Fiction Mystery Suspense

Anne and Lisa accept an invitation to join a carnival out of town. They were very excited to go to the carnival. They plan to go to the mall to shop for clothes to wear to the carnival.

The next day…

            Anne got in her car to Lisa's house. She needs to invite Lisa to the mall because Lisa doesn't have a car to use. She heard the radio on the way to Lisa's house. The radio broadcasts her favorite songs. She was glad to hear that.

            When she arrived at Lisa's house, Anne saw that Lisa was already ready and waiting for him outside the house. "Wow, you're ready early. Before this, I've had to wait for you for an hour for you to be ready," Anne said with a cynical smile. Lisa smiled sheepishly. "I'm excited about the carnival. I want to buy a lot of beautiful clothes," she said. "Oh my god, me too," Anne agreed with Lisa. "Come in quickly. Or else it'll be too late for us to get near the mall." Lisa got into the car and moved straight to the shopping mall.


After arriving at the mall…

            They both entered the mall. As soon as they stepped in, they were stunned to see the boutiques available. There are so many dresses in every boutique. "Which boutique do we want to enter?? There are many of luxury boutiques. My eyes are wide open," said Anne. Lisa nodded. “I guess, we need to start from the boutique at the entrance to the back door of the mall,” Lisa suggested. Anne agreed to her suggestion and went into the first boutique.

            They tried on a variety of beautiful dresses. "Alas, I can't choose which dress I want to buy. Everything is beautiful so I think I want to buy it all," said Anne inviting laughter from Lisa. "Hey, remember this. We're not rich until you want to buy all the dresses. If you buy a lot of dresses, how do we want to eat later? Using leaves to pay the food?" Lisa said. Anne smiled. "Don't be mad, beautiful Lisa. I'm just kidding," said Anne calming Lisa's anger.

    Lisa just shook her head. "It's just you," Lisa said. Anne pulled Lisa's hand to the next boutique after paying. They buy a pair of dresses in every boutique. "Seems like we'll be eating instant noodles by the end of this month," Lisa said jokingly. Anne nodded. "We don't always shop like this," she added.

After shopping…

            "Tomorrow is the carnival. I can't wait. I must not be able to sleep because I'm so excited to go to the carnival," said Anne, unable to hide her excitement. Lisa giggled. "You're not the only one who can't sleep. I probably can't sleep either," said Lisa.

            They laughed. They prepare the items to wear the next day. They started their own facials so they felt confident to go to the carnival. They take a long time to sleep. After 2 hours, they have gone to the dream world.

The next day…

            They woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning. "Good morning beautiful world!!" Anne and Lisa screamed as soon as they opened their eyes. They take turns to clean themselves. They start their routine in the morning. They started wearing make-up. They wear thin make-up so that they still look natural.

            After make-up, they put on the dress they bought yesterday. They wear it carefully so that their make-up does not touch the dress. They look so elegant. They smiled. "We look so beautiful," Anne complimented and hugged Lisa. Lisa hugged her back. They took pictures of them together and posted on social media. "Let's go??" Ask Lisa. Anne nodded. "Let's go!!" They went to the carnival in Anne's car.


After 30 minutes drive…

            They arrived at the carnival. Anne parked her car in the parking lot. They got out of the car gracefully. Many people looked at them. They give a smile to everyone. "Hi Anne, Lisa. You arrived early," Reena said. They both smiled. "Of course. We're excited to come here," Lisa and Anne said simultaneously. Reena smiled. "It's good you came early. I need your help," Reena said. "Help what?" Anne asked.

            Reena led them both towards the stage. "Can you please decorate this stage? We lack people to decorate this stage," said Reena while showing her innocent face. "Eh, of course we can. It's an easy job. Assume that this job is done," Lisa replied with a smile. Reena smiled. "Thank you. If you need any equipment, you can take it near the backstage," Reena explained and went to help the other employees.

            Anne and Lisa began their work. They use their minds to think of decorations that need to be placed on the stage. They know what they are doing and the results are amazing. Reena smiled. "You're good at decorating. It's not in vain that I ask for your help," Reena praised with applause. The two of them smiled shyly and proudly at the same time.

            After all the work was done, the visitors arrived one by one. Reena, Anne, and Lisa started the carnival. Everyone there was having fun. While walking around the carnival, Lisa saw a street that was not decorated with any lights. "What route is this? Why don't Reena's employees decorate this route as well?" Lisa was suspicious.

            She observed the situation around her. Slowly, she entered the past. She walked down that path. Her suspicions were growing. "Where is this route going?" The longer she walked, the more suspicious she made. Unbeknownst to her, she had already walked a long way leaving the carnival.

Meanwhile in Anne's situation…

            Anne was having fun trying out the variety of foods that were there. "Lisa. Try to eat this. It's delicious," Anne invited. Anne looked back to offer Lisa the food. But unfortunately, only she was there. "Eh, where did Lisa go?" Anne asked. He walked out of the food stall to look for Lisa.


Back to Lisa's situation…

            She explored the path. Soon, she realized that she had walked away from the carnival. She did not see the shadow of the carnival. "I didn't expect to walk this far," Lisa said. She turned around, walked towards the carnival again but unfortunately, even though she had walked so far and all this time, she still hadn't arrived or seen the carnival. She swallowed her saliva. She panicked. "Why is this carnival so far away??" She tried to run. Unbeknownst to her, she ran towards a very deep gorge.

            She fell into a ravine. Her head hit the rock below. She could not restrain herself anymore and eventually she lost consciousness. Due to existing and untreated bleeding, Lisa died in the gorge.

Anne walked on the edge of the carnival. She tried to contact Lisa but was unsuccessfully connected. She called the police to say that Lisa was missing from the carnival. As he told the police further, she was pulled into the woods. Due to the attraction, Anne's phone slipped from her grasp.

After 2 hours…

            The carnival has come to an end. The visitors began to walk back to their homes. Reena is weird. She hadn't seen Anne and Lisa since. He called Anne. He heard the phone ring from afar. He walked towards the sound and saw Anne's phone was on the ground. He frowned. "She won't be back until she's on the phone."

            The police arrived before Reena could contact them. "We got a call from a woman named Anne. Where is she?" Ask a police officer. "Anne and Lisa disappeared from the carnival. I found Anne's phone on the ground just like that," Reena explained as she handed Anne's phone.

            Police took the phone and ordered the search team to carry out their duties. The police officer interrogated Reena. She told the real thing. She herself did not know them where throughout the carnival took place because he was busy entertaining visitors.

            After a day of searching, police did not find the two of them. They only saw traces of blood. Despite following the trail of blood, they still did not find it. Eventually, police confirmed that Anne and Lisa died in the woods undetected.

(1379 words)

May 11, 2021 00:48

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