The Cloaked Figure

Submitted into Contest #252 in response to: Start your story with a character being followed. ... view prompt



I am leaving the coffee shop on the corner of Central Street, after having my typical matcha tea latte, when I realize I am being followed. In a city as big as mine, I often find I don't pay attention to those around me, but I have made three turns now and this person is still trailing me. What are the odds we're both going to the same place? My pace is much quicker than his, and I have only caught glances of him in my peripheral vision as I have turned street corners. He appears to be wearing a cloak of some sort with a hat turned down over the top of his face and has a bit of a limp, which just adds to the eeriness.

I find my pace quickening as my heart rate picks up tempo. What would this man possibly want with me and why has he continued to follow me but not make any attempt to flag me down? I push through more pedestrians on the sidewalk and hurry down an alley. I think I'm in the clear until I hear the crunch of leaves behind me, and see the shadow of his cloak swish around the corner. The sound of his limp on the pavement sends me spiraling. Could this be someone coming for the debt I owe? Has someone finally found me out?

I have been living in secrecy for the last three years in the hopes that Antonio would never find me again, but what else explains why a stranger is following me? Does he know what I've done?

"Stay away!" I shout, but it gets drowned out by a bus blaring down the street opposite of the alley. I push myself through a gate and make a sharp right. There are garbage cans and various items strewn about this side street, and I'm confident this will deter him from continuing to follow me. I wind up on Grand Avenue and dare to peak behind me. I no longer see the cloaked figure and feel my heartbeat starting to slow down. There is no way I've been found out. I've been so careful, changing my name, using cash, avoiding the internet and CCTV cameras as much as possible. Antonio couldn't have found me... could he? And if so, why would he send this man and not someone more physically competent?

I stop inside a local deli to catch my breath and get some water. I have allowed this man to get me so worked up. I just need a moment to think rationally and clear my head. There is a long line out the deli and I realize I've cut several patrons who are now looking at me angrily and shouting various expletives.

"Sorry," I say, pushing my way back toward the door. I am nearly to the exit when I look up and see the cloaked figure across the street, staring straight at me. I jump and duck down quickly, hoping he'll lose me in the throng of people.

"Get to the back of the line!" someone shouts, and I feel myself being pushed out the door, right as the cloaked figure starts to cross the street toward me. I have a clear view of him now, even though his face is still partially covered by the hat. He has his hand in his pocket, clearly clutching something, and I feel myself panicking, wondering if Antonio has ordered someone to kill me.

I take deep breaths and try to think clearly. If he did find me, surely he would not order my murder in the middle of a busy street in the city. Or perhaps I've angered him enough that he doesn't care what scene is caused. I have taken enough from him that he must want me gone permanently.

The cloaked figure is getting closer, his progress only being hindered by taxis swerving and trying to miss pedestrians in the street. The blare of car horns sends my anxiety over the edge and I push past the last of the deli customers and hurry down the street. I break into a run, shoving past other people, going about their normal lives, walking to their normal jobs, completely unaware that I am being followed, that I need help, that he has found me. I consider stopping and asking for assistance, but how will I explain things? How will I explain that I think I am being followed by a man with a limp and why he is following me?

I continue to push through people, attempting to find the nearest subway station and hopefully get away from this man for good. I accidentally run into an elderly lady a bit harder than intended and she is knocked off balance. I stop momentarily and reach down to help her.

“I’m so sorry,” I say, my voice shaky between the quick breaths I’m trying to take.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” the woman next to her shouts.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t see her -” I start to say, but the woman cuts me off.

“You need to pay attention where you’re going! This is my 80-year-old mother you just ran down!” I apologize and reach down to help the old lady up, several onlookers giving me nasty looks and moving past us. I take a second to peep over my shoulder, and sure enough, there he is. Making his way through the crowd of people, still clutching the item in his pocket.

I let go of the old woman’s arm and continue running, her daughter shouting and cursing behind me. I turn quickly down a side street. I am getting close to the subway station and just need to keep moving.

In my former life, I was a lot more physically fit, but I am winded after the last three years of takeout and lounging around on my couch. I have kept busy with remote freelance work, using my changed name to remain anonymous to those who knew me before, but this has had a nasty consequence. I should have kept up with the rigorous exercises Antonio made us do. I would be able to outpace this man much more quickly if I had.

I continue on down the street and make a left at the next one. I can see the steps leading down into the subway station now. I don’t dare look behind me. My heart is racing, and I can feel a panic attack coming on so I continue to breathe deeply and focus on the goal in sight. I haven’t had a panic attack since the night of the basement, but I can recognize the signs easily. Once I get on the subway, I will be free and can relax.

At least for now.

I hurry down the steps to the station and line up with the rest of the patrons waiting for the subway. It is only at this time that I allow myself to slow down and breathe and try to find some relief.

I am safe. He has not found me. The cloaked man will never catch up with me and as soon as the train comes, I will find a seat in the back and be free.

I can hear the train coming and feel my muscles relaxing. I take another deep breath and turn toward the direction of the oncoming train. I do a double-take and see the cloaked man coming toward me. I cannot believe he has made it down here so quickly. Is the limp a ruse to make me think he can’t keep up with me? I panic as I see a smile forming on his face and he reaches further into his pocket.

“No, no! Stay away!” I am yelling now and I can feel my heartbeat in my brain, my blood pressure must be so high. The people around us are now looking at me questioningly.

“Miss, are you all right?” a man near me asks.

I shake my head furiously and start to back up, but there is nowhere to go. I have backed myself into a wall at the end of the station. The man is getting closer and closer. I see him start to pull his hand out of his pocket.

There’s nowhere else to go. I have to get down off the platform and try to cross to the other side.

I can hear the train coming. How much time do I have? Thirty seconds? A minute? Enough time to run to the other side and climb up?

Panic is swelling in my chest as he gets closer and closer, the smile widening. I am at the edge of the platform and I can hear the shrieks from the onlookers, yelling at me to stop, as I sit down and start to push myself off the platform onto the tracks, but I can’t allow him to get any closer.

The train is so close, it’s so loud, it mixes with the sound of my heartbeat, and I feel my vision blurring a bit.

My foot is stuck somewhere in the tracks, my shoelace must have come untied. I am panicking, pulling my shoe off, trying so hard to release it.

I see the train, but I don’t register it in my brain. I can see the man reaching down over the platform as well.

The train is close now. The blaring horn is deafening. I am out of time. I have nowhere to go.

The last thing I hear before the train is over me is the cloaked man calling out to me “Miss! You forgot your phone at the coffee shop!”

May 28, 2024 18:46

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