Gas on Palms, Bruises on Hearts

Submitted into Contest #140 in response to: End your story with total oblivion.... view prompt


Fiction Sad

This story contains sensitive content

CW: apocalyptic event, mentions of family member death, discussions of death/the afterlife (plus small insinuations of homophobia), mild language.

Adelola dropped the needle onto the record three minutes and forty-nine seconds before the world was due to end. 

Mr. Yorke’s crooning whine echoed around her. It flitted away from its place on the roof of the caravan, rolled down the fiberglass sides and the windswept grass and tumbled from the edge of the cliff. Evie had said this was a preposterously precarious place to park – we’ll roll right off, Addie, – but Adelola had eventually reminded her that the world was about to end. Changes your perspective a bit, that.

Adelola was a few minutes from being swept off the roof herself. Her bones had scolded her during the short climb up, had creaked and moaned and were altogether much too opinionated for some lumps of calcium moments away from nullity. Speaking of over-opinionated lumps, she was beginning to wonder where the bloody hell Evie actually was.

“Eva, you daft bat,” she shouted through the wind, “Get up here before I blow away.”

A purple-rinse bouffant poked up over the side. A pair of crow-feet eyes glowered through bottle-end glasses.

“I was locking the door, Addie.”

As much as she enjoyed watching the old thing scramble up the ladder, Adelola eventually held out a hand to pull her up.

“I know how attached to your china collection you are, Evie, but I don’t think a half-price padlock from B&M is going to keep ol’ Perses-3576 from destroying them all.”

“I like to think of it as a final show of respect.”

“And for that, you’re an old fool, Evie Chapman.” Adelola smiled a frown.

“Ah, yes,” Evie’s arms met her waist and started off a subtle sway to the music, “But you’re older. And you were enough of a fool to marry me.”

“May 21st, 2022. Worst day of my life.”

A tease wrapped in an insult wrapped in yet more lilts from Thom. Adelola met the sway with her own and suddenly the two were dancing that simple box step they’d danced so many times before. Tipsy on dandelion wine, on the empty floor of their newly kitted-out Taylor Wimpey, in that hotel they’d got half price for their wedding night with the mysterious stain on the mattress. After Evie’s dad’s funeral with the damp of her eyes seeping into Adelola’s neck, after Adelola came home from the clinic with the new Citalopram prescription, in the broken-heater chill of that stupid caravan they’d spent all their savings on that they stood on now. On lino, on floorboards, on concrete, on grass, on snow and in puddles and in the glow of the moon. 

Two minutes and forty-one seconds until that grass and those puddles and the glow of that daft moon were all gone.

“Worse than today?” 

The sudden seriousness to Evie’s tone was not lost on her. It was never lost on her, Evie’s dips into the pensive, just as she was sure her rare attempts at optimism never flew over Evie.

“Don’t you remember your father’s speech?”

“I think I was more concentrated on your brother’s atrocious tie.”

“Paisley, wasn’t it?”

“Chevron, actually.”


“I’m sure he told me it was from a charity shop.”

“I’m sure he told me he found it in a bin.”

They laughed, nothing much to laugh at though there was. 

But laughing with Evie always had that aura of muffled giggles in a funeral parade, fuelled by the high of emotions and bizzarrity of loss. Forbidden and shameful but nonetheless relieving. Air let out from a tire, pressure released from a headache, a slow dance at the end of the world.

“Do you think it’ll hurt?”

The press of Evie’s face over her shoulder was met with a particularly loud chime from the player. Their sways matched its volume with tighter grips and hums to that tinkly little tune. Adelola could feel damp on her neck. Evie could likely feel damp on her own.

“I don’t know.”

She’d imagined the pain before. All the way from News Report No. 1 to those stupid farewell concerts they did last month on BBC 5 to that Netflix special with this generation’s bad excuse for Louis Theroux. She wasn’t scared of it anymore. Many things, but not that. Even now, as she looked over the edge of the cliff into the grey sea and imagined the hurtle of Perses up above, Adelola couldn’t bring herself to flinch. Tears could be blamed on the wind, and her grip on Evie could be mistaken for a lack of balance in each of its gusts. 

“My Nan always told me I’d go to Hell,” a sniff flew out into the gale, “Reckon it’s real, Addie? Reckon this is our ticket, first class seat?”

“Always the poet, Chapman.”

“You love it, Okoro.”

“Only through years of desensitisation,”

She could practically hear the scowl on Evie’s face. The scowl that seemed to get deeper as each year went by, starting off as reluctant irritation and ending with what it was now – fondness disguised as annoyance. It’d been there when they’d first met, painting Evie’s personality onto her face for all the world to see. Adelola had fallen in love with her right then.

When she finally got to touch Evie’s personality with her own, Adelola fell in love with her more. When Evie taught her how to skateboard, hands holding Adelola’s with fierce determination, Adelola fell in love with her more. Sleepovers, birthday gifts, tragic haircuts, Evie’s first boyfriend, Adelola’s failed first date with Jack from Geography – with all of it, all of it, Adelola fell in love with her more. She’d known that fact for years on end. Evie lit her up like oil on water. 

Adelola was always the water in that metaphor, still and calm until a tremble made her snap. Evie was slick. Slippery, never to be tamed. Fanning out into all the colours of the rainbow if you gazed in just the right light. Adelola had always been good at finding that light. 

Less than a minute, now, and that light would be snuffed out. Because, suddenly, Adelola realised that Thom was nearing the end. 

“Let me see your face, Evie,”

Evie didn’t need to ask. She just pulled back and met Adelola’s eyes, rain on coal. God, she’s beautiful.

“You’re a right minger, you.”

Evie pressed her forehead against Adelola’s.

“Coming from you, that’s rich.”

They laughed.

Adelola held her cheek. 

Their sways had stopped.

“I do love you, though.”

“Save the sappiness for Hell, dear,” Evie raised a hand to cup her neck, “Or Heaven. Or wherever else. Might be nothing, I suppose. As long as we’re together.”

It was all licked with humour, all of it apart from that last sentence. Our last sentence, Adelola thought wryly, I wonder what that’ll be. Better make it a good one.

“Well, if we’re not, I’ll come find you. I’m good at stuff like that. Remember Paris?”

“It was your fault we lost the map in the first place.”

They nearly laughed, but this time not quite. Their throats were jammed with something. Emotion, perhaps. Fear, perhaps. No, not fear, Adelola decided. Never fear, not when Evie was here, the insufferable bat she was.

“I love­–”

“Don’t say it now, Eva,” her other hand reached up too, and now Adelola was gripping the world in her hands, “Say it later, eh? When I find you again.”


“Alright.” Adelola frowned a smile.

She could hear the screams in the distance, riding the wind like empty crisp packets. Closure wasn’t for everyone, it would seem. Closure had never really been for her either. 

With the smell of Evie’s perfume on the tip of her nose and cold skin in her warm palms, the needle dropped to a stop. Neither bothered to glance at the record player.

The song was over.

April 07, 2022 14:26

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Janey El Napier
14:28 Apr 07, 2022

Howdy, readers! I just wanted to clarify that this I not a part of my ongoing series I’ve been writing recently on my profile. I’m not going to put a comment on every story I write to say whether or not it’s part of the series but, since this is the first unrelated story I’ve written since starting the series, I just thought I’d mention it! If you have for some reason been following that series, there will be more so don’t worry! They’ll all be listed in my bio. Also, for those of you who are wondering, the song the characters are dancing ...


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Linda Sally
16:25 Jul 29, 2022

URGENT EFFECTIVE LOVE SPELL TO GET YOUR EX BACK FAST AND TO SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE CONTACT DR or WhatsApp +2348151806720 Am sorry for putting this on the net but I have to. I will forever be indebted to DR,IFADE for fixing my broken marriage after my husband left me for another woman for 6 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to DR,IFADE. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lot about false spell caster but I put my doubts behind me because I was desperate to get...


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Linda Sally
16:25 Jul 29, 2022

URGENT EFFECTIVE LOVE SPELL TO GET YOUR EX BACK FAST AND TO SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE CONTACT DR or WhatsApp +2348151806720 Am sorry for putting this on the net but I have to. I will forever be indebted to DR,IFADE for fixing my broken marriage after my husband left me for another woman for 6 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to DR,IFADE. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lot about false spell caster but I put my doubts behind me because I was desperate to get...


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Linda Sally
16:25 Jul 29, 2022

URGENT EFFECTIVE LOVE SPELL TO GET YOUR EX BACK FAST AND TO SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE CONTACT DR or WhatsApp +2348151806720 Am sorry for putting this on the net but I have to. I will forever be indebted to DR,IFADE for fixing my broken marriage after my husband left me for another woman for 6 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to DR,IFADE. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lot about false spell caster but I put my doubts behind me because I was desperate to get...


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Linda Sally
16:25 Jul 29, 2022

URGENT EFFECTIVE LOVE SPELL TO GET YOUR EX BACK FAST AND TO SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE CONTACT DR or WhatsApp +2348151806720 Am sorry for putting this on the net but I have to. I will forever be indebted to DR,IFADE for fixing my broken marriage after my husband left me for another woman for 6 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to DR,IFADE. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lot about false spell caster but I put my doubts behind me because I was desperate to get...


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Sarah Mia
13:20 Jul 29, 2022

I URGENTLY NEED A SPELL CASTER TO HELP ME GET MY EX BACK CONTACT DR IFADE. EMAIL: WHATSAPP HIM ON +2348151806720 Hello everyone, I am very glad to share my amazing testimony on how DR. IFADE brought back my husband, i have been living in hell for the past 2 years since my husband left me, i saw a testimony of a woman online on how DR. IFADE restore her husband back to her, so i decided to also contact him through his email and i explain everything to him and he promised he will bring back my husband in 48h...


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Sarah Mia
13:20 Jul 29, 2022

I URGENTLY NEED A SPELL CASTER TO HELP ME GET MY EX BACK CONTACT DR IFADE. EMAIL: WHATSAPP HIM ON +2348151806720 Hello everyone, I am very glad to share my amazing testimony on how DR. IFADE brought back my husband, i have been living in hell for the past 2 years since my husband left me, i saw a testimony of a woman online on how DR. IFADE restore her husband back to her, so i decided to also contact him through his email and i explain everything to him and he promised he will bring back my husband in 48h...


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Sarah Mia
13:20 Jul 29, 2022

I URGENTLY NEED A SPELL CASTER TO HELP ME GET MY EX BACK CONTACT DR IFADE. EMAIL: WHATSAPP HIM ON +2348151806720 Hello everyone, I am very glad to share my amazing testimony on how DR. IFADE brought back my husband, i have been living in hell for the past 2 years since my husband left me, i saw a testimony of a woman online on how DR. IFADE restore her husband back to her, so i decided to also contact him through his email and i explain everything to him and he promised he will bring back my husband in 48h...


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Riel Rosehill
17:21 Apr 11, 2022

Hey Elizabeth, "Adelola dropped the needle onto the record three minutes and forty-nine seconds before the world was due to end." -- What a hook! Good job with this story, it was moving & romantic and I liked the little fun detail when they joked about that tie found in the bin (great humour!) I enjoyed reading this story. ^^


Janey El Napier
17:26 Apr 11, 2022

Thank you for the lovely comment - it really means a lot! :)


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Jeannette Miller
17:01 Apr 10, 2022

I like the approach the characters have toward their impending end and the dialogue between them mixed with the background of their relationships. Well done.


Janey El Napier
17:06 Apr 10, 2022

Thank you!


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Alex Sultan
19:39 Apr 08, 2022

A really great concept - it works so well with your style. I've listened to OK Computer, and I think that No Surprises is the right track for this one. Definitely fits the world is ending, but let us enjoy our time theme. It's cool that you connected it, especially with the first line mentioning the song's run time. A lot of lines in this are very poetic. The 'lit up like oil on water' paragraph was well written. My favourite part is the 'Say it when I find you again' line - the dynamic between the two was wholesome & realistic to read, an...


Janey El Napier
20:22 Apr 08, 2022

OK Computer is a great album and definitely one of my favourites - it wasn't originally my intention to connect it to the song so much but the more I imagined it the more I thought it fit! If you like No Surprises, may I suggest Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll by the Killers? (slightly more upbeat but similar vibe and also one one my favourites!) Thank you so much for your lovely comment as always (I'm not sure I'm always deserving of them but I really do appreciate them!). I'm glad the ending came across okay too - I tend to struggle with maki...


Alex Sultan
20:37 Apr 08, 2022

Haha, I've heard Hot Fuss as well - the whole album would play on the radio when I was younger. Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll is definitely a highlight on it. Looking forward to the next one.


Janey El Napier
20:46 Apr 08, 2022

You had better luck than I did as a kid then haha. All that was played on the radio where I lived was Thrift Shop and Call Me Maybe (maybe Part Rock Anthem on a good day).


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