Destined Sparks

Submitted into Contest #211 in response to: End your story with two characters reconciling.... view prompt


Romance Friendship Desi

Location: Hotel Radisson Parking Lot, Chennai

Two buddies, Mudit and Sanleen, are hanging out in the parking lot of Hotel Radisson. They're here for their college alumni meet, and while reminiscing is nice and all, they're starting to wonder where their pal Yash disappeared to. The clock's tickin', and Mudit's got a bit of a time crunch.

Mudit: (tapping his foot) Hey, Sanleen, any clue where Yash went? Weren't you supposed to bring him along?

Sanleen: (shrugging) No idea, man. He was supposed to be here, then went MIA. I've been calling his phone for like 45 minutes, but it's playing hide-and-seek.

Mudit: (getting antsy) Ugh, seriously? I've got a Bangalore trip on the clock. Big client meeting. Can't just stroll in looking like a sleep-deprived zombie.

Sanleen: (grinning) Ah, the glamorous life of the corporate world savior. I, too, have a date with my desk.

Mudit: (raising an eyebrow) Oh yeah, the legendary evening shift that begins at the crack of 7 PM. You must be beyond exhausted from all that daytime napping.

Just as the friend duo contemplates their Yash-shaped mystery, Krishna, another college pal, makes his entrance.

Krishna: (chuckling) Hey, Sanleen, didn't you leave like an hour ago? Still loitering around?

Sanleen: (rolling his eyes) Thanks to our vanishing Yash. We're stuck here, twiddling our thumbs. His phone's decided it's off-duty.

Krishna: (with a mischievous grin) Oh, hold on to your hats. Guess who I saw? Yash, gallivanting with none other than Harleen.

Mudit and Sanleen: (synchronized surprise) Hold up, what?

Two Years Earlier

Location: Bay Treasure Resort, Chennai

Laughter fills the air as the freshers' party hits full swing, with Karaoke champions emerging left and right. Amidst the vivacious crowd, Yash stands in solitude by the pool, nursing his beer like it's his only ally. Enter Harleen, ready to shake things up.

Harleen: (sardonically) Excuse me, party animal. Mind saving the swimming pool from your gourmet offering?

Yash: (raising an eyebrow) Oh, sorry. I thought you were the Pool Police, ready to issue a citation.

Harleen: (smirking) No badges here, just a fellow party-goer. Harleen, reporting for karaoke duty.

Yash: (unamused) A girl on a mission. Fascinating.

Harleen: (ignoring the sarcasm) Well, since you've marked your spot, I'm here to crash your pity party. I'm Harleen, the uninvited guest.

Yash: (dryly) Charmed, I'm sure. But really, save your party crashing for someone who cares.

Harleen: (raising an eyebrow) Oh, someone's got quite the attitude. Got a problem?

Yash: (smirking) Congratulations, you've unlocked the secret level of "Mind Your Own Business."

Harleen: (undeterred) Oh, don't worry. I'm a certified advice-giver, although I don't take any myself. But you know what they say, strangers have all the answers. Sometimes even better than our own.

Yash: (rolling his eyes) Lovely. A self-proclaimed guru. Just what I needed.

Harleen: (leaning in) So, what's the scoop, Mr. Mysterious? Spill the beans, the secrets, and the drama.

Yash: (sarcastic) Right, because sharing my life story with a random party-goer is top priority.

Harleen: (sharply) So, you do have a life story. Interesting. Let me guess, a broken heart, shattered dreams, and a lifetime subscription to misery?

Yash: (frowning) Hold on, who made you the narrator of my life?

Harleen: (assertive) You did, the moment you showed up looking like you just ordered a lifetime supply of gloom.

Yash: (frustrated) Listen, Miss Wahi, you're not the Supreme Court judging my life choices. I don't need your insights.

Harleen: (undaunted) Let's make a deal. Listen to me for a moment, and I'll go back to being an insignificant party-goer.

Yash: (defiant) Fine, shoot.

Harleen: (earnestly) You had a breakup, I get it. But drowning your sorrows in a pool of beer won't make them any less soggy. Your life, your dreams—they're not on pause because of this. You're not an extra in your own story.

Yash: (snarky) And you're the lead character, right? Offering life-changing revelations by the pool?

Harleen: (playful) Close enough. Now, I'm just going to go back to being an insignificant party-goer who cares too much.

And with that, a splash of defiance, Yash pushes Harleen into the pool, their encounter ending as abruptly as it began.

Location: College Canteen

A new day dawns, and Yash makes his way to the college mess, where fate has yet another encounter in store. Harleen stands in the lunch queue, and Yash, summoning his courage, approaches her.

Yash: (with an attempt at nonchalance) Hey there!

Harleen: (a mixture of surprise and skepticism) You?

Yash: (feigning innocence) Oh, you must be expecting someone else. My bad, who could I possibly be? I mean, who else but me, right? Anyway, nice surprise, you're here. Were you thinking about me by any chance?

Harleen: (a genuine smile) Yep, guilty as charged. Your mysterious poolside brooding had me intrigued.

Yash: (playing it cool) Oh, that was just the alcohol talking, by the way.

(Harleen starts to walk away)

Yash: (hurriedly) Wait, wait, before you go into stealth mode, just hear me out.

Harleen: (half-turning, eyebrow raised) Don’t you dare follow me.

Yash: (grinning) You have my solemn promise, I won't pull a covert mission to tail you. But how about we exchange some words over a cup of coffee?

Harleen: (sarcastically) Oh, the coffee challenge, is it? I must warn you, my coffee preference is a little unpredictable.

Yash: (raising an eyebrow) That sounds like an adventure waiting to happen. So, shall we? I hear the food here is straight out of a gourmet disaster, and I won't subject you to that.

Harleen: (smirking) Well, in that case, let's escape this culinary catastrophe. Just so you know, I have a strict "no autos" policy.

Yash: (mock salute) Yes, ma'am, duly noted. Off to the nearest coffee shop we go!

With the promise of caffeine and better food, Yash arranges for a bike, and the duo sets off for a little coffee escapade. The destination: Sunrise Coffee Shop.

Yash: (perusing the menu) So, what's the scoop on the menu?

Waiter: (deadpan) The ambience is pretty popular.

Yash: (chuckling) Noted. But let's focus on the sustenance aspect. What's good here?

Waiter: (warming up) Everything, honestly.

Yash: (turning to Harleen) And what's your pick, ma'am?

Harleen: (with a grin) Chocolate brownie, please.

Yash: (to the waiter) One chocolate brownie for the lady, and a cappuccino for me, please. Thanks!

As the order is placed and the conversation takes a more relaxed turn, Yash and Harleen discover each other's quirks and interests.

Yash: (sharing) So, when I'm not causing a scene at poolside soirées, I'm knee-deep in economics. Yep, I'm that nerdy.

Harleen: (teasing) Oh, economics! So, when you're not saving damsels in distress from watery disasters, you're solving the mysteries of supply and demand?

Yash: (grinning) You got it. And what about you, any undercover hobbies?

Harleen: (playful) Well, I moonlight as a secret agent, but don't tell anyone. Jokes aside, I love a good game of football.

(Waiter arrives with their order)

Yash: (thoughtful) You know, they say an empty mind is a devil's workshop. But in reality, I think we spend more time in the workshop than we realize.

Harleen: (laughs) True. I guess thinking about nothing is quite an art form. And just so you know, if you're wondering whether I was thinking about you, don't flatter yourself too much.

Yash: (grinning) Ah, a tactical denial. But the record shows, you said nothing, and I interpreted that as a yes.

Harleen: (rolling her eyes) You're incorrigible. And by the way, I hope your reflection time in the pool has paid off. You do look presentable today.

Yash: (playfully) Ah, the swift transformation from "I'm-not-impressed" to "looking good." Impressive turnaround time.

Location: Back to Hostel

With the coffee shop adventure concluded, Yash returns to his hostel room where his buddies await. But a mysterious call interrupts the reunion.

Harleen: (interrupting) Hold up, why didn't you call me?

Yash: (confused) Call you? I didn't have your number.

Harleen: (pointing to his phone) Um, your phone's screen, genius. It's right there.

Yash (Looks at the display): (surprised) You're right, it's right here.

Harleen: (playfully) So, how about giving me a ring?

(Yash chuckles and makes the call)

Harleen: (answering) Hello, it’s Harleen.

Yash: (jokingly) Harleen, it's me.

Harleen: (pretending ignorance) Me who?

Yash (Laughs): (teasingly) You're playing hard to get now?

Harleen: (laughing) Well, it's always good to keep you on your toes. What were you up to?

Yash: (smirking) I was in the middle of preparing for tomorrow's apocalypse... I mean, test.

(Sound of music playing in the background)

Harleen: (smirking) Studying, huh? Well, aside from that, I just wanted to tell you that last evening was enjoyable. The food was surprisingly decent, and your company wasn't half bad either.

Yash: (playful) Oh, so you're giving me a review now? I should start charging for my company.

Harleen: (chuckling) In that case, you owe me a coffee for that "company fee."

(Yash rejoins his buddies)

Mudit: (curious) Dude, who was that?

Sanleen: (sarcastic) Come on, people, don't you see? He just placed a secret agent call to the coffee girl.

And so, their connection deepened through daily meetings, conversations, and shared moments. Yash found himself genuinely enjoying Harleen's company, and their rapport was unlike any other. Until one fateful evening in the beautiful town of Pondicherry...

Yash, Sanleen, Mudit, and Harleen embarked on a journey to Pondicherry after the first term exams, a trip that would bring unforeseen emotions to the surface.

Harleen: (nervous but resolute) I didn't want to drop this bombshell in front of your posse, so here we are.

Yash: (puzzled) Drop what bombshell?

Harleen: (hesitating) Look, ever since I met you, I've felt a connection. It took me a while to realize it, but I can't hold back anymore. You're important to me, Yash, more than you might realize. You're the one I want by my side for the long haul, through all the ups and downs. I hope I'm making sense.

Yash: (genuinely surprised) You're making perfect sense, Harleen. But you're saying all this to the wrong person. I like you too, but as a friend. I mean, I've just been through a breakup and I'm not ready for another relationship.

My ex, Meera, and I were in love for five years. We were inseparable, sharing dreams and moments. However, things changed when my career path led me to a postgrad offer at this prestigious college. Meera's dreams anchored her to our current location, and she wasn't supportive of my career growth. She wanted me to stay within our comfort zone, and that discord ended our relationship. It's painful to admit, but Meera's unwillingness to support my aspirations felt like a betrayal of the love we shared. It was a harsh realization that love alone sometimes isn't enough to overcome differences in goals and priorities.

So, Harleen, when you talk about that once-in-a-lifetime connection, I understand it all too well. But the scars of that past relationship, where my dreams were seen as a threat, are still fresh. I'm still mending my heart and finding my footing. It's not that I don't see the spark between us, but I need time to rebuild my trust and confidence.

Harleen: (disappointed but composed) I understand. I know you've been through a lot. I just had to get this off my chest. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't feel the same way. Tell me I'm alone in this.

Yash: (with sincerity) I'm so sorry, Harleen. But I can't pretend to feel something I don't. I genuinely care about you, but I'm not in love with you. I hope you can understand that.

Harleen: (fighting back tears) I get it. I'm not upset that you don't feel the same way, but I can't be with someone who can only say they care. Sorry for dropping this on you. I'll just go now.

Yash: (softly) Let me walk you back to the room.

Harleen: (half-smiling) No need. I shouldn't have done this. I'm sorry if I've made things awkward.

As Harleen walks away, the weight of unspoken emotions lingers in the air. Yash watches her leave, a mixture of regret and confusion in his eyes. The scars of his past heartbreak ran deeper than he let on. The pain he had suffered in his previous relationship had left him emotionally wounded, plagued by self-doubt, and harboring an underlying fear of abandonment. This fear paralyzed him, preventing him from fully embracing the possibility of love with Harleen. Every moment of closeness with Harleen triggered conflicting emotions within Yash. The warmth of her presence was a balm to his wounded heart, yet the fear of reliving the agony he had once endured gnawed at him relentlessly.

Present Day

Location: Hotel Radisson, Chennai – Alumni Meet

Amidst the bustling atmosphere of the alumni meet, Yash musters the courage to approach Harleen, who's standing alone, lost in thought while having her meal.

Yash: (softly) Harleen?

Harleen: (looking up, surprised) Hey.

Yash: (nervously) Hey. How have you been?

Harleen: (guarded) I'm doing fine.

Yash: (awkwardly) How's life treating you?

Harleen: (a hint of warmth) Life's been good. I actually have an assignment in Dubai next month.

Yash: (genuinely interested) Dubai? That's amazing. I'm glad to hear that.

Harleen: (curious) And you? What's keeping you occupied?

Yash: (hesitating) Oh, you know, just... working hard, staying busy. Things have been... decent lately.

Harleen: (softening) That's good to know.

Yash: (nervously) Yeah, I hope things keep going in the right direction.

Harleen: (awkwardly) It's... it's nice to see you again, Yash. Take care.

Yash: (urgently) Wait! There's something I need to say to you.

Harleen: (surprised) Oh, okay. What is it?

Yash: (with determination) I remember the very first time I saw you.

Harleen: (smirking) Oh, you mean when you pushed me into the pool at that disastrous party?

Yash: (smiling) No, even before that. It was during registration, you were wearing a blue dress. The wind was blowing, and your face... it just stopped me in my tracks. And then at the party, when you approached me, I realized that your concern was as beautiful as your face.

Harleen: (taken aback) Yash...

Yash: (with sincerity) Harleen, you've always held a special place in my heart. I want to apologize for every moment I hurt you, for every time I let our connection fade. Forgive me for not saying how much you mean to me.

Harleen gazes into Yash's eyes, moved by his words. He leans in and kisses her passionately, pouring his emotions into the moment.

Yash: (whispering) I love you... so much. Tell me you're not in love with me.

Harleen: (softly) I'm not in love with you.

Yash: (smirking) You're lying.

Harleen responds with a radiant smile, and then, in an embrace filled with warmth and longing, she murmurs into his ear.

Harleen: (whispering) I love you, Yash.

Back at the Parking Lot

Mudit: (teasingly) Look who finally graces us with his presence.

Sanleen: (mockingly) Oh, the mighty restroom explorer has returned. We were starting to think you went on a world tour in there.

Yash: (grinning) Guys, it's not what you think. I just bumped into her.

Mudit: (eager) Cut the suspense and spill the beans! What happened?

Yash: (looking at his watch) Don't we have a flight to catch, Mudit? We'll catch up and I'll share all the details on the way. Let's move, time's running.

August 18, 2023 16:51

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