Crime Drama Fiction

Everyone wants their name to be known, but what they don't understand is that as soon as you make a name for yourself, you're no longer yourself, all they'll know is your name and the person you want them to think you are. Everything you did affects your chance at becoming successful, everything you do affects your chance at continuing to be successful, but even when you are successful are you really? I did something bad, no one knows who I am, no one knows what I did, but everyone knows my name, and they all think they know the real me. My name is Leila Jones, better known by my stage name Dark heart, and I killed someone.

A few years ago...

My mother and I don't get along, she had an affair with this man whom she's now married to, I absolutely hate him, but he's rich so that's something, you know I think maybe she married him just for his money.

Since she had an affair, my dad left her, that's understandable. I currently live with my mom since my cabrón of a father didn't bother to fight for custody just cause he said and I quote, "I can't take care of you on my own honey," yea, I know it's so freaking de mierda, and yes I realize I'm speaking a little Spanish even though I'm black but my parents don't speak Spanish, and my stepfather’s white but he doesn't speak it either, so it's the only way I can curse without them making a whole thing out of it, and since I do it so much, I mostly only curse in Spanish unless I’m really mad.

A few hours later…

“Yo, are you ready for hell?” Meet my best friend Eva, she’s quirky, acts a little stupid sometimes, and no we’re not going to actual hell, but we are do have to go to class so kill me now. “Am I ever?” I say sarcastically, I’m very sarcastic just so you know. I see James walking on his tiptoes behind Eva and he mouthed shh, “Boo!!!” Meet my other best friend James, he’s very funny, and very gay, not that he’d ever admitted he's gay, he’s sort of in the denial phase, “James, what the hell is wrong with you?” Eva’s clearly angry so she hits him and I laugh my culo off while they fight

The bell rang so now it’s really time for Infierno, “Y'all wanna hang out at my place after school.” Eva said while fixing her hair since it got ugly after their fight, “No can do, I got some mierda I gotta take care of in boxing today.” Eva looks disappointed so she looks over to see what James had to say, “Dance, sorry,” Now she just looks mad, “Seriously dude, you’re abandoning me for dance” James looked sorry, “I already said sorry, and why are you coming for me and not ‘I got some mierda I gotta take care of’ over there” He really just air quoted that, I took a deep breath, “See what I mean, this the type of shit I gotta take care of in boxing”, Eva was shocked cause I hardly ever curse in English, “Oooo, she cursed in English so you know she’s mad,” James looked like he was mad and sorry like he was mad that I used the anger issues thing, but he’s also sorry that I have the anger issues thing, “I’m sorry but she only ever gets mad at me, it gets to my head sometimes.” Eva scratched her head, “You know what let’s just forget I asked anything,” I got mad, “Not a problem with me,” so did James, “Same” James walked away, the bell rang again, I had completely forgotten the bell ranged before “Shit, now I’m late,” so I walked away.

Later that day…

My friends and I never met up again that day after the fight, my stepdad came to get me from boxing, “Leila,” he yelled to get my attention, I walked up to his car, “What the heck are you doing here?” I was gonna say hell but they do believe I’m this nice girl so heck it is, “I came to get you,” he said, I realize what he’s trying to do, he’s always doing, trying to be my friend, I’m sick of it, “I have a car, which you gave to me, by the way...” I just had to say that with a little attitude, I mean dude, when are you gonna realize I don’t want to be your friend, “I know,” He didn’t know. Mother bought me that car with his money and said he bought it, “You know what, just get one of your goons to drive my car and I’ll drive yours” When I say goons, I’m referring to his bodyguards who are not with him right now, “And how am I gonna get home?” I swear to god this dude’s stupider than he looks, “I’ll drive you can still be in the car” You do know what I’m doing right, I’m making friends with him so he can leave me alone, “Wait, you want to get in the same car with me, and you’ll drive and we’ll actually go home together?” And, “Yep” the beginning of my nightmare, that puto was so happy that he didn’t even ask why I wanted to drive, and no I wasn’t planning what happened next since right now.

On the way home…

One the way home mom texted me to get some things from the grocery store, and I wanted to get away from that stupid man as soon as possible so I took the shortcut to the store, but the shortcut’s a narrow street and I’ve never driven in a narrow street before, while I was getting out of the narrow street, a truck was going really fast and it hit us, after that, I fell unconscious, but I woke up before everyone else involved in the accident did, I checked to see if my stepdad was alive and he had a weak pulse. Something about me is that I think a lot of bad things that I probably shouldn’t think, and at that moment I had one of those thoughts, let him die, and this time I couldn’t fight the thought, I looked around to see if there was anyone awake around, no one was there, I wasn’t hurt that bad and I was so scared that something would happen if they knew I was driving so I thought I’d just blame it on him. I looked around in his car for something that could probably cause him to get in the car accident, he had some miniature alcohol in his car so I just put it all over him, put some in his mouth and in his hands, so it'd look like he was drinking, then I got out of the car, took him out and put him in the driver’s seat and I had a mask in my boxing bag cause my original plan was to go to my dance studio(In my dance studio everyone wears a mask)and get rid of some more steam after the boxing gym, so I put the mask on my face so no one could see that my face was bleeding a little, I saw the airbag for the seat he was sitting on was out, which means that would cause some suspicion for the police so I reset the airbags and it did take a little bit more time but it had to be done. After that, I went to the nearest public bathroom, with the mask on, of course, watched the blood off my face, asked for some band-aids, and went to the grocery store as if nothing had happened.

When I got home about 30 minutes later, the news about the accident was already spread, mom found out about it, and she was devastated, how could he drink and drive, I guess she didn’t love him just cause of the money if she did, she’d be happy he was dead, I didn’t know what to say, so I just acted like I was sad and deep down I liked him, and right now I missed him too, I didn’t but that’s not what mother needs to hear.

Back to the present…

He left his will to my mother, she gave me about half of his money, I moved from New Jersey to New York, made a career for myself, now I'm a singer. 

As much as everyone knows about my stepfather, he was drunk driving and killed himself, the people who know my name, that’s all they know too, they know my mother and my father’s name, and everything they need to know about a celebrity, his or her history, stuff like that, in this case, they know everything about me minus the things I don’t want them to know, those things I went through a lot to hide, so I guess they do know me but, just the me wearing a mask.

May 07, 2021 17:25

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