
God, Are You Listening?

Are you there, God? It’s me Charity. It has been a while since I last prayed to you, but I really need to hear from you God. At the tender age of 12 you allowed me to see your power firsthand. My mother went through a tough time in her life after learning she had a rare disease that caused her excruciating pain each time she tried to walk. She never gave up her faith or her will to live a normal life. One day she called me into the kitchen where she sat in her special chair. She said Charity do you believe in God? I said yes mother I do, and she said no I mean do you really believe in him with all your heart, mind, body, and soul.

Again, I said yes mother. She smiled at me, and she said let me show you his miraculous power. My mother said Charity stand up and I said OK mother. When I got up my mother got up and she walked all around the kitchen, and she looked up towards Heaven and said God are you there? And there was not a reply, but the wind started to blow hard, and things started to move around on the kitchen table. My mother said I know you are here God and I thank you for healing my heart, mind, body, and soul. God I am calling on you because now my mother is old, and she can still move around just not as fast as she did in those moments when you healed her, but she’s still blessed. She told me that if I ever need you to call on you and to make sure that when I call you are there.  So, God, are you there? Charity a voice said out loud I have been with you always and I shall never leave your side.

 I got chills all over my body because you know I was expecting the wind to blow or things to move around all over the table. God continued to say you see when my children obey me and my commandments, they receive all the blessings that I have in store for them. He said I know why you called me on this day because you were the exact same age that your child is now 12 years old when I healed your mother. You are afraid that the same fate that caused her that pain will happen to you. My child does not fear and remember who I am and who’s you are. You are my child, and I will never leave you lonely. You continue to call on me whenever you are in need.

If my children acknowledge me in all that is going on in their lives, I will show up and show out for them. I have so much for my children, and I will always be there to hear them when they call. God I am overjoyed and at a loss for words right now. My mother called on you, but you didn’t respond with your voice, but I call on you and you answered me with your voice. Am I worthy God to hear your voice or to even be speaking to you? Will my mother know that you spoke to me God? I have so much to say but then I’m not sure what I can or cannot say. Ok God let me calm down right now because I have one serious question for you. If I can hear your voice, will I always hear your voice when I call on you. Charity, you live in the moments and not for the day start living for today everyday and you’ll answer your own question. I am God and I am always everywhere, but you must believe that every day is true and that my word is true.

If you believe in me, you must believe in my son also because it is he who died to save souls that would be lost. That is why when you pray and ask for anything in the name of my son Jesus Christ it is granted for, he laid his life down for a world that I was going to destroy. I know God that I just will not be able to call you every second of the day and you just respond every single time. God spoke to Charity one last time and he said in a loud voice. Have you not heard anything that I have said to you, my child? It does not matter what time of day or night because if you call me, I will answer you Charity, I will answer you. I love you my child and I know that nothing, but great things are coming your way just wait and see.

Until we talk again Charity you keep on smiling and praying and doing all that you have been doing because I notice.

The wind started to shift but this time nothing blew off the table it was just as if God was sitting in the kitchen with Charity. Charity knew she had spoken to God because her whole outlook on life changed, and it was like she had a brand-new attitude. Charity got up from the kitchen table and she started to sing in a loud voice. This was something that she never did before. Her neighbor used to ask that she look in on her from time to time and she sets her clock to go visit. The kids were looking at her as if they saw a stranger because she had this beautiful glow. Charity sat in the presence of God and had a long conversation with him.

It changed her life and those that knew her. The permanent smile that God put on Charity’s face that day was priceless. Charity looked up towards heaven and said God I know you are there and thank you for always listening when I call.

February 07, 2022 01:56

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