
"We're running out of time!" I felt the lights glare down on me but I can't open my eyes. The blur of voices- what was going on? A pulse surged through my body. Again. Again. A long beep stilled the room. "I'm here! It's okay!" I shouted. Why didn't they hear me? I sat up and my eyes opened. The white wall and the bright lights stung my eyes. Strangers stood around me; some had their eyes closed while others just looked at the floor. My heart broke as I saw my lover sobbing on the floor. I threw the sheet off me- only it didn't move. The air in my lungs turned into a knot in my throat. I felt frozen. Tears blurred my vision, "Let go of me!" I cried to nothing, "What's happening?" Why did they not answer me? Everyone left the room; two of them carried my love with them. All I could do was sit there and sob. 

"Shh." I felt a hand rub my back as a calming voice whispered sweet nothings to me. I didn't look up. I couldn't. I was scared. Silence grew in the room as my eyes dried. I cried them dry. I could still feel the dip in the bed where the strange comforter sat. I leaned back, eyes closed. "Hey," the voice cooed, "I need you to get up." My voice was weak and hoarse, "I can't" Two hands gently took mine. The warmth was strange in comparison to mine. The floor was cold. Where were my shoes? My head hurt. My head still bent, I opened my eyes. Where were my clothes? One hand traced patterns on the fabric while the other had a death grip on them. Sensing my hesitancy, they pulled me up; my knees buckled for a few seconds before steadying out. Two fingers under my chin raised my eyes to meet theirs. 

Unfamiliar eyes looked back at me, yet I suddenly felt calm. "Can you come with me?" My voice failed me as I nodded. They took my hand as we walked out of the room. More people walked through the halls, almost like blurs. The same white walls and tiles endlessly continued. Three people gathered outside of the room we had just come out of. An older couple held each other as the woman cried into her husband's arms. Another person sat in a chair next to them. Head in their hands. Why were they all crying? I felt a gentle tug on my hand as we continued down the hall. Nobody looked at me. The halls seemed to blur together, I wasn't sure how long we walked down them. Finally two large glass doors opened, I stopped as someone walked in with a wheelchair.

The sun was setting. The evening breeze kissed my cheek softly. "Where are we going?" They sighed, "For a walk." Continuing out of the large parking lot and into the town, I watched as parents carried their kids on their shoulders. There was a couple at the ice cream shop debating on what flavor to share. A older man leaned on his cane as he smoked his pipe. I didn't know it was possible to see something so familiar yet have it seem so new. 

The cold pavement turned to dirt and grass as we walked into a park. I tripped a bit as the figure next to me came to a stop. I turned to them confused. The feeling grew as my gaze followed theirs. A few clouds floated in the reds and different shades of blue. A pigeon flew by. The moon slowly climbed the sky. When I looked back, they faced me. "Do you remember what happened?" I felt their eyes searching mine, maybe for the truth. "N-no?" But I didn't know what the truth was. "Try." My eyes squeezed shut. Think. Think. Think. I felt two hands on my cheeks as my mind started to blur. 

. . . . .

Cheers rang out through the stadium as caps flew through the air. I held the diploma tightly. "We are so proud of you." My parents hugged me. I felt a pair of lips on my cheek as I turned around, smiling at the identical gown.


The office was bustling. Carl waved from the coffee station, his white smile brightly contrasted his ebony skin. McKenzie handed me a coffee as I adjusted the stack of papers in my hand. I set the papers on my desk and logged into my computer.


My parents sat on the couch and I on the floor. My dad had his arm around my mother. The Christmas tree stood tall in the room, its branches adorned with ornaments and ribbons. We all laughed at the scene on the tv. I know I didn't live far away but it was nice to spend the holidays with them. "Merry Christmas," I smiled.


The dance floor was lit up as the newlyweds danced surrounded by friends and family. We laughed at my failed attempt at dancing. I congratulated my cousin and went to grab a drink. Two arms snaked around my waist, "That will be us someday." 


"You are wrong, Mike." I shook my head as my best friend laughed through the car speaker. He gasped, "I am offended that you would suggest such a thing," the feigned hurt and sass leaked in his voice. "Well I'm going to go, it's raining hard and I have to focus on the road." I chuckled as my finger hovered on the red button. "Okay, call me when you're ready to admit you were wrong." "I'm not, okay? Wanda could easily beat Captain Marvel in a fight." A small beep confirmed that he hung up. "Rude," I muttered. "Wha...?" Head lights shined in my face and everything went black.

. . . . .

I opened my eyes. I remembered everything: my life, my love, my family, the crash. “So you remember?” Their face was sober. The wind was knocked out of me. “A drunk driver had swerved into the lane you were in while going the wrong way. You were in a coma for a week, till the doctors couldn’t save you.”

My mind swirled as I sat down on a nearby bench. "I'm sorry," the calming voice next to me said. Tears ran out of both of our eyes. Finally I spoke, "What next?" They wiped their eyes before answering me, "We go, with me as your guide." 

. . . . .

I watched as they lowered me into the ground. I stood next to the three of them as they cried. I wanted to comfort them. "Not yet. Not them," my lover begged. I kissed their head before walking back to my guide- and walked into the light. 

July 12, 2022 17:35

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Yves. ♙
01:56 Aug 08, 2022

High stakes in this one-- and a sad ending. I only wish we'd gotten more of that lover! This feels like it could run even longer. Thanks for sharing with us!


Trinity Kjelden
19:08 Aug 08, 2022

Thank you!


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Rabab Zaidi
00:35 Jul 17, 2022



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