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Historical Fiction

You know, there are days, where you wonder? Is there a reason my hair has to be so big and my make up so white? Why can't I wear pants instead of this huge dress with multiple layers? I wonder about it all the time. I get told all the time, "It is just how it is done." Yes, I know I am a woman and in this time I can't change what has been as long as it has been. So, instead I write everything down. History may change but, for me I can change it in my own way. I will tell how I would change things in my everyday life. How, you may think?, I will live like I am suppose to and change little things when I write at the end of my day. Maybe by the end of my life, things will have changed and someone will have read my journal and want to change there life like I had to without having to break the law or rules. All you have to do to excape society is have an imagination and a open heart and mind.

Lets begin.

Today, was like any other, birds chirping and of course I had to rise and shine and get primed for the day. Big hair, big dress, white make up, if I could I would wear maybe two layers of clothes, no white make up maybe some lipstick, and a braid or my hair down in curls. Why do we all have to dress the same? I want to be different. I don't want to marry so early, but I must. Everyday I must learn to keep house: sewing, learning all the arts, and most of all how to keep my husband happy, in more ways than one. It is always the man, not the woman, the women can't disobey the man in any way. We have to look our best and be quiet. And we must produce an heir and it must be a boy. Well, I must hold my tongue, but is there an exact science to figure out how you can produce a male heir first? I would like to know. At least, there is some wonderful desserts, very fancy, yet decadent. I have yet to find a candidate, but I would love to find one. My mother is always trying to find me one and yet there has not been one that is available, either there taken or no of age. I can wait until there is the one prince just for me if not, I just have to take what I can. Love might show up and there is a ball coming just around the corner. I am getting excited, it is just my mom and I. If by chance I find my prince I hope they have siblings.

Time for the ball.

Okay, so I know I don't like all the layers of clothing, the big hair and the make up, but I love it when I can dress up for a ball. I love to watch everyone in the dresses swirling around on the dance floor and the guys in there dress attire. Everything glitters and shines with all the colors. Sadly, I stay here with my mom waiting to see the prince. She tells me to stand up straight, don't wonder off and don't day dream. Do you think I can stop day dreaming? That just isn't me. And of course I wonder off. I was just curious. I start to walk the halls, look at each picture and without fail I run into someone. Behold, a fancy looking gentlemen. I do apologize, I hope your not hurt. I said to him. He said, "I am fine, I guess I was in my head and wasn't watching my steps, I apologize as well." He looks quite handsome. We ask for each other's name's, I am Lady Lizzabeth and he is Prince Payton. Well, to my shock I bowed quickly and apologized again, this ball is his. He told me to stand up and said that he didn't like balls but he has to obey. See there is that obey word, yet in this day in time we are forced to obey the higher ups. He ask me of all people to dance, of course I was honored. We danced like we was the only one's there on the dance floor. We actually fell for one another. At the ball my mom asked where I went I told I bumped into the prince and we danced. She got excited. I was happy, yet I had a feeling in my gut things might take a turn, I wasn't sure which the turn was going. I was happy and doubting myself. Could the prince like me or was I just another girl he danced with.

The next day.

One of the prince's attendents came to my palace and gave me an invitation. I was happy, could I have been chosen for the prince. I got dressed and got in the carriage to head to the prince's castle. Well, it wasn't just for me but two others, apparently his mother the queen, his father the king and himself chose someone to be invite for today, and neither knows who chose whom. Today will be a very confusing day. We were told to sit and have tea with one another. I didn't know either of them, And I thought I knew every royal? Well, I guess I can meet more, maybe we can be friends, if we don't kill one another first. I know for myself I will be a lady as I was taught. All of us lady's was being watched, I was the only one that knew. I sat quietly sipping my tea, as well as the others. For me, it was too quiet. So, I guess I should start the conversation. Hmmm, I thought to myself, what can I say? I can't, I am usually to one that stay quiet. Nothing would come out, so we all stay quiet. The thing was we all are here to marry the prince and we all did. Therefore, the prince had three wives, that includes me too. I was still happy.

After the wedding.

We all started our lives together.

I know I was going to change my life in writting, but my life started better than I thought it was going to be. Though it turned out different than I thought. I thought it would be boring and unfulfilled. That is why I was going to find a way to change. My story turned out to be different and unique. You just never know what is right around the corner.

My life has just began, till next time.

May 30, 2020 05:57

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1 comment

Emily Nghiem
21:52 Jun 06, 2020

I like the character you have created - very charming, and intriguing how she bucks tradition. I think she can make a captivating heroine in a very charming story, with more development, better structure, and help with professional editing. For starters, I would introduce her name and who she is closer to the beginning, instead of waiting until the end to tell the reader this story is about a royal Lady and a Prince. If it helps you pace your story to have illustrations, sometimes storyboarding the characters and scenes can help you organize...


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