Writing Prompt 5/1/2022

Written in response to: Start your story with somebody taking a photo.... view prompt


American African American Contemporary

Americans: In order to support Americans and how it is done there is importance to it and shown as Americans are shown and descriptive. In order to support Americans to support the descriptive things in order to describe something to an American culture. In order for Americans can be described and shown that is important means alot in order to support the beliefs over what to describe. American culture is not only defined by its fast-paced lifestyle, fashion, and "to-go" coffee cups. It is also the culture of many diversity, different religions, races, and ethnicities. It is a culture that nourishes competition and political correctness, and also tries to enforce the freedom of speech. In order for Americans can be described as the best country worldwide can also support information that can be good in order to do more and support the event correctly and how Americans are supported. In order to describe how Americans are supported to describe what will happen to describe throughout an proccess. When to describe information it is important on how to describe it. In order to do something as to describe what will eventually happen. In order to what will happen in the future. In order to do something that will occur eventually will have proccessings over what will happen. To the day that will eventually happen to things as occur in the future. Eventually when this is occurring and processing to what will happen eventually it means alot. In order to cook what will eventually happen.  In order to become an American, it means alot and supports something in general to do and live over an commandment.  In order to support what will happen it means alot to support what could happen over an period of time. 

African American: African American culture is shown here as well. The Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute is the place for African American performing arts and culture. Whether it’s a smooth jazz concert, a captivating book talk or an exciting dance performance, you’ll get the best of Black culture. It’s also the home of the Seattle Black Film Festival. In order for something that is shown and inmade that describes something as Africans. African Americans are people that now live in America that were from Africa.In order to believe in Africans, they are experiences to become an personnel to African Americans. During that process there can also be things that are available and free to one another. In order to approach African Americans It can be shown as something to support.  Many researchers offering responses to these issues have chosen to publish their work here, and they’ve honored us by doing so.

One simple action we can do in return: We have chosen a collection of books*, journal articles, and other writing addressing some of the issues that have led to the use of this singularly powerful statement, and made this collection available for free. Here you will find insights from current research; not least in the history and social science of racism, and police violence. This collection amplifies these Black voices by sharing their research, personal stories, and journeys.

At the same time, we hope to further support the community in both its research and larger social goals. For example, we intend to expand our content on issues around the world on structural racism, authoritarianism, discrimination and anti-Black violence, policing, inequality, health disparities, and access to justice, with the express intention of growing our content in a way that reflects current societal challenges, including those affecting Black lives. African American people that had back in Africa. The theme not only commemorates African Americans who made contributions to medicine but also highlights ongoing issues within the Black community, including mental health. "Black Health and Wellness not only includes one’s physical body, but also were better than most. African American culture and what happened was more of an accompaniment and doing something that can happen to consistently. 

Contemporary: For Contemporary, It is important to believe what is really necessary in life and how they like to do it.  In order to support things that can be proven is something I would prefer and believe in.  When believing in something that I like/prefer is unbelievably intelligence.  When something is shown and made there is also importance to that and an commandment in life to do. In order to persuade life there are also important things that an Contemporary is. In order to believe an Contemporarily as an true madement there are necessaries to it as well that can be proven and shown alikely.  So, what does a modern information infrastructure look like? The actual infrastructure should be designed to your organization's needs, so there is no one-size-fits-all. However, every organization can benefit from focusing on modernizing their information infrastructure with an emphasis on these factors:Flexibility – configuration rather than customization. Loosely coupled systems rather than tight integration between them.Automation in support of common user‐centric and management tasks. Mobile‐ and cloud‐enabled, and ideally designed with mobile as the preferred platform. Rationalizing and streamlining the existing environment. Where legacy systems can be decommissioned, they should be. The information stored therein should be appraised for its continuing business value and any legal or regulatory compliance requirements, with a bias towards disposition. Balancing legitimate governance needs and issues with the overall business goals and objectives. This means that when evaluating a cloud-based solution, the discussion should include security, where data is physically located if applicable, etc., but with an emphasis on how to make a solution work rather than focusing purely on the risks.

To do this successfully will require input from a variety of stakeholders - IT, records management, legal, and certainly the business units impacted. It's also important to keep in mind that this is a journey rather than a destination. In order to do something and show it as something that has to become aware of it. In order to become aware of what will happen in order to be a purpose of what will happen to Africans and that in the 1800s many Africans came to America. The famous singer Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield was born a slave in Mississippi in 1817.

Known as the "Black Swan," the swan of Missippi 1817 and what happened in the past in the state of Mississippi.

Known as the "Black Swan," the culmination of her career was a performance in 1854 at Buckingham Palace, England, in front of Queen Victoria.John Mercer Langston was born free in 1829.  

He was the first African-American elected to public office and was twice suggested as a candidate for the Vice Presidency.

Henry McNeil Turner learned to read and write at a time when it was against the law to teach a slave the alphabet.

And in 1872, he was one of the first African-Americans to receive a law degree from the University of Pennsylvania.

Ida B. Wells-Barnett was a pioneering journalist who set the tone for the anti-lynching movement with her newspaper articles and pamphlets.

She became one of the most influential journalists, reformers and women's rights advocates in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Her dedication to equality for all was sparked by being thrown off the ladies' coach on a train headed for Memphis in 1884.

May 01, 2022 21:17

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