Written in response to: Write about a character who’s expected to follow in someone’s footsteps.... view prompt



My name is Sandra Williams from Southern California, I've been divorced for a couple of years now. As years rolled by, I came to the realization that my marriage has shattered, left me broken & depressed. It was the most miserable & soul-drenching time of my life, nothing else matters, I just wanted my home back & be happy again. Somehow, I stumbled upon a post regarding the miraculous works of Dr. Genius & just a week after consultation with him, obeying his instructions diligently, my ex husband reached out to me, apologized & ready to make things work. Now we are planning a vacation to France, to make up for all the lost times, now am super excited & happy, moreover I am eternally grateful to DR. GENIUS for restoring my home.. You can contact him for help to restore love and peace in your marriage or relationship. Email: geniusspelltemple@gmail.com. You can call or WhatsApp him via +2348155184380. His Website: https://geniusspelltemple.wixsite.com/my-site and blogpage: https://geniusspeltemple.blogspot.com

My name is Sandra Williams from Southern California, I've been divorced for a couple of years now. As years rolled by, I came to the realization that my marriage has shattered, left me broken & depressed. It was the most miserable & soul-drenching time of my life, nothing else matters, I just wanted my home back & be happy again. Somehow, I stumbled upon a post regarding the miraculous works of Dr. Genius & just a week after consultation with him, obeying his instructions diligently, my ex husband reached out to me, apologized & ready to make things work. Now we are planning a vacation to France, to make up for all the lost times, now am super excited & happy, moreover I am eternally grateful to DR. GENIUS for restoring my home.. You can contact him for help to restore love and peace in your marriage or relationship. Email: geniusspelltemple@gmail.com. You can call or WhatsApp him via +2348155184380. His Website: https://geniusspelltemple.wixsite.com/my-site and blogpage: https://geniusspeltemple.blogspot.com

My name is Sandra Williams from Southern California, I've been divorced for a couple of years now. As years rolled by, I came to the realization that my marriage has shattered, left me broken & depressed. It was the most miserable & soul-drenching time of my life, nothing else matters, I just wanted my home back & be happy again. Somehow, I stumbled upon a post regarding the miraculous works of Dr. Genius & just a week after consultation with him, obeying his instructions diligently, my ex husband reached out to me, apologized & ready to make things work. Now we are planning a vacation to France, to make up for all the lost times, now am super excited & happy, moreover I am eternally grateful to DR. GENIUS for restoring my home.. You can contact him for help to restore love and peace in your marriage or relationship. Email: geniusspelltemple@gmail.com. You can call or WhatsApp him via +2348155184380. His Website: https://geniusspelltemple.wixsite.com/my-site and blogpage: https://geniusspeltemple.blogspot.com

My name is Sandra Williams from Southern California, I've been divorced for a couple of years now. As years rolled by, I came to the realization that my marriage has shattered, left me broken & depressed. It was the most miserable & soul-drenching time of my life, nothing else matters, I just wanted my home back & be happy again. Somehow, I stumbled upon a post regarding the miraculous works of Dr. Genius & just a week after consultation with him, obeying his instructions diligently, my ex husband reached out to me, apologized & ready to make things work. Now we are planning a vacation to France, to make up for all the lost times, now am super excited & happy, moreover I am eternally grateful to DR. GENIUS for restoring my home.. You can contact him for help to restore love and peace in your marriage or relationship. Email: geniusspelltemple@gmail.com. You can call or WhatsApp him via +2348155184380. His Website: https://geniusspelltemple.wixsite.com/my-site and blogpage: https://geniusspeltemple.blogspot.com

My name is Sandra Williams from Southern California, I've been divorced for a couple of years now. As years rolled by, I came to the realization that my marriage has shattered, left me broken & depressed. It was the most miserable & soul-drenching time of my life, nothing else matters, I just wanted my home back & be happy again. Somehow, I stumbled upon a post regarding the miraculous works of Dr. Genius & just a week after consultation with him, obeying his instructions diligently, my ex husband reached out to me, apologized & ready to make things work. Now we are planning a vacation to France, to make up for all the lost times, now am super excited & happy, moreover I am eternally grateful to DR. GENIUS for restoring my home.. You can contact him for help to restore love and peace in your marriage or relationship. Email: geniusspelltemple@gmail.com. You can call or WhatsApp him via +2348155184380. His Website: https://geniusspelltemple.wixsite.com/my-site and blogpage: https://geniusspeltemple.blogspot.com

My name is Sandra Williams from Southern California, I've been divorced for a couple of years now. As years rolled by, I came to the realization that my marriage has shattered, left me broken & depressed. It was the most miserable & soul-drenching time of my life, nothing else matters, I just wanted my home back & be happy again. Somehow, I stumbled upon a post regarding the miraculous works of Dr. Genius & just a week after consultation with him, obeying his instructions diligently, my ex husband reached out to me, apologized & ready to make things work. Now we are planning a vacation to France, to make up for all the lost times, now am super excited & happy, moreover I am eternally grateful to DR. GENIUS for restoring my home.. You can contact him for help to restore love and peace in your marriage or relationship. Email: geniusspelltemple@gmail.com. You can call or WhatsApp him via +2348155184380. His Website: https://geniusspelltemple.wixsite.com/my-site and blogpage: https://geniusspeltemple.blogspot.com

My name is Sandra Williams from Southern California, I've been divorced for a couple of years now. As years rolled by, I came to the realization that my marriage has shattered, left me broken & depressed. It was the most miserable & soul-drenching time of my life, nothing else matters, I just wanted my home back & be happy again. Somehow, I stumbled upon a post regarding the miraculous works of Dr. Genius & just a week after consultation with him, obeying his instructions diligently, my ex husband reached out to me, apologized & ready to make things work. Now we are planning a vacation to France, to make up for all the lost times, now am super excited & happy, moreover I am eternally grateful to DR. GENIUS for restoring my home.. You can contact him for help to restore love and peace in your marriage or relationship. Email: geniusspelltemple@gmail.com. You can call or WhatsApp him via +2348155184380. His Website: https://geniusspelltemple.wixsite.com/my-site and blogpage: https://geniusspeltemple.blogspot.com

My name is Sandra Williams from Southern California, I've been divorced for a couple of years now. As years rolled by, I came to the realization that my marriage has shattered, left me broken & depressed. It was the most miserable & soul-drenching time of my life, nothing else matters, I just wanted my home back & be happy again. Somehow, I stumbled upon a post regarding the miraculous works of Dr. Genius & just a week after consultation with him, obeying his instructions diligently, my ex husband reached out to me, apologized & ready to make things work. Now we are planning a vacation to France, to make up for all the lost times, now am super excited & happy, moreover I am eternally grateful to DR. GENIUS for restoring my home.. You can contact him for help to restore love and peace in your marriage or relationship. Email: geniusspelltemple@gmail.com. You can call or WhatsApp him via +2348155184380. His Website: https://geniusspelltemple.wixsite.com/my-site and blogpage: https://geniusspeltemple.blogspot.com

June 22, 2022 23:19

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Sandra Williams
23:19 Jun 22, 2022

My name is Sandra Williams from Southern California, I've been divorced for a couple of years now. As years rolled by, I came to the realization that my marriage has shattered, left me broken & depressed. It was the most miserable & soul-drenching time of my life, nothing else matters, I just wanted my home back & be happy again. Somehow, I stumbled upon a post regarding the miraculous works of Dr. Genius & just a week after consultation with him, obeying his instructions diligently, my ex husband reached out to me, apologized & ready to mak...


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Sandra Williams
23:19 Jun 22, 2022

My name is Sandra Williams from Southern California, I've been divorced for a couple of years now. As years rolled by, I came to the realization that my marriage has shattered, left me broken & depressed. It was the most miserable & soul-drenching time of my life, nothing else matters, I just wanted my home back & be happy again. Somehow, I stumbled upon a post regarding the miraculous works of Dr. Genius & just a week after consultation with him, obeying his instructions diligently, my ex husband reached out to me, apologized & ready to mak...


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