
“ Es, I can't be the only one, tell me you see it?” 

Stationed at the water fountain that I wish wholeheartedly was a tequila dispenser instead, a retirement party is how I spend the last 2 hours of my Tuesday for a guy named Bruce. Bruce until recently couldn't look me in eyes for all four years I've known him. Some weird social anxiety I’m told but I still can’t quite figure out why staring at the left side of my forehead was more comfortable for him than just meeting my gaze. Safe to say no cares are given to this being his last day especially since he’s called me Mary for as long as I’ve known him. Nonetheless, Esmeralda, best friend and “makes work not completely bearable” coworker and I take refuge in the corner. A fortress against the office creepers who only stare at your chest and give unsolicited winks whenever you make eye contact. 

Genius idea of management to force a group of people to “socialize” with each other when on any normal day, I’d avoid the entirety of the office. No amount of money could force me to willingly be around these people. In order to avoid wanting to pull my eyelashes out one by one, people watching has been my favorite pass time. Since this party is as fun as a gynecologist appointment, I need to preoccupy my mind. 

Only good thing about today. 

The tension is palpable. It oozes out of pores of this “socializing” we’re suppose to be doing. No camaraderie just glares. 

First: Joyce and Nancy. 

Joyce hates Nancy after Nancy was caught making out with Joyce’s husband last year at the Christmas party. No idea why two beautiful, successful women are fighting over a beer-bellied 40-year-old man named Stanley. Could not be me. My vote is for both woman to dump his ass. Pronto. 

Second: Dan and Eric. 

Cousins, who are currently at odds since the family cabin was left to one and not the other when their grandmother, Ester, died in the Spring. No one cares about poor grandma being gone, just the luxury cabin. Sad stuff. Who knew $250,000 would come between two guys who were once best friends. Aren’t there rules for this sort of thing? 

Third: Ava and Noah 

This. This is what has held mainly just my attention the whole time we’ve been forced to be here. Exactly 34 minutes and counting. Esmeralda couldn’t care less but she indulges me as I say “Es, I’m serious. Look at them, they’re basically fucking each other with their eyes.” 

“Mia, they’re both single people in their 20’s, if they want to eye-fuck each other, let them.” Es say nonchalantly as her attention moves to whatever is under her right index finger. 

“It’s not about letting them, I just don’t think they know that their feelings are mutual. I mean think back on their interactions. At the Christmas party, they spent the whole time talking on the balcony under the damn stars like they do in rom-com movies. The quarter group meeting, they kept looking at each other and smiling when they thought no one was pay attention to them.” 

You were paying attention though” Mia mumbles under her breath. 

My eyes narrow as I clear my throat to continue, “The retreat in June, weren’t they the ones who got lost during the hike together . I mean come on, who gets lost on a hike with 15 other people huh? I’m not making this up. They like-like each other.” 

“Are we back in middle school, Mia. Like-like? Really.?” Es mocks while I keep my eyes on the couple while my arms fold across my chest. 

“I’m just saying, it’s true. Look at them” as I slap Esmeraldas arm to get her attention that has been hijacked by whatever is of interest on the hem of her shirt. 

She looks up and we both stare on as Noah laughs about something on Ava’s phone. As they continue to laugh with each other, Ava puts her hand on Noah’s lower arm, holding him as if he was her anchor, Noah on the other hand, can’t stop smiling as she talks about whatever is so funny. Like it’s a joke only they know the punchline too. Noah listens, Ava blushes. They exchange that soft, shy smile that people who like each other do to try and not be too obvious while simultaneously being obvious as hell. 

“Why do you even pay so much attention to them anyway?” Es asked, a knowing look in her eyes. 

She’s convinced I like Noah. Or Ava. Maybe both. Neither of which is true but I will admit I focus on them a little too much. The simple answer though? It’s nice to see two people who aren’t afraid to show that they care. Call it stereotypical or clichè but it’s refreshing to watch love develop in real life. No social media messages or swiping. No side eyes or groping on the dance floor. In its innocence, it’s both scary and exhilarating. The idea that you’ve maybe finally found your person; like they’re teenagers again, swapping flushed cheeks and soft gazes all while standing a little too close for people in a platonic relationship.  

All I’m met with in todays dating pool, are ‘bros’ who can’t commit and women to women conversations about keeping our standards high. It results in nothing but a convoluted mess of people wanting but never actually finding love. Everyone is either too scared or their egos too big to make the first move. It’s exhausting trying to navigate all the rules of do’s and don’t while pretending to care as little as possible. 

“Hello, earth to Mia, did you hear what I said?” Esmeralda exclaims as she waves her hand in front of my face. 

Snapping out of my daze, I ignore her comment by replying “I’m telling you, I’m right. In fact, let’s bet on it. If I’m right, you pay for the next two Wednesday night happy hours and if I’m wrong… “ 

“You let me date your hot ass brother” Esmeralda interrupts, laughing at the look on my face. 

“Absolutely not, Es. I forbid it” 

“I’ll wear you down eventually, Mia. How dare you cockblock true love” She replies playfully. Esmeralda has had a crush on my brother since that one time in high school where she walk into my house without knocking and Levi wasn’t wearing a shirt. 

“Over my dead body plus he’s been with Caitlin for four years now, I think that ship has sailed, don’t you think? Anyway focus Es, I know I’m right about this.” 

I can tell at this point Esmeralda is quite sick of me. Based on her body language, I know Esmeralda is sick of me and this conversation but the look in her eyes scream “don’t care either way but I will take free drinks ” as she shakes my outstretched hand. 

“Fine, deal, she remarks, as she gathers her bag to leave, “and for all my pain and suffering I’ve had to endure by not only being in this room but also being forced to listen to you ramble on, you owe me a drink. A large one at that.” 

As I laugh, I grab my bag and we head out the conference room. 

One year later 

“I’m just so happy for you both” I exclaim excitingly as I take a sip of my margarita. It’s Wednesday so happy hour is in full swing but this time, Ava and Noah have joined us. Esmeralda is at the bar grabbing another drink and while we wait for her, I reminisce about what all has happened since Bruce’s retirement party. Nancy ended up leaving Stanley while Joyce dated him shortly after only to leave him as well. He’s been trying to get with every woman in the office ever since. Eric and Dan decided it was best to share the cabin regardless of who’s name was on the deed. Something about a schedule that was fair yet equal for both. Similar to visitation rights but in this instance, the children are a 1995 log cabin in Wyoming. My attention turns to Ava and Noah who are grinning at each other after Ava plants a kiss on his cheeks. They recently got engaged after their vacation to visit her parents in New England. Noah proposed on the beach while the ocean sprayed them with mist and both families watched as he got down on one knee. They discovered that Esmeralda and I go to weekly happy hours and they’ve been joining us ever since. 

If you asked them, they’d say that they had no idea they both liked each other in the beginning; it’s only after Noah sent Ava an anonymous note ,that he swears he never sent, confessing his feelings about her. Ava reached out to him and confessed she felt the same way and they became official a month after Stanleys party. 

They never did find out it was me who wrote the note. Nothing wrong with nudging people a little bit to get things moving. Whether you call it fate, God or destiny, if true love can happen for others, maybe, just maybe I can allow myself to hold out hope that one day it’ll happen to me. 

July 19, 2024 22:35

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