It's all fun and Games untill.

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Write a story involving a character who cannot return home.... view prompt


Drama Creative Nonfiction Sad

“Old Pulteney is my name; I’m no angel and have caused my fair share of trouble, the accident broke both my legs and I was in a coma for three months. A friend introduced me to this meeting and my life has been a roller coaster of events. I served time for driving under the influence numerous times. See, I’ve not always been like this.” He adjusted his posture in the wheelchair and bent forward supporting his torso comfortably on the side arm as he begun to tell his life story. He was now an old man in his third nursing home having been kicked out for bad behavior from the others. Born during the Second World War, Pulteney was home schooled in the English countryside, his father Mr. Glen Grant was enlisted in the queens special forces and was hardly at home. Pulteney grew up surrounded by farmhands who became his best friends teaching him how to run the farm from a young age, by his teen he was managing the farm with most of the produce delivered to the army barracks.   

He was seated next to the window where he always sat having lunch that warm afternoon when a well-dressed gentleman asked if he could join him for lunch. His name was Jack Daniels; he was a successful business man from California and had travelled to the countryside with the intent of buying land and was sort of seeking a low key having had trouble with the law. He wore tailor a made suit and a fresh haircut. Pulteney was very curious what Mr. Daniels business entailed to have warranted the laws attention. “I am in the entertainment business; I own most of the Establishments back home, casinos, clubs, you name it, I own them mall” Mr. Daniels spoke lighting a cigar, he glanced at it and smiled, implying he put money where his mouth is. Pulteney was captivated by this smooth talking gentleman and was instantly hooked. He wanted to be part of whatever dealings Mr. Daniels was up to. 

The first casino they set up was a hit up in the suburbs, the weekends were a beehive of activities and the ladies came flocking to Mr. Daniel’s charm and persona.  After a very successful night at the casino, a beautiful blonde lady wearing a long pink colored dress and red stilettos caught Pulteney’s eye. He was a nervous wreck with ladies but Mr. Daniels tapped his back “C’mon champ, you got this, she’s been eyeing you the whole night”, Pulteney took a deep breath and made his way across the floor to the counter where the lady was seated. “Is this seat taken? Pulteney asked with a smile he had borrowed from Mr. Daniels. “No please, I don’t mind if you’d join me, I was waiting for my date Mr. Barclay but he didn’t show up. Pulteney was excited sat down staring at the gorgeous blonde clueless what to say next. “Am Mary by the way”, She said, “I was cheering for my boyfriend in high school and one of the girls’ hit my face trying to grab the ball and I had a nose bleed all over my shirt, and since then they called me ‘Bloody Mary”

They were married for six years before they were blessed with their baby girl. Mary was a great mother and loved her daughter so very much. It’s one of those babies destined to be a star. When she was around four years she could sing the ‘Brown eyed girl’ by herself standing on the table for everyone’s attention while performing, and groused if they didn’t pay enough attention. They nicknamed her the ‘Famous Grouse’. 

California licensing issue was over and Mr. Daniels was moving back to the states to regain his lost glory, he was now a mature aristocrat with more character and finesse than ever, folks always invited him to host the numerous festive occasions.  He never married for life was too big for him to get tangled with family matters. 

As Pulteney told his story a chap by the name of Johnnie raised up him arm, “excuse me sir, you’ve told this before and I think you missed a part when you went to jail” he recognized that voice and called out, “is that you Mr. Walker, Johnnie Walker?” Pulteney squint his eyes trying to scan the now growing crowd. They had met with Johnnie in Scotland when their business expanded and they needed someone to overlook their establishments. Johnnie came in highly recommended by his two former bosses the Chivas brothers. Chivas Regal had been an old acquaintance to Mr. Daniels whom he later introduced to Pulteney.

 An incident had occurred in the casino and Pulteney lost his temper and knocked one of the client’s teeth out. It cost the business fairly a lot of penny through lawsuits in and out of court. The court reached a decision and he was jailed for two years. By this time Mary was fed up and filed for divorce. She got married to a rich lad known as Sir.Glenfiddich

After he got out jail, Pulteney just couldn’t stand and watch his family living happily with Glenfiddich and decided to relocate overseas to the Americas. He landed in New York in the mid-seventies hoping to reunite with his longtime business partner Mr. Daniels, but times had changed in New York. Daniels was already a business partner with Jim Beam and Evan Williams, two of his former associates before he fled due to the license issue. He went into depression and later met a sweet lady that got him back on his feet. Harvey Wallbanger was a gem in the rubble, just what he needed. On one cold morning coming from a party he got into an accident that broke both his feet and sadly ended the life of the woman he loved. He never forgave himself for that and moved to Tennessee. Now crippled on both feet and not a penny to his name, he got next to the highway contemplating to take his own life when a middle aged rugged man spotted him and pulled his wheelchair back. 

They became friends and went to his home where he was taken care of and cleaned up. His new compatriot had a criminal past and stayed hidden away in his motorhome back in the woods. He saved his life like a knight in shining armor on that day and Pulteney called him Moonshine. They would be friends for life until Moonshine crossed the freeway one night without paying much attention and got run over by a bus. It was during one of routine checkups that they found Old Pulteney in the motorhome and took him to the nursing home.  

His daughter the Famous Grouse was now an artist married to a wealthy entrepreneur called Sir. Glenmorangie. He was one of the finest chaps she’d ever met who treated her like a queen. They lived in a huge mansion that had been in Glen’s family for centuries. They had two kids, a boy and a girl, Macallan M and Isabella Islay. These two grew up in the mansion unlike their grandad in the farmhouse. Bloody Mary heard about her ex-husband and she tossed the thought away like it was a bad memory.

As Old Pulteney was closing up his story, he was bitter of what he had done in the past but couldn’t change it even if he wanted to. He wanted to move back to his home but was held back by guilt. He continued visiting the alcoholics’ anonymous meetings and always ended his stories with, “does anyone have a drink”

June 17, 2021 22:27

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