Warmth of Freaks

Submitted into Contest #23 in response to: Write a short story that takes place in a winter cabin.... view prompt

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My chill breath hitched as I ran. Burning everything even the snow underneath my feet. I looked back. 'Are they still chancing me!'. My dumb self not realizing i just ran into a local skating rink. I stop as I heard people wondering and mumble under their breath.

"Monster, monster, MONSTER". Said one person. Than everyone egged on too. I circled looking everywhere as people called me monster or freak.

"No,no I'm not a monster". I yelled tears streaming down my face. They kept cheering calling me brutal name I covered my face with my hands and squat to the group. When I heard a crack. My tears stop and the first thing i do is look down. A big crack in the ice.

I tried to stand up but my sudden movements made it crack more. Calm down Averdina. Calm down Averdina. It's my emotions making the ice crack. As a fire witch I had flames coming out of my body everywhere. If I calm my emotions my flames that surround my body will calm down too.

I wipe my tears and took a deep breath. I took one step. Everyone flinches. One woman yells to me.

"You monster, if you take one more step you'll kill us all. Stop moving." I looked up at her one year dating to drop and my flames ready to heat up again.

"I'm not a monster, and I mean no harm". I yelled. She looked at me. I took one more step towards the women. She had a small boy who looked 4 or 5 years old. She took a step back and picked up her boy. She looked at me with fear in my eyes. I looked at everyone else. They also had fear in their eyes. My emotions came back. And my flames heated up so quickly.

"IM NOT A MONSTER". I screamed. Cracks in the ice came so quickly as everyone started to run. I was mad now. 'I'm not the monster, they're monsters. They see someone different and just assume things or give things horrid names. First person I ran for was that lady and her child. My step quick I caught up to them and when I was just about to grab her. I fell. Right into the water. The ice couldn't hold no more. Everyone left as I drowned. My flames out my body turned blue and I fainted. If I stay here for to long I'll die.

As Averdina fainted a young brave women ran and dived into the freezing water. She grab the weak body. She swam back up. Freezing she carried Averdina's body to her cabin.

When they got to the cabin. The lady laid Averdina next to a fireplace. She then went and change her wet clothes.

When she came back Averdina was still out cold. The lady started to get worried. She decided to do CPR on Averdina. She slowly crawl up to her. Looking at Averdina, the lady admire her gorgeous features and blushed. She bit her bottom lip as she lean in.

She performed the CPR but all Averdina do was cough up water and than faint again. The lady didn't know what to do. And than she had an idea. She grabbed matches and lit one. Hopefully this works she thought to her herself. She threw the lit match on Averdina. Once it came to contact the lady came closer to see if something happened.

She was shocked when flames spilled out Averdina's body and her eyes open. Being the first thing she sees is a human so close. She smacks the lady's right cheek. Leaving a burning hand mark. She also left a scar under the lady's right eye from Averdina's sharp fingernails.

"Get away from me or die". Averdina said. She had a huge hatred for humans now. The lady looked at her with one eye. Averdina tried to leave but the lady said something.

"I know right now you don't like humans but I think you'll be more safe here in this cabin. I know the humans will be coming back to kill you and you seemed like you was being chased. So your in danger everywhere you go". The lady said holding her right cheek.

"And how do I know I can trust what if your holding to give to the humans later?" Averdina yelled.

"Because I saved you before you died and I too am a freak." The lady said as she got up and went to the bathroom.

"By the way my name is Carter". The lady said before she shut the door.

When the Carter came back out she expected the fire lady to be gone. But saw her sitting in the corner and flames low as if something is on her mind.

Not wanting to but in Carter walked passed her to kitchen stopping halfway.

"Averdina is my name and I'm a fire witch". The fire lady said.

"What a pretty name it's like the Averdina flower myth that only blooms once at the top of a volcano'. Carter said as she gave a bright smile to Averdina. Causing Averdina to blush.

The both looked at each other for a while keeping intense eye contact. Carter started to blush. Why are they feeling this way? They both thought. Is it fate that they were supposed to meet?

Carter broke eye contact and walked away to the kitchen. She put on her apron and leaned against the wall. Her brown hair covering her right side of her face. She softly sighed. She knows that feeling. And she hates it. She vowed she wouldn't love again. Not after what happened. Never again.

Averdina looked down at her feet. She saw sadness in Carter's eyes. Maybe it isn't fate at all to meet Carter. Maybe she should just leave. Averdina got up she walked to the fireplace. Her body still alittle weak. She put her hand into the fire suckung up the flames. And the cabinet's living room got dark. Averdina took her leave.


January 06, 2020 20:47

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1 comment

02:41 Jan 16, 2020

Sorry. I just couldn't get into this. I think the concept of a fire-witch could be just as good as any other fantasy, but it seemed like you were trying to paint a big picture and deep background on a very small canvas. I think you should try to tell this story more slowly so you can introduce the character(s) and let them develop. Then break it down into scenes and one of those scenes can become a short-story. Also, any time you submit, always proofread for missing words, misspellings and grammatical errors. Everyone misses a few, but too ...


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