
I sat there feeling the cold breeze rush down my back, as the faint cries of the wind howled in the distance. I sat there thinking.

"Why did I leave home?"

"Why did my mother and father hate me?"

I sat there pondering over my thoughts for awhile longer, until I got up and walked towards the harrowing forest in the distance. I proceeded to walk towards the forest until I walked deeper and deeper into the thick woods as I walked farther in. The wind howled as I turned to see before my eyes. The forest collapsing into nothing, lit before me. As my skin started to burn, As the air reeked with a charcoal-like smell, as the trees fell from the sky onto the ground. My eyes burned from the kindle crisp air. As my heart started to race, my eyes burned as my lungs started to fill with air. The air died along with me, As I layed there in silence slowly letting my skin burn into nothingness. The burnt air screeched louder and louder till I finally looked up to see my skin slowly melting. I put my head back down, not able to move an inch knowing this is where my death took place. All of a sudden the wind gushed with a faint smell of fresh air. As the wind pushed me upwards as I was now in a sitting position. I sat there still watching the flames get bigger and bigger as my eyes burned keeping them open. The wind swayed back and forth to clean air then dirty air . It was like good verse evil but like in real life, or like God verse the devil. Ususally good would win but in this case, but bad was fighting it's case. I reached forward trying to pull myself up off the filthy ground that was covered in ashes. But my arms had no strength. It felt as if I had just ran a mile without stopping for a single breath of air. I choked on the dusty air trying my best to breath as I pulled myself off ground at dilatory speed. I finally manged to stand with my knees weak and my legs sore.

" I could barley let alone stand how was I supposed to run out of here?!" As I thought. I walked at indolent speed as I hobbled along the fiery forest. Trees fell from side to side as the wind shrieked each time as another tree fell as I walked slightly. I walked only a few steps till I realized I barley made an indent of where I was standing just moments ago and where I was standing now. As I screamed in frustration and as I did everything seemed to be frozen in time. The flames stopped moving, the trees stopped shaking except for the wind. It screamed along with me as I cried in desolation as the world before me was on fire. My legs wobbled as I stood there watching the trees fall almost on to me, then all of a sudden my legs gave out leading me back on to the grubby ground as I laid there covered in dust that almost filled the air from head to toe, I laid there faintly crying as my eyes drifted shut as I took some of my last breaths as my lungs proceeded to close up. As my heart beat faintly dyed down as to I could no longer hear it beat anymore. I could no longer hear the wind screaming and crying for me to get up but I had no more energy to move my body even an inch so, I lay there in my final moments, Counting down the minutes till I laid there lifeless as my eyes drifted shut. When I awoke from my deep sleep I felt the icy wind run down my back as it gave me the chills, as my eyes opened into seeing snowflakes fall from the white sky as the wind sang with joy and blew a circle around me like a hug. I sat up off the ground to see all the trees still laying on the the ground. I was able to push myself up off the ground this time and gasp for a gulp of fresh air. I almost cried of happiness as I leisurely walked out of the forest as I did. I stopped to look up to see the sky shine with stars, as the cool breeze ran along my hair. I smelled the fresh air as it blew around in the sky. As I strolled out of the deep pitch black woods the wind howled. As it stood in the front of the forest, as the wind whimpered to see me go, and I whispered to the wind.

" I'll be back one day." As it screamed for me to stay I looked back at it and just waved, as I said goodbye. The wind blew through the sky flying past the forest and towards me it circled around me saying please stay please stay. It was pulling for me to stay. I said I have to go as I pushed the wind away. It pleaded for me not to. It wailed harder and harder until it finally let me go, I put my hand up in the air as the wind brushed up against me.

" I will return one day." I said softly. As I left forest I ambled my way home to see the look vexation on my parents' faces. As they would scream and slap me across the face once I arrived home. When I arrived home that's exactly what happen that day and going forward to. This continued on for years till I left home and never looked back. I was never loved there and I never would be. Years past. One day I remembered the wind and how I made a promise to it that I would visit again someday. I went to the valley I sat there that scary night as I as I darted past the hills and grass and then I stood there in front of the forest as I trembled to look up at it for a moment as I remembered that blood curdling day. As I slowly walked in to the woods and I screamed for the wind but no answer. I called out again no answer. I stood there knowing the wind no longer lived here as I sat myself down on the dirty ground and sobbed. Until I heard the sound of the wind calling me home.

March 09, 2024 04:46

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Mariana Bonilla
01:38 Mar 18, 2024

I loved the story! The sensory detail and how you could feel yourself surrounded by the fire, it was a truly lovely story! Keep writing A very!


Avery Clark
01:40 Mar 18, 2024

Thank you so much Mariana that mean a lot I'm glad you enjoyed the story!


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17:37 Mar 15, 2024

Your Short Story was very nice I liked it a lot how the Story was very nice. and I was very engaged and happy .


Avery Clark
23:38 Mar 15, 2024

Aww thank you, your so sweet!


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Alexis Araneta
18:24 Mar 13, 2024

Oooh ! Lovely one. Great use of imagery here (particularly, as Abigail mentioned, of fire). Great job !


Avery Clark
22:26 Mar 13, 2024

Omg I'm so happy you liked the book!


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Abigail Clark
12:24 Mar 13, 2024

I love how the writing brings the story to life, with the creativity put into this. It also made me feel for the character. It was a sober but enlightening story, that I would definitely want to see this on a shelf. It kept me engaged the whole time! I really love how the element of fire was used in your story mentally and physically. keep writing!


Avery Clark
22:27 Mar 13, 2024

Thank you, I just thought of how one of my friends suggested I should do it with fire that sprung an idea for me, I'm so happy you liked it!!!


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RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

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