Teens & Young Adult Creative Nonfiction Friendship

It's Teacher's Day in India, and our school had a writing contest for us students to write a letter to our teachers, explaining our school memories and how much we miss our school, teachers, and friends. So, I thought of posting my story here as well. I hope you enjoy it!!

Names have been changed to protect privacy.


Dear teachers,

           I recall those days in school vividly. I, like everyone else, miss you all, our teachers, our friends, our school, and the fun and memorable times we had there. Some of us were transferred to our school the previous year and this year, and they didn't even get to see the school once. 

           I miss the days when we would race to class, share our lunch, joking and laughing at our own jokes, and go on awesome study trips, go sight-seeing, eat finger-licking yummy food, and savor ice creams with our teachers, the youth festival and exhibition days, when we'd all be running around the school running errands and preparing for various contests, the days we'd sing songs, drumming our fingers on the bench, play games with my friends during lunch breaks and physical education hour, and, of course, learning with our dear friends and teachers. 

          I used to be friends with my teachers, and I guess I still am. If something went wrong, the first thing I'd do is rush to the staff room. There's a teacher everybody's afraid of, except me, Mr. Gregory Reid. When any of us, except me, saw him in the corridor or on the ground, they would all run as fast as they could to class, and I'd be laughing my head off. 

         Well, I couldn't blame my friends; he's a pretty strict teacher and one of the most well-liked at our school. But, on the inside, he's a big softie who cracks a lot of jokes. I and one of my friends, Serena who happened to be the daughter of one of our teachers, were the only ones who knew that. 

          Our sixth-grade class was on the first floor, while the staff room was on the ground floor. So, based on what I previously stated about my visits to the staffroom, I'd be burning a lot of calories climbing up and down. I was skinny at the time (and still am), and the strict but hilarious teacher I mentioned earlier, Mr. Reid used to joke, "Ash, if you keep climbing up and down stairs all the time, you'll be more and more skinny and eventually disappear into the air!" 

         Then there was another teacher who was still quite young. His name is Thomas Hall. He seemed to have just graduated from college. He was on the same wavelength as us, so he felt more like a friend to us. He always made our lessons enjoyable and simple, and he made us laugh heartily. 

         I didn't get along with a 7th grade teacher at first. But after that, Mrs. Rebecca Nash and I were fine. She was impressed by me at times. She has published a book that is an anthology of her poems. Something she said to me had a big impact on me. The boys and some of the girls in our class used to tease me because when they got into trouble, I'd go report it to her. When the teacher noticed I was upset, she asked what was wrong, and when I told her, she told me something in my mother tongue that can be translated as: "They are criticizing and making fun of you only because you are special and have something different in you than others have."

        Even in this pandemic situation, you teachers guided us through all the problems and were with us through the ups and downs of our lives. You supported us, cheered us up when we were low, and helped in every way you could. You keep motivating us with your big feats. We, the students, are always grateful to you all for everything you’ve done for us. For loving us lots and lots, caring and looking after us as if we were your kids, scolding and punishing us, and correcting us when we were wrong.

          And, of course, I ain’t gonna forget to talk about my friends. First, I had a group of friends, Benjamin, Abigail, Tara, June, and Luke who helped me get through my “new school issues” and cheered me up when I was feeling low on my first days here. They were actually my first friends at Ridgeview. 

         Then, I gotta talk about my best friend, Maggie. I still remember the day we met. It was at the beginning of 6th grade, right after the “new school issues” ended. It was at that time a not-so-good story of mine was published in a children’s weekly. The weekly was popular in my state and most kids in our state read that. 

         So, I actually felt how a famous personality would feel when they go out in public and their fans would be like, “Hey, you’re that famous writer, right?”. Because when me and my friends would go to wash our hands after having lunch at school, other kids would ask me like, “You’re that kid whose story got published in that magazine, am I right?” and I’ll be nodding, awkwardly. I’m not used to this kind of recognition.

        My best friend was actually in my class and she was the one who approached me and asked if my story got published. Then, we started chit-chatting and became good friends and then, the rest is history.

        Finally, gotta talk about this duo, Serena and Abigail. Cause they’re gonna chase me if I don’t mention them. Nah, I’m just kidding you. They both are pretty cool and awesome and it was with them that I hung out with the most in 7th grade. 

      Cool fact: Abigail and the friend I mentioned first, Benjamin are twins! The funniest fact is that their mom used to see me as “the biggest nerd in school” and it’s really funny. I always go with Abigail to her mom’s computer lab (She is an IT teacher at our school) and I love talking with her. And, at that time, she would ask me to tutor Abigail and Benjamin, which is pretty awkward, especially when it’s your teacher who is asking you to tutor their kids who are your friends. The twins are pretty good at studies and extracurricular activities, but, I don’t know why their mom won’t admit that.

       Yes, I know it’s hard to spend more than a year at home instead of being back at school, having fun with our friends and learning with our teachers. But, guess what, I’m sure that soon, everything will be like what it was before. We could go back to school like we used to.

          Okay, so that’s all I’ve wanted to include in this letter.

Woah, wait, I forgot to say the most important thing.

Ok, here we go! 


September 05, 2021 06:45

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Dhwani Jain
07:43 Sep 13, 2021

So....you're an Indian?? BTW, I got to know about you from Sienna ;)


Ash S
11:45 Sep 13, 2021

Yep, I am. Woah, wait. Didn't I mention in my bio that I'm from India? *checks bio* No, I didn't mention. *awkward smile* Sorry 'bout that. :D Anyways, I'm super glad to strike up a convo with a fellow Indian!!


Dhwani Jain
11:50 Sep 13, 2021

Yeah...I mean, it is really cool to meet Indians here. Which state/part of India are you from (if you want to tell me)? Yup!


Ash S
12:11 Sep 13, 2021

South India, to be exact God's Own Country Kerala. Wbu?


Dhwani Jain
15:43 Sep 13, 2021

Nice, I am from the North...


Ash S
16:20 Sep 13, 2021

Cool, can we be friends?


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Maraika!!! 😎
17:17 Sep 10, 2021

This was so sweet and awesome! Your school sounds super cool. :) I didn't know you got a story published in a newspaper!!! That's super awesome and impressive! I'm sure it was amazing like always


Ash S
12:08 Sep 13, 2021

Thank you so much!! Yes, I love my school because, first thing, everyone here is so friendly and sweet, and there are a lot of people to talk to (because our school is quite popular here, and every year a large number of students transfer here.  Our school is literally overcrowded lol. And, guess what, our class this year had 57 students in total.) Second, this school provided me with relief from what I had experienced at my previous school. My old school's students were spoiled rich brats, and I came from a middle-class family. They used t...


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Unknown User
07:25 Sep 05, 2021

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Ash S
09:19 Sep 05, 2021

Thanks ❤️😊 I'm so happy right now cause all my teachers told me that they loved the letter so much!!🥰🥰 Even my friend ("Serena") and my mom said I should write a memoir including my memories for school. 😄


Unknown User
19:52 Sep 05, 2021

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