It was cold, chilly evening.No one seemed to be in the street. Nobody except one little girl, the one, who could bear the frosty weather outside. Everybody had preferred to stay home to stay warm. In the darkness, the girl could see just few shadows passing her, the shadows which were in a hurry on their way home. She was walking with accelerated steps on the sidewalk lightened by street lamps. The road had no end. No one knew where she was going, neither did she knew. Somewhere far away, to infinity. She was slowly slowing down her steps. There was no one on the road, just the girl and her shadow. “Nobody can understand me “- she was thinking, - “I wish I could find the person who would listen and talk to me like a normal person. I must find the place, where nobody will find me for a while”. Wind was blowing in her hair and tears were rolling down on her cheeks. Her face looked strict, but she was undoubtedly gorgeous: blue eyed, with small nose and a pale skin. Lost in her thoughts, the girl suddenly stopped. She wiped her tears away and stared at the huge, old building in front of her. Then the girl thought to herself- “I think, I’ve found what I was looking for”-and she started to go upstairs. Soon she was at the top of the building. A porch was too smoky doe to chimneys, but it wasn’t problem for the girl. It seemed that nobody was here, but the girl couldn’t notice an old man sitting on a rocking chair in the corner of the porch. The man was smoking a pipe and was looking at the starry sky. Absent-minded man hardly noticed the girl.
- Who are you? – he asked.
- I’m Lily – she answered.
- Why are you here?
- I’m cold.
- Go home then, I’m also going to go, soon.
- I don’t want to go there.
- Where are you going, then?
- I don’t know, somewhere, in a warm place.
- What, you don’t have any heating?
- It’s still cold, there.
- I’m leaving. You go, too.
- No.
- Okay then, keep standing here!
- You know what?! Sometimes I want to break something…
- Break whatever you want, but this corner is mine, don’t do anything to it.
- Yours? But how?
- Yes, mine. This porch was the most favorite place for my grandfather. After his death, it belongs to me. I often come upstairs and remember old memories and the stories my grandfather used to tell me.
- What exactly, for instance?
- Do you want to hear the story, how I got here for the first time?
- Of course, I do.
- Okay then… I was like of your age, when I became orphan. I was devastated and all I needed was silence. Somehow, I found this place nearby my home. To my astonishment, I saw my grandfather, sitting in this chair and smoking this pipe, just like I do now. As soon as he noticed me, he asked:
- What are you doing here?
- I’m searching for a cozy place to isolate. – I answered.
- So, you’re on a right place, - said grandfather and smiled warmly…
- What a fascinating story! – said the girl, when the elder man finished telling the story.
- It was nice to meet you, Lily. It’s time for me to go. – said the man and leaned on a walking cane. - It’s too late, already.
- No, please, don’t go yet.
- I would stay for a little long with pleasure, but it’s too cold for me. You go, too.
- But I’ve just come! Also, I can’t get back home tonight, I had an argument with my parents.
- You can come with me to my homeplace if you want, I live near this building. You can also tell me about the things you are worried about.
- I would love to. Thank you, very much. – Lily answered.
The senior man leaded the girl to the way of his house. He was walking slowly with resting under time. Then, at last, old, small brick house appeared. As soon as they entered the house, the elder man lit the fireplace and put the kettle on. He gave Lily a warm blanket and made sure, that she was feeling comfortable. Then, he prepared teapot with its cups and picked up cherry pie from the cabinet. After that, they started long, deep conversation, which continued all night. There they were – two different types of people with different ages, non-identical thoughts, contrasting lives, dissimilar experience, but still so familiar to each other… The old man seemed trustworthy for the girl, so she told everything about her thoughts and feelings. The man calmed her down and advised to go back home to apologize to her parents. Fortunately, they both got what they wanted – true friendship and a family, too. The old man felt young again and the girl perceived herself as an adult.
Lily took her friend’s advice and went home for the morning. Her parents had stayed up for all night worrying about her. The girl’s parents cheered up, when their daughter got back home safely. They thanked the god and hugged Lily hardly…
At the evening, the girl headed to the huge, old building, she went upstairs, looked around, but there was nobody there. The girl walked fast to the small brick house, but the old man wasn’t even there. Crying girl ran home and told her parents everything about her one and only friend. They had been looking for the senior man everywhere - from elder shelters to hospitals. Finally, they found him in a hospital. Being unconscious, lily’s friend was fighting against death. Lily was too nervous, after years of waiting, she had finally found true friend and now she was about to lose him. What could be more tragical than this? After hours of waiting, a doctor came out and shook his head sadly. Everything was clear for the girl. She fell on her knees and started crying sorrowfully... Her wonderful nightdream was finished like a nightmare.
That night Lily went to the place, which was so valuable for both of two friends. On the porch, the girl headed for the corner of peace and memories. Familiar rocking chair was moving slowly and gently, just few people would understand, that it was missing and was waiting for its owner. Lily sat next to the chair. The view of the town was stunning, everything seemed so small from there. Now she looked up to the sky. The sky was clearly fabulous. Among hundreds of stars, she suddenly spotted one of them falling on the sky. The girl made a wish.
- Why you look so sad? – asked the familiar voice,
- You? Who? Are you real or you're just the part of my illusion?
- Of course, I’m real. You were the one, who wished to spend one more night with me, so I’m here, next to you. We can talk about anything you want.
- I did make a wish, but I had no idea it was possible to happen. I’m very confused, but also, I feel so happy right now. I wasn’t even able to say goodbye to you.
- No matter what you wish for, wishes can always come true, when they come from the bottom of your heart, my darling. – said the senior man and smiled widely, just like he used to do before…
The two friends had been having honest conversation for hours. At the end, when the sun was starting to rise, the elder man said:
- It’s time for me to go. Remember you will always be in my heart and I will think about you every day. You made my heart feel young again and I am very grateful to have you in my life, even for a short time. You’re beautiful, clever, brave girl and use the opportunities in your life. Find friends of your age and surprise them with your abilities. Stop being shy, be confident and amaze people around you. Think about me, some time I will receive your thoughts and will be happy to know I have someone who cares about me. But please, don’t cry any minute, life is too short to spend in on crying. Keep smiling and remember the things you learned from me. And the last thing I want to say, this place now belongs to you. Isolating on this porch will always help you in difficult situations. Goodbye, Lily. It was nice to meet you.
- I will never forget you - said l the girl with tearful eyes.
The elder man put his trembling hand on Lily’s shoulder. Then he turned back and disappeared in the sunbeams.
- Wait – Lily tried to stop him, but it was too late, he had already gone.
The girl felt sorrow, when the elder man left, but she sat down on the rocking chair and smiled widely thinking about her one and only friend.
Certainly, the two soulmates from two different worlds found each other. God knows, what will happen next, but I do believe, that connection like this can never die. Two soulmates will definitely meet each other, but when? How? I don’t know, let’s give time to life to show us what happens next.
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Lizi, your storyline is good, I get the impression that English might be a second language for you. Try using Grammarly and also there is a very useful tool for translating sentences on the Web. I wrote a book that took place in Russia and used that tool on a regular basis. Keep writing! Sue PS If you have moment please read Lost and Found.
Hello,thanks for your comment. You are right, my first language is Georgian and I found it hard to translate my story in English. I'm so grateful for your helpful advice and I'll try Grammarly as soon as possible.
Hi: You have a very interesting story idea. It has a dark haunting feel to it. However, the writing and formatting make it difficult to follow or make sense of the narrative. There is a lot of awkward phrasing and word choices. Additionally dialogue should be written with quotations. The main character seemed conflicted between wanting to make a friend and being alone. So, it seems like a coming of age story, but I'm left with a feeling of what is this story even about anyway. I think that with work on structure, grammar, and vocabulary tha...
Hello,thanks for your comment. The thing is, English's my second language and it's the first time I've translated my story. I really appreciate your review and I will try to do my best for the second time.
Hi: I had thought that it might have been a translation. I still think that it was a good story and hope to see more from you. Thanks, Frank