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Coming of Age Inspirational Speculative

DENIAL There’s a friend that I have that won’t take accountability for there actions. They rather deny to the death than to accept defeat. They see it as if they don’t admit to the denial then everything should be good. Then don’t have to scar there reputation or what everyone thinks of them. In all reality it’s hurting them on so many levels. For example one would be to draw out a situation longer than it has to be. Creating a circle that has no solutions. Resistanting everything that comes out of your mouth plus reacting before you finish talking are huge signs that your wasting your time. I don’t understand why people would self sabotage and cause chaos and discomfort only due to there stubborn ego of wanting to be right with no substance. You would think by just taking accountability and saying your apologies would be so much easier. I believe honesty shows huge respect and strength to always be honest with yourself. I believe honesty is a virtue right there with patience. Once someone is aware then they have the capability to change. I guess this generation is lazy and does not want to take the necessary steps to ascend with growth with a paradigm shift. Noticing what was working for me as a child is not working for me as a adult. I’ve also noticed if speak truth toward there denial there inner child comes out the gives excuses to justify the self sabotage and remain in that energy. Their personality will show stubbornness then some true colors will bleed through the persona which means mask in Latin. You then kinda get to see how they respond to critical situationYou. I tell myself how can you make this situation better or altleast make them aware of the red flags that they promote without hurting stabbing there ego. My problem is I Want to help and give my example of what I went through and how I overcame that obstacle in my mental health. everytime without fail they take it as I’m looking down on them and patronizing them. My intent was pure hearted and to show awareness with hope that growth would take place. Being honest and always telling the truth these days makes you seem arrogant and full of your self. I need to find a noble way to come across to bring motivation. If they put as much effort in as they do the resistance then the world would be a better place. The human nature look of denial is not alluring or attractive. It does not look good on the people or person emitting it. To tell someone that as blatant as possible only brings cycles of suffering with no solution. Plus it makes you not to want to confront the situation so the dilemma of me wanting to help comes into play with a baffling scenario to overcome. I love the challenge but hate the fight that leads to light at the end of the tunnel. When the light does finally start to show makes the effort so rewarding. Purity of heart and the denial of self should be the title of this game. Which makes me have reflection to have clarity if what I’m doing is right with my constructive critism. You have to be strong with valiant effort for this kinda. Mission because it will make you doubt yourself sometimes. I try to have confidence and lead by example. This sensitive complex emotional reaction, Denial is hard to overcome by the literally meaning of the word. What a quandary, I hope there are more light workers out there with this mission of ascension for the love of humanity. I believe passivity which means : acceptance of what happens, without active response or resistance. Would be a great starter to this issue with denial. Since it’s one of the grieving processes, it would help to feel the pain or suffering your going through to better understand what it all means and why it happened then learning the lesson. Stepping out of the cycle of insanity for forward movements or dropping the excuses we use to justify the reactive action or words. Also I believe environment has a lot to do with the influence or paradigm we choose to follow. There’s a lot at play here, to find the balance in the chaos seems impossible. That’s my stubbornness is to find a way to create a way to cure mental illnesses. You definitely have to have consistency and unconditional love to deal with the resistance of denial. I also noticed when you care what people think of you, plus the shadow seems extra the insecurity will show in flashes with questioning for reassurance. It's OK to validate the emotion but don’t seek it in others for your happiness. You will always be disappointed then leads to resentments due to your expectations or not being met. Im sorry because I feel I strayed from the original reason for this entry but there is so many options and variables to deal with. Denial is so self sabotaging it makes me wonder do we do it to stay with what is comfortable. Rather than trying to express yourself in a new light we stay with what we seen or was taught. We might be ignorant to the fact of how it is perceived and not knowing it is not helping are day to day life. With all these thought and ideas how do I know which is the right avenue to reach freedom of such mental suffering. I believe we must believe in a higher power then ourselves, if we don’t we will be lost. Something has to set the tone of our adventure of life plus a moral compass that leads the way to your destiny. Being stuck in denial or whatever cycles that dim your light and keep you from obtaining your superpower you give back to the universe for trade of good karma. Will do exactly what the literally meaning of the word means “Denial”. So good luck to anyone with such a task I love you and hope you succeed.

June 19, 2024 07:43

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1 comment

Marty B
21:19 Jun 26, 2024

Stream of consciousness writing is challenging, so good job with this entry. I agree with your premise, we try to stay in our comfort zone. 'Denial is so self sabotaging it makes me wonder do we do it to stay with what is comfortable.' Personal request : for the ease of reading please make breaks in the text. Thanks!


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