Long Distance Quarantine

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story told entirely through text messages or emails.... view prompt

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[9:30am March 12] Karina: Hey! I’m so sorry I missed our normal call today. I’m running late and I have to finish setting things up before graduation. So close to my degree and moving in with you!!

[9:35am March 12] Mason: You’re fine beautiful! I’ve almost finished negotiating terms on our house. It’s going to be perfect. Call when you can.

[3:47pm March 12] Karina: I just heard that the virus has started to spread farther? I wonder what they’ll do to help those who get sick.

[3:53pm March 12] Mason: Keep your chin up, there are plans for these kinds of things.

[11:12am March 16] Mason: I’m so glad you’re going to be freed up to chat more. Phone calls are great and all but I love texting and videoing you. Mostly videoing ;)

[11: 15am March 16] Karina: I’m shopping for something special for you right now! I’ll be home soon, wait by your laptop? 

[11:20am March 16] Mason: Don’t make me wait too long beautiful!

[6:10am March 17] Karina: Morning~ Did you see the news? Looks like changes are coming soon. I’ll keep you updated!

[8:27am March 17] Mason: Good morning! Just be ready for anything, but don’t stress too much. You don’t want those worry lines. I’ll call on my lunch break.

[2:40pm March 17] Karina: Hey love they’re sending us home for the semester! Early spring break here I come. I can’t wait to see you.

[2:45pm March 17] Mason: I would love to see you, but I don’t think I’ll be able to. They are talking about closing the borders to anyone who isn’t a civilian. I wish you lived here with me already.

[3:10pm March 17] Karina: I’ll get my ticket tomorrow and be there before you know it. Graduation is only a few months away and then I’ll be there to stay. 


[3:13pm March 17] Mason: Okay, I love you.

[3:15pm March 17] Karina: I love you too. Keep my side of the bed warm! 

[11:20pm March 17] Karina: I’m sorry, I have to cancel. My mom is getting sick. I know it’s not likely that it’s the real deal, but I worry. I’m canceling my flight.

[11:30pm March 17] Mason: That’s okay baby, be safe. Stay smart. I hope she gets better soon!

[11:35pm March 17] Karina: Thank you, I’ll call soon to say goodnight.

[12:22pm March 18] Mason: We just got word that no travel will be allowed in or out unless it involves trade or what they’ve deemed “essential”. At least we can still see each other on video! I’m sure it’ll blow over soon.

[12:26pm March 18] Karina: Yes! I’ll be sure to call you soon. I’m at the hospital with my mom right now. It’s so eerie. There was a tent outside and we had our temperatures checked. I’m fine, but hers has spiked again. I think she’ll be tested, but I’ll let you know.

[12:29pm March 18] Mason: Keep your distance from everyone, just in case.

[12:40pm March 18] Karina: They’re keeping us both overnight. They tested her and I am stuck here in case she tests positive. We’ll both be required to quarantine. Good thing I brought my charger!

[12:45pm March 18] Mason: Call me, I can distract you :)

[6:18pm March 18] Mason: I don’t mean to worry you, but I want you to stay informed. We’re not allowed to leave our homes. The country is on lockdown now. They’re saying something about running low on supplies and slowing the spread as best as they can. They will be delivering food though so don’t worry too much!

[6:20pm March 18] Karina: I’m choosing to believe they just want you safe, like I do! Please take care my love.

[9:57am March 19] Karina: We’re going home! She is just battling a bad flu. We were requested to limit our travel outside of the home anyway, but I can live with that.

[10:03am March 19] Mason: That’s great news! Call me when you get home.

[5:40pm March 19] Karina: Just a few days into this crazyness and I’m already bored out of my mind. I can’t wait to be allowed to visit you. I could really use one of your hugs.

[9:27pm March 19] Karina: Hey, haven’t heard back from you yet which is a little odd. Did you let your phone die again?

[8:30am March 21] Karina: I’ve called you...a lot. Maybe too much. I don’t mean to bother you but I saw on the news that your country is being hit really hard and I’m starting to worry.

[2:25pm March 21] Karina: Do you remember when we first met? We were both on break and traveling Europe. It’s crazy how fast I fell for you in just a few days. All the miles we’ve logged and the years we shared. I know things are crazy, but we have to hang in there!

[7:17pm March 21] Karina: I tried to go to the store today. I’m running low on everything, but the shelves were empty. They can’t keep up. It’s getting really bad isn’t it? I heard there are walkouts in your country, power restrictions because of this. Maybe you just can’t charge your phone. 

[11:42am March 22] Karina: I’m going crazy. The news is worrying, it doesn’t seem like anything is getting better. Maybe I’m just getting Cabin Fever. I just wish you’d answer my call… Your voicemail is full.

[6:42pm March 22] Karina: I love you.

[3:30am March 23] Karina: Please just answer. Anything...please.

[4:19pm March 24] Karina: I know I haven’t texted in awhile. I don’t really know what to say. You can’t answer me, or at least you don’t. I’m not mad, I’m just worried. I miss you. Things are bad right now, but supplies seem to be coming in rapidly now. Hopefully a turn soon! I need to see you. I’ve been writing you letters, I’ll try to send them soon.

[1:26pm March 25] Mason: Karina, my name is Meghan. I’m sorry to have to inform you this way, but we don’t have the time to call right now. Mason Schartz was forced into quarantine on the evening of March 18 after his roommate tested positive. In order to not spread panic we do not allow phones inside with patients. He’s taking a turn for the worse and we need to get ahold of next of kin. If you have any information please call us at 522-647-2010 Thank you.

[2:28am March 28] Karina: I know this is useless. I know you won’t see this. I know you aren’t here anymore. I know this. I know this and I can’t believe it. Your sister called. Why didn’t you tell me you were sick? Mason, why? People are still not taking this seriously over here. People are dying and they just shrug it off or call it a hoax. I have no one to turn to anymore. I needed you. You were my future. So why couldn’t you warn me I would be alone to navigate this world. Mason… I still love you.

March 20, 2020 18:58

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1 comment

Kitty Lancaster
19:56 Apr 03, 2020

NICE! Very touching. Tugged my heart strings and kept me wanting more.


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