Kids Fiction Mystery

There was a shipwreck in the Pacific Ocean. About a thousand people on that ship. Nine hundred and five people nearly drowned, when the captain sent an SOS signal. Brandy an eleven-year-old child, endeavoring to save another kid from drowning. Finally, after two or two and a half hours another ship arrived. Brandy stepped up the marble staircase of the great ship, as the kid who Brandy had saved came running up to him. “Thank you, so much for saving me out there!” he said. You were so brave. Oh, and by the way my name is Rowan. “Well, you’re welcome for saving you, “Brandy said. I am Brandy, eleven years old. “Very nice to meet you, Brandy!” said Rowan. They walked up the noisy staircase full of chattering and muttering of about, how did our ship trip over? When they got to the first floor of the ship, they realized it wasn’t a ship, it was a cruise. It was full of luxury. Brandy and Rowan went to their parents. When they got there, they saw that their parents were drenched with water exactly like Brandy and Rowan were. Both of their parents told them that they could sleep in the same room for night, six hundred and five on the sixth-floor room five. By the time they got into their pajamas, got fresh, and all of that. Brandy’s dad came at the door holding some type of box in his hands. “I got pizza for both o’ yeh!” he said. And handed the box to Brandy and left. Both got onto the bed, turned the TV, and started eating. It took them thirty minutes to eat the whole pizza. “The pizza was awesome!” Rowan said. “Yea,” said Brandy. After that they brushed their teeth and went to sleep. Brandy could not sleep all night just wondering, how their ship flipped over by itself. Many people thought that the ship hit a colossal rock that made the ship drown like the titanic, but Brandy did not believe it. After all it was morning. The cruise had reached California, Brandy and Rowan woke up to hear the horn. It was nearly nine o clock in the morning. Both got up and got ready and they headed down for breakfast. When they got there their parents were already there. “Hey guys!” said Brandy’s dad. How are yeh doing today? “Good,” said Rowan in a sleepy voice. Brandy and Rowan both took a chair and sat down at the breakfast table and started to arrange their plates. “Awesome,” said Rowan. Waffles, pancakes, cereal, omelet, and sandwiches. Yummy. As they all finished their food and went to their rooms to pack up and get ready. As their cruise approached the California, San Francisco dock, people started rushing down towards the exit.

Brandy and Rowan squeezed through the crowd, and into the line with their parents.

Brandy and Rowan both got outside. They had come here for vacation. “This place is awesome! said Brandy in a voice of amazement. “Incredible!” said Rowan. It took them 56 minutes to get to the hotel. Soon it became night, and all the lights started to come out. Brandy and Rowan went down to the lobby to see their parents for dinner, but they weren’t there. Both headed outside the door and walked to the right. “Where could they be?” said Rowan in a confused sought of tone. “How am I supposed to know?” Brandy said. Just then came a voice from behind them, “there you are! “It was Brandy’s and Rowan’s dad. We have been looking for you for so long. Where have you been?

“Nowhere,” said Brandy.

“Yeah,” Rowan said.

We’ve just been looking for you. We even checked lobby and you guys were not there either, so we came down here in the parking lot to check. “Oh, well, I guess we shall get going now since we’ve found you both,” said Rowan’s dad. Then not soon after that they were in the car searching for a place to sit and eat dinner. Finally, they arrived at their destination.

They went in the restaurant, took a table, and sat down. When they were ready an employee came to pick up the orders. “I am starving so bad!” said Brandy. “Me too,” said Rowan. In 22 minutes, their beverages came. In another 35 minutes the food came. Brandy started piling up his plate with food. “Can you even eat the much? “Rowan said.

“Of course!” said Brandy stuffing his mouth with chicken nuggets. When all of them went back to the hotel they had to stop at Walmart to collect groceries.

“The food was awesome!” said Brandy burping. When they arrived at the hotel Brandy and Rowan ran straight to their room to sleep. They were sleepy after eating food, that they didn’t even brush their teeth, and went to sleep.

As days passed by Brandy and Rowan grew up, and people started to believe there was a Demon haunting the ocean that destroyed their ship. Soldiers went on the lookout with ships, ferrys, boats, yachts, water taxis, and cruises. So far everything was going pretty good there had been no attacks, and today was Brandy’s birthday. He was turning 18 years old, and now he had joined the navy.

While Rowan had joined Air Force. Their parents were very proud of them because now they served the country like other soldier to protect other people from damage from the demon. When time came for Brandy and Rowan were to go out on their own securing people from any danger.

Brandy and Rowan were about 25 years old and were on their seventh year of serving the Country. Today they were going to protecting a cruise called Ascent. It was almost nighttime, and the soldiers and Brandy and Rowan cuddled up in the helicopters. An hour later there was a large splash in the water, a few minutes later after the splash there was a loud grumble, and there appeared a colossal body the size of a hundred and twenty-two school buses, eight eyes like a cat, body shaped like an octopus and about 21 arms. “O.M.G!”

Brandy said in a hoarse voice. “It’s the demon!” said another woman named Stacey in amazement. “Wait a second,” said Rowan.

I’ve heard that the demon had once been woken by a group of men on an odyssey. “So how do we get it to sleep?” asked Brandy.

“How am I supposed to know that?” Rowan said.

By then the demon had eighteen arms around cruise Ascent, and there had been one out of eight helicopters down. “Start shooting at the demon!” said head boy Kaleb. They all started shooting at it, and not soon after that more helicopters, also the army came now. They all worked as a team, and finally defeated it.

They had won! Soon after that no one would be drowned by that dreadful thing again, and no one feared going out in the ocean. After serving in the Navy and Air force, Brandy and Rowan both achieved exceptional service awards, and lived a long happy life.

July 15, 2023 00:53

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