
What a sucking Tuesday!

I began to curse why the New year's eve had to show up the earliest of the week. What if you could come on Thursday? Don't you think you could make everyone a happy panda? Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday; a long relaxing weekend! I talked to myself.

Despite the hell of a day I had earlier at work, yet I felt so giant stepping on a new year as a single champ after opting out unhealthy relationship a day before the new year's eve.

It rained at noon, and I was so disturbed with the point of fact that roads would be severely devastated. I looked at my watch-that I normally refuse take it off my wrist even when I'm bathing- and it read 7:20 PM. I swashed open the curtains and peeked outside through the window. It was dark and cold ; I could feel the waves of cold air slapping my face mercilessly.

My head was dominated by two twin ghosts whom I didn’t have a slightest idea from which caves had they descend from. One whispered to my mind; settle down and have a bottle of wine as you watch your favorite TV program at home. The other one jumped in and said; call your girlfriend and have a funny night-how stupid he already forgot We broke up yesterday. I had no doubt their ideas were so urged with the prevailed arctic climate, but I strongly suspected their discrepancies. I said; this weather is definitely calling for nothing but few pints of the best brandy in town. I convinced myself that this time was surely me, though on the other hand I feared one of the ghosts might have conspired and rigged the game.

 I put on my sneakers, got in my hoodie-shirt and sneaked out quietly; not wanting to dismay my devils that I probably had a card up my sleeve and disobeyed them. I went to a nearby pub where I used to drink with my friend Rechnold before he relocated to Prague. I pulled up the hoodie collar and covered my head- not to expose my presence to the folks who never aced to mind their own businesses.

 I picked a small round table in the corner and sat. I revealed my face and immediately a young blonde barmaid whom I assumed to be a fourth grade school dropout appeared to ask me what I would like to have.

A half pint of your best bitter, trying to sound like my English friends who came to visit our organization last month, realizing that am once breaking the rule I set myself to never take alcohol on Christmas and New year's eve. I am John Doe; I encouraged myself so that I would not feel guilty. I raised my half-pint glass and took all of it in one sip and asked for another. The young barmaid attended to me again and left. I took the glass and have a sip very gently this minute, and then I put it down diligently.

This time I allowed my eyes to gaze over the counter where I initially swore would never look as my neighbors who’re good followers and devoted worshippers of free beers would always seat at the counter. Uncustomary, I bumped into new beer muscle’ faces that I concluded they had run in for a roof when it was raining cats and dogs and dwelled for beers.

I turned my head around and my eyes settled to the eyes of a lady from a far end corner table of the pub. A lady in a red-fashioned designer dress with a flawless lip rouge and necklet that exquisitely matched her dress. She was having a glass of red wine.

She smiled at me amicably; I couldn’t believe she was actually giving that wide fresh smile for me. I took a sip of a dark-brown liquid and nearly choked.

I couldn’t help but grabbing my glass and moved to her table, didn’t have a clue the glass was already empty.

Nice dress! I remarked as I lifted up my glass to toast with hers.

It’s empty! she said as she indicated with a flick of eyes.

Ooh sorry, I said awkwardly. I signaled the barmaid who was hovering to bring a full bottle of red wine.

I am not for sale! she enounced, looking straight into my eyes; trying to be solid.

My late grandfather once told me; “Wine makes you wise” imitating my grandfather’s voice. I hate to be the only wisest in the room, I said as I was lifting up the bottle of wine and pour her glass.

She smiled.

 I filled up her glass then I did mine.

A decade in the city yet this is my good pub and look today! it’s written a new record to be my best pub. I insinuated.

I am Harry.

She laughed; ooh I see, Hurry! I am……..

Keep your name for the next time, Red will just be perfect for now. I cut her shortly.

You look splendid in that dress. I remarked.

You flatter me Harry, thank you. She replied smiling.


She then excused and headed to the washrooms. Oh my God, such a perfect body, I exclaimed as she walked off to the washroom.

She got back and I pulled a seat for her to sit.

I didn’t realize there were any old-fashioned romantics remained in the world, she joked. Any plans for the rest of the evening?

Nothing has been planned so far, Red! I confessed, but I think will have to cling on yours.., any?    I questioned.

She gave me that mesmerizing look that made me pout for a while.

By the way, is that your routine to have a wine before a meal? I asked subtly.

 Thank you Harry, I already had my plate before. She answered gallantly.

I remained silent for a time admiring how noble and sexy she looks.

I wish it hadn’t rained, I would have asked you out for Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.

Would you mind if we go out for a latte after this? I asked as I poured the remains of the wine into her glass.

I would be delighted. She replied merrily


 The more and more we talked I found myself enchanted with her company. We finished up and strolled out for a latte. She rolled her arm around my neck as we strolled out of the pub.

Where would you like to have our latte? I asked

If you don’t have a wife, would love to have a latte at your place.

I would truly feel privileged. I answered sheepishly.

She smiled and pinched me on the ribs. We reached at my place and I opened the door for her. As I closed the door- behind us, Red put her arms around my neck and looked up into my eyes.

I leaned down and kissed her for the first time. When she broke out all she said was don’t let’s bother with latte Harry; if you insist, I guess this is the latte you need; she said as she allowed her dress to fall off her body and remained in bra and underwear.

I got hypnotized for a minute, and when I recovered I slipped off my clothes and led her into my bedroom. I will just be in a moment; I said and disappeared into the bathroom. As I brushed my teeth I began to wonder if it was all a dream. I came out and found discarded- bra and underwear down the bathroom corridor.

I appeared and she was all naked on bed, bent on her knees allowing her bosoms to restful appeal majestically on the pillow. I quickly took off my towel, dropping it where it fell, and switched off the lights; so that the one by the bed remained aglow and romantic. I started relishing her from the comfort of the posture she made. I couldn’t believe that anyone could be that exciting, at the same time so tender.

When we finally made love she laid in my arms for some time before any of us spoke, then we rolled over and looked on each other’s eyes, and laughed. I began to confess my experience in making love and confided that was a breath-taking experience I have ever had.

She leaned across and began kissing me once again, first on the lips, then neck and chest and ended down on it. I thought I was going to explode.


The last thing I remember was shutting off the bed lights as the rays of the sunlight penetrated through the lace curtains of my bedroom.

I slowly opened my eyes and realized it was already morning. This time the glorious memory of the night were instantly revived. I turned lazily to take her in my arms but she was no longer there. I perched on the bed and noticed a scribbled note under the pillow. I opened it and it read;

"Will forever honor this night, goodbye and Happy New Year, Harry".

December 30, 2019 17:48

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Jake Creghton
01:50 Jan 10, 2020

Some of the wording was a bit repetitive like with latte and the sentences were sometimes redundant. Would have liked more setting and more description of Red, there’s a much more polished story in this after some editing


Abdul Lukindo
15:23 Jan 10, 2020

Thank you for the advice Jakob. Will work on them. 🙏🙏


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