The Change

Submitted into Contest #205 in response to: Start your story during a full moon night.... view prompt


Fiction Horror Suspense

Racing through the woods on all fours, panting with a fierceness, Jason never felt more free. His animated instincts kicked in and drove him to the most unthinkable things. Wanting to live freely, he couldn’t believe this actually happened to him. At first he was appalled, but now he embraced it. Living by the moonlight wasn’t as bad as he originally thought it would be. He could be where nobody would bother him. 

At first the fur was daunting, but the fangs made it worth it. He could run faster than he ever could as a human and loved the wind in his hair. The night vision was spectacular and the fear of traveling through the woods alone subsided. 

Even though he had very recently transformed he wondered when the cravings were going to begin. He knew being a werewolf came with hunting, but he felt like it would be small animals. He had no idea what werewolves actually ate, but he was somewhat afraid to find out. His enhanced senses made him glad to not be human any more. The freedom that he had from being a werewolf far surpassed anything else in his life. 

A branch cracking in the distance made him come to an abrupt halt. Wondering what made the noise and if it was threatening as he tried to slow his heart rate, but remembering none of that mattered any longer. Despite whatever creature it was, it wasn’t a threat. He could handle it. The more he thought about it the more his animalistic instincts took over. Finding himself yearning for indulgence he began scanning the forest floor for whatever made the sound. 


Only a few feet away he saw a squirrel stuffing its cheeks with its own dinner.

The longer Jason watched the more enticed he became. After several moments of watching it, he felt himself start to drool unbelieving that this was what satisfied him, but no longer sickened. Waiting longer than he should have, he pounced. In a manner that truly disgusted him, he tore the animal apart and devoured it like he hadn’t eaten in weeks. Ashamed of his behavior, he sulked back to the edge of the woods and waited for daylight.

The sun peaking through the trees alerted Jason that it was time to go home. Realizing he was naked, a fact he hadn’t adjusted to yet, he covered himself the best he could with his hands and did his best to duck behind anything he could find to protect himself. Managing to stay out of sight until he wandered into a field of distant neighbor’s where he causally finished the trek home. Thinking he had to find a remedy for the nakedness for the next time he morphed, he made a plan to work out that detail. 

He was awakened by his body changing. It happened so suddenly he didn’t have time to process what was happening. After the change he examined himself. Still in awe about his recently discovered abilities he looked over his excessively hairy body. Six inch razors protruding from each of his fingers that made even him shiver by the mere sight of them. Feeling the urge to crouch on all fours, he howled before unleashing the monster inside of him. Running at full speed, he felt the excitement of being able to run under the moonlight, being one with nature. Something that he took for granted. 

Tonight he felt like running and running. His supernatural strength allowed him to feel as if he were flying. The sensation was overwhelming. The animation of his features made him feel as if he could do anything. The freedom of doing anything he wanted made him more jubilant about being his new-found self. 

Finding that his cravings were increasing he searched for his dinner. Eating the first thing he found, without taking the time to look at what he was eating. The dinner felt more like a snack and he found himself unsatisfied. Suddenly ravenous, he searched for more food. Overtaken by his desire to eat, he lost all focus, and became agitated. Jason needed to find more food. Racing through the woods, his aggression mounted as he stumbled upon a fairly large wolf. Instantly drooling upon the sight of the meat stack the wolf was going to provide him, he knew he had to move quickly. Slowing his pace to not startle the wolf, he was delighted that he would have succeeded such a kill. His breathing quickening he prepared himself for the pounce that would take down his largest thus far. Granted, he had only transformed a little less than a week ago. Nonetheless, he was still proud of himself for advancing so quickly in his new life.

Watching the creature with stone cold eyes, Jason leaped just as the wolf sensed he was being watched and almost reacted too slowly. Jason had ripped its throat out then went on to devour the entire corpse. Uncertain how long it took him to eat, but he felt like it had only taken him seconds. Unable to tell time by the moon and stars just yet, he hoped he still had time to explore as a voracious animal. Set out at a slow pace and after what he thought was a couple of hours, he began contemplating on where he should go all the while wondering how long it would be before he would be able to transform willingly or if such a thing was possible. Vampires could transform whenever they wanted, so Jason was confident it would happen to him as well. 

Thinking about all the things he could do now, he also weighed in on the things he couldn’t do. He also considered where he was going to hide his spare clothes. So many things to think about and plan, but that was for another time. 

Lying on the grass under the treetop roof, he took a deep breath with his eyes closed deciding he could learn to savor his new lifestyle.

July 08, 2023 02:21

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