was strangled to death in the rough stretch of woods known in Boulder City as the Bend. Once she was dead, her body was placed in the bed of a dark colored pick up and it headed off in the direction of Shady Bottom Creek. Our source tells us that they were in the woods that night but they never came forward because they feared the consequences of getting involved with certain people in our community. Do you know a secret about a crime committed in Boulder City? Email us about it at

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery


Three people have told us here at the BCG that the teenage couple who let out the famous “ Dave “ from T.D Bakers farm are sneaking around behind their partners backs. Tsk, tsk. What a shame. There seem to be a lot of unfaithful members here in our community according to our overflowing inbox of emails every week. Let us remember that honesty is the best policy. If you're not happy with the one you're with, be with the one you love. And remember, sweet readers, please make sure your entries are anonymous when you send them to our email at

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery


Two teens were arrested on Tuesday night for shoplifting at the local Piggy Wiggly. But were they the thieves implicated in our earlier entry a few days ago? Our local source tells us they believe the teens have two other accomplices and the kids were working in different spots inside the store so they could obtain multiple items at once without taking all the risk upon themselves. So far there hasn't been a mention of any more names from the teens in question. Remember, sweet readers, if you have details of a crime, please report it to the proper authorities and then send in all the juicy details to us at

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery

A Thief In The Night/Safety Concerns

There have been five auto incidents in the last week as a certain someone or someones have been stealing the stop signs along Jackson Street. The local police department asks that the thief return the signs so as to keep our community safe on the roads. Do you know who the stop sign thief is? Is it your child? It is you? We know in the summer months our children are hard to keep track of, but please consider the community and keep an eye out for suspicious behavior. If you see something tell us all about here at

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery

Stealing From Jesus

An anonymous source tells us that a pastor in our community has been stealing money from the church. Funds were raised to go toward various improvements but months later, none of the work has even been started. Stealing from the Lord? Shame on you Pastor Whoever You Are. We would recommend that you do your duty to your church and your community, ask for forgiveness and get the ball rolling on the church improvements before your flock exposes the rest of your sins. Get it off your conscience and email us all your secrets at

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery

Murder in Boulder City

Local authorities reported late last night that Alvin Green (78) was found strangled to death in his home. There are no suspects at this time. We here at the BCG would like to take this opportunity to remind our community that if you see something, say something. If you or someone you know has any information on this case please come forward to the authorities. We send our deepest condolences to his family and remind them that we are here for them, whatever they may need. If you have any information please email us at

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery

Prostitution, Drugs and Arrests

“Pastor Jim” Higgins of First Baptist Church in our very own Boulder City was arrested yesterday afternoon for Embezzlement, Misappropriation of funds and Possession. Money raised in April at First Baptist for projects such as a new roof, upgrading the air conditioning system and landscaping were instead used to pay for Mr.Higgins’ terrible addictions to cocaine and sex workers. Authorities confirmed as much when a sting on prostitution in the area caught Mr.Higgins in a motel room with 3 prostitutes, a kilo of cocaine and a suitcase full of the church's money. Sounds like Mr.Higgins should have been serving the Lord instead of serving himself. Sheriff Thomas tells us that the funds located at the motel will be returned to First Baptist once the paperwork has cleared. Our local minister Sherry Miller will be accepting applications for a new pastor while overtaking the role. You can pick up the application at the church and put it in the mail slot on your way out. Get right with the Lord and confess your sins here at

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery

Vandalism, Mistaken Identity or Revenge?

Authorities were called to the Boulder City Steel plant early this morning after reports of a vandalized vehicle came in. Someone busted out all of Mitchell Wade's windows including the windshield in his green Chevy Silverado pickup. The plant manager tells us that there are no cameras in the area used for parking, just on the property where materials are stored and within the plant itself. Authorities are asking if you have any information on who might have targeted Mr.Wade to come forward. Could Mr.Wade be the infamous green pickup in our earlier story warranting the revenge of a spurned lover? Or could this simply be a case of mistaken identity? Could this be the work of some local kids or a spiteful coworker? Only time will tell. Or maybe our avid readers are holding onto a few more secrets. Send in any information you have here to

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery

Connection to Megan Grace Cold Case?

An anonymous contributor has confided in us here at the BCG that the death of Alvin Green is connected to the decades old cold case of Megan Grace. Our source insists that Mr.Greens death was a direct result of his involvement in the case as the “Witness in the Woods”. The contributor tells us that Alvin gave them more information on what he saw that night including the fact that the dark colored pick up truck had a busted tail light and a dent in the passenger side door. They tell us that Alvin told them who the killer is! Our source believes that Alvin was killed to keep him quiet about the killer's identity. Authorities have confirmed that upon exhumation and evaluation by a forensic anthropologist, the cause of death in the Megan Grace case is strangulation. Evidence of a fractured hyoid bone confirms the findings. The sheriffs office is reopening Megan's case. We recommend to the community to stay vigilant and if you see something, or know something, say something. If you have any information on who might have committed this murder or the murder of Megan Grace please call the local sheriff's office at 304-218-9300. If you wish to remain anonymous you can email us here at

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery

Red, White and Blue Skin

You soon may find that you know the identity of the couple that let “Dave” the pig out of the barn. Sources have been writing in to tell us all about how the couple were found out. Suspicious and determined to find out the truth, one group of teens decided to stake out one of their big sisters' boyfriends and it led to the discovery of the suspected affair. Instead of telling her sister what she knew she decided to get revenge for her instead. The group waited near the old dilapidated shack that used to belong to the Jones’ out on Route 3 and made a plan. Just when things were getting hot and heavy between the couple, our teens dropped 4 buckets of blue food coloring right over them from the rafters. Stained blue skin is sure to stick out like a sore thumb! We here at the BCG feel that justice was served considering the laughs they will no doubt receive at the sight of their blue hues. This is sure to be a 4th of July they won't soon forget! The Independence Day Parade and Festival starts tomorrow morning at 9 am with lots of fun activities taking place throughout the day and night. We will have a booth set up along main street where you can drop your secrets into our drop box as you wander around downtown. Don't want to be seen dropping off a secret? Email it to us here at

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery

PDA at First National Bank, 2 fired

First National Bank is looking for a few new bank tellers, no experience required. Reports have come in that two tellers on staff were fired due to inappropriate conduct within the workplace. There will be open interviews tomorrow from 1pm to 3pm. Inappropriate conduct you say! Hmm, this makes us wonder if one of the two people fired was the so-called, “Bank Teller Bimbo” Theodora warned us about. One can only speculate as to what inappropriate conduct means but our source tells us it happened in the vault during lunchtime. As if our money wasn't already dirty enough! Swing on by First National tomorrow for an interview if you are interested and as always, send us all you dirty secrets here at

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery

Two More Teens Arrested For Shoplifting

Two more local youth's have been arrested for shoplifting when returning to none other than the scene of the crime! Authorities have confirmed the teens are involved in the original shoplifting case at the Piggly Wiggly store. When questioned about their involvement in the other two teens charged case the teens admitted to their crimes as well as stealing all the stop signs on Jackson Street! As all teens involved are minors they will only face juvenile probation and 500 hours of community service each. Do you know what your children are doing when they're away from prying eyes? Do you know what someone else's child is up to? Tell us all about it at

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery

Community Notice

We here at the BCG take the safety of our community members very seriously. We have received threats because we found some secrets about the killer in the Megan Grace/ Alvin Green murders. The truth will out! We believe in informing our community so we will continue to report on these and other matters. Thank you avid readers for your continued support. If you think you know who killed Megan Grace or Alvin Green come tell us all about it at

Tell me your secrets


By: Miss Mystery

Pickup Truck Vandalizer Missing

Jessy May Wade (48), wife of Mitchell Wade, implicated in the vandalization of her husband's pickup on June 28th is missing. Witnesses saw her walking down Route 3 on the day in question, crying and holding a baseball bat. An anonymous source tells us that Jessy hasn't been seen or heard from in weeks. Where is Jessy? As far as her involvement in the vandalization, no charges are being filed at this time. Everyone here at the BCG wants to know, why did she do it? Tell us what you think at

Tell me your secrets


By: Mr Mysterious

Another Murder in Boulder City

Last night, Janice Clay (40), was found dead in her home. Another victim of strangulation like Megan Grace and Alvin Green. Janice Clay was our very own secret, she was Miss Mystery. Since losing our dear friend we have decided to shut down the column. We know in our hearts that no one could do it like she could.While we here at BCG and the community mourn the loss of our beloved friend, please, if you have any information about her case or any of the others email us at

Tell me your secrets


By: Mr Mysterious

Special Edition Report

In the early morning hours of July 14th the body of Jessy May Wade (48) was found beaten and strangled to death in the woods off of Route 3. She hadn't been seen since she was spotted crying, walking down Route 3, the day her husband's truck was vandalized. Her sister, Amy Shepherd, filed the missing person's report that led to her discovery on July 1st, after receiving concerning text messages and then being unable to get ahold of Jessy for days. Investigators at a mid-morning press conference on August 1st, announced that Jessy had sent several text messages to her sister implicating her husband, 52 year old Mitchell Wade in the murders of Megan Grace and Alvin Green. Confirming reports from Greens granddaughter that Alvin was "The Watcher In The Woods and Wade was the killer, authorities have tied Wade to both crimes. The Boulder City Sheriff's Office is also convinced that the murders of Jessy May and Janice Clay are also the work of Mr.Wade in an attempt to keep his crimes a secret. Alvin Green knew who the killer was, he saw him! His wife Jessy, found out about it and became a liability. Janice, reported on it and caused the old case to be reopened. As for Megans death, unless Wade gives a full confession,we may never know what let to her death. In the months since his detainment, Mr.Wade has refused to comment to reporters about his crimes. Wade’s next court date will be 10/20/23 and he is facing life in prison without the possibility of parole for the murders of Megan Grace, Alvin Green, Jessy May Wade and Janice Clay. All of us here at the BCG and those out in our community are confident that justice will be served for all those we so tragically lost.

June 12, 2024 04:45

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Jonathan Todd
14:03 Jun 21, 2024

This is a great format for the story! I couldn’t stop reading.


Myranda Schustz
15:01 Jun 21, 2024

It just kind of took on a life of its own! Thanks for reading!


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Hazel Ide
19:09 Jun 15, 2024

Great progression. At first I was like, wow these entries are getting darker! But then it would bounce back to the piggly wiggly, then another death. Kept the momentum going, made for a really great read.


Myranda Schustz
20:31 Jun 15, 2024

Thank you! Ir just kind of took on a life of its own!


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Karen McDermott
13:23 Jun 15, 2024

Wow, so much packed into a short story, well done! Great use of the format of the prompt. Loved the mundane gossip contrasted with the murders. And welcome to Reedsy!


Myranda Schustz
20:28 Jun 15, 2024

Thank you! It just kind of took off and took on a life of its own!


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Mary Bendickson
13:50 Jun 13, 2024

How old was this 42 year old man in 1991 when he wanted to have sex with Megan Grace? Thanks for the follow


Myranda Schustz
19:44 Jun 13, 2024

Ahh it was supposed to say 52 year old man! That's what I get for trying to revise late at night when I should be sleeping! Thanks for pointing that out! I should be able to revise before the contest ends.


Mary Bendickson
00:48 Jun 14, 2024

Glad to help.


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