
I have always dreamed about destiny and how it entangles lives of different people. Just like my mother and father, they have met at the most inappropriate time, but at the most appropriate moment. Inappropriate time because it was in a public restroom, but appropriate moment because it is where their relationship started.

Several weeks ago, when I was in a field trip, I bumped into a girl. She was wearing high heels, above-the-knee skirt, and Prada handbag. Of course, I was captivated by the beauty she possessed. It's like I was left afloat in the heaven, nowhere to go, forever drifting in the wilderness. After realizing I have been staring at her for i-don't-know' seconds or minutes, I finally got a hold of myself and asked for her forgiveness. She just shrugged and turned away as if nothing happened. Oh, what a weird one! I tried to follow her but she disappeared in an instant. It was so sudden and brief that I knew I was already captivated by the very person I just saw.

Anyway, I continued minding my own business when my professor called my name. I was in-charge of keeping an eye for my classmates because they get to be stubborn at times. However, I got scolded several times during the field trip for spacing out for a few times. How can forget a beauty? Can they blame me?

Weeks passed and I was again back on track. I have forgotten about the incident with the young lady. I also have been able to get back on my usual routine, dating sites. Yes, I am an avid fan of dating sites. Aside from it keeps me busy at times, it also gives me things that a man needs. No need to mention but it served me really well.

However, destiny can really play you at its palm. Just the other day, I decided to go to a coffee shop to have a bit of relaxation from a long journey. I was on my travel back home from my Aunt Dahlia. I went to this crowded coffee shop that sells $5 a cup. I was shocked to see a cup of coffee served for $5 but I didn't have much of a choice. As I approached the counter, I heard someone speak behind me, telling me to make my pic already because she was in a hurry. "Hey, can you please get your bloody order now? My bus is gonna leave soon!", she exclaimed. I was shocked. The woman I bumped into several weeks ago was standing right before my eyes. Although that time, she was already angry.

So I proceeded to giving my order. The whole time, I can sense her staring at me. I didn't know if that was because she was angry at me or she just remembered that I was that moron whom she bumped into several weeks ago. I was scared. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to say. As soon as I got my order, I rushed out of the coffee shop, and prayed that everything will turn out just fine. Besides, I couldn't afford to make the headache I was experiencing to be worse.

And a moment ago, I discovered that the woman who has been in my head for how many hours now is also a student from my university. She's in the same year as I am, too! I was so doomed! I didn't know what to do. So I went directly to her, and asked her if she can spare me a little bit of her time. She just looked at me, and then nodded. I was so nervous I almost fainted.

Right now, I am with her, taking our sips at our coffees. We were just talking about our courses. The reason why she was in the same location of my field trip was because we are taking the same course! "What a destiny!" I shouted at the back of my head. Both of us were taking BS Industrial Engineering. Luckily for her, she's doing pretty great, too.

Anyway, I have been planning to ask her out on a date. By the looks of it, I think I can get a yes from her. However, my heart is still racing. I can't imagine myself being with this angel sent from heaven. Her name is STACY and I must say, it fits her really well. She's fierce, yet so delicate. Oh, I wanna touch her hand right now.

The only thing I'm worried is how I look, and how I think I am. It feels like she's the heaven and I am the earth. She's so angelic and I look so... underprivileged. That's why I was really shocked when she said yes for this coffee... date? Whatever this is, I still think I am nothing compared to her.

How I wish this day never ends. I just want to listen to her stories, hear her angelic voice, stare at her innocent but fierce face, touch her soft skin, and kiss her red lips. It has only been approximately 25 minutes but it already feels like forever. Come on, I need to snap out of this, and get a hold of myself.

Nonetheless, my story is far better than my parents'. They met at a restroom while we met at a park. They lasted for how many years now, and Stacy and I need not to separate from now on. Destiny or coincidence, I need to make sure that this time that she gave me will never be put to waste.

I have seen a lot of movies that started just the way we did, and many of them succeeded. Yes, those are works of fiction but it doesn't mean that they cannot happen in the real world. With the right word formula and a little bit of humor, I know I can win her heart. Of course, I need not to hide anything from her because it will only make things complicated. Right now, my only goal is for her to say yes on my invitation to a dinner date. Just as how the saying goes, "kill a demon today, face the devil tomorrow." Kill my nervousness today, face my worries tomorrow.

Oh, she just smiled.

April 16, 2020 15:15

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