Fiction Friendship Sad

TW: suicide, attempted suicide

This a story about a boy and a girl becoming friends to strangers. They firstly met at their schools. They were classmates but still strangers for each others. They were unaware that they will become so close to each others that when they have to separate both eyes will be filled with tears. One day their class teacher introduces themselves to each other. Boy never seemed interested in her because he don’t like to making friends. She thought he is arrogant, rude and cold hearted person. When they met for first time he simply ignored her.

One day she asked him why did he behaved like this? He ignored her again and but this time she said with anger, don’t you see I asked you something. He replied, I know and I don’t like talking to strangers. She was quiet disappointed or you can say hurt from his words. He said, don’t mind my words but I’m kind a socially awkward person. So, I don’t like talking but gradually I will. She understood what he want to say and forgave him. After sometime they start talking and they were good friends.

 Time passed and they pass out from school. They went to different colleges and they didn’t knew they will meet again or not. On last day of school, she asked him that, will you miss me? He was silent and after a sometimes he answered, I don’t know but I guess I will. She said, the same to him. Months passed there were no communication between them. They were so busy with their lives. Still they tried to contact each other but they couldn’t. There is saying that, “ Don’t matter how busy you are with your life but if you want to talk to someone you will spare time for them.”

 After struggling a while, they were able to talk with each other. Both were happy but he felt that, for him she is more than friend. He was not sure that he really feels for her or not. One day, she didn’t texted him and he was worried that is she ok or not? After a week she texted him, that she had a fight with her parents and she is feeling depressed. She is having suicidal thoughts after hearing this he was shocked and stressed. He tried his best to lift her mood. She was fine and finally felt that suicide is not the option.

For her, he started feeling and he could easily say that he really loves her a lot. He tried to confess her but he thought she is already having problems and he don’t want to make her sad. He didn’t confessed and he waited for a right moment. After two years, he confessed her but… every time things don’t went as expected. She said, she never felt for him more than a friend. He replied, its ok. We can love someone but we can’t say them to love us back. He respected her opinion from that day he never discussed about that again. Again she start having same problems but this time it was serious because she tried to suicide by having a extrados of medicine. She slept for two days. He was angry on her, she scolded her that, don’t you think what will your parents will do after you will suicide?, what will I do ? he said with tears in his eyes, you don’t know how much I love you and you think dying is easy. Until I’m alive you can't die and promise me you will not do this again. On that day she got to know how much he feels for her and she promised him. Both were reason of each other's happiness. They were attached to each other, they were best friends. They shared every small thing to big secrets to each others. Whether they talk for two hours or two minutes both were satisfied with it. Many people understand are feelings but there are few ones who can understand our silence too. When we love someone their problems are our problems, their happiness are our happiness.

They were friends for 3 years and now they aren't. The reason of separation was broken trust. Whether it’s a relationship or a friendship trust plays an important role in every relation. We can think about a relationship without love but without trust no relation exists.

 Same happened with them, late night she called him and was crying. Before he ask her, she started telling every thing. He listened her quietly and he didn’t said a word. When after a she stops and asked her why are you crying? You shouldn’t, don’t worry I’m here only. She told him, that her boyfriend accused her. He was surprised and couldn’t accept it. He wasn’t surprised that she had boyfriend but he was surprised that she didn’t told him about her relationship. He felt betrayed and trust broken. He simply asked her, you would have told me about him and without asking a question I would have accepted it. But now situation is different, I can forgive you but I will not able to forgave myself. I trusted you blindly, I loved you unconditionally and in return you taught me that you shouldn’t trust and love someone. I thought we will best friends forever but now… we are nothing. This relation never existed and I hate you. I hate that I loved without thinking of outcomes but you did this to me. I hope you will have a better life without me… I know its difficult to forget you but I will… She was crying and begging him that stay don’t leave him. He smiled and said, never beg someone to stay in your life. If they want to go let them go.


Moral: God gifted us an unique that we can love someone and we can express our love. People says that love hurts but it hurts more when you love a wrong person. If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goals not to people or things. 


June 01, 2021 05:40

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