Drama Friendship Romance

I wake up in the morning and go to work at a warehouse just putting labels on packages and then putting them on a conveyer belt for shipping. I work in this little booth by myself it’s nice and quiet so it allows me to think. I tend to think up tragedies in my head though I’ve been trying to block them out but, its hard so I listen to music to make me feel better. Around 3:30pm I hear the bell ring which means it’s time for lunch. Unfortunately, we can’t eat at our stations meaning I have to go to the massive breakroom filled with people. As I walk there, I noticed people whispering as they walk by while looking at me. I hate when people do that it pisses me off. Then I hear it “See him? His name is Rick all that man talks about is video games and anime bros a literal child.” Damn it! Leave me alone! I walk faster and faster until I bump into him.

Rayman a guy who’s built twice my size and has a few inches over me.

“Eh yo! Watch where you walking before you get popped!”

“Oh-O uh…sorry.” I mutter under my breath clutching my phone as I scurry past him. Never liked that guy and I’m pretty sure he never liked me. I enter the breakroom and see it filled to the brim with people. Suddenly, my heart starts pounding and it becomes harder and harder to breathe. I have to calm down I look around and see the line for the vending machines are at the end of the room. I close my eyes take a deep breath and start walking over there at a pace that would make anyone curious. I make it there with only one person in front of me. I grab a sandwich and proceed to sit down at the table in the back of the break room near the window. As I’m eating one of my few friends in this place sits with me.

“What’s up Rick? Eating a pickle sandwich again?”

“Yup why? You want some?”

“Hell no I don’t want that nasty mess I mean its just pickles with bread right?”

“Well yes but don’t forget the cheese and mayo.”


“Okay wise guy what are you eating?”

“Me? You know I gotta go with something a bit meatier.” He says looking down at his plate that had a steaming hot steak on it with mash potatoes.

“John can I ask you a question?”

“Sure thing shoot.”

“Is it wrong to like Anime and video games?”

“Huh? Well…not really, we all got our vices man. Some people like anime and others like sports neither one is better than the other. Why? Overheard someone saying something about you liking those things?”


“Man come on I’ve told you stop paying those people any mind you like what you like. Let them talk about you if they want in the end you know yourself better than they do right?”


“Besides it’s not like that’s ALL you do everyday all day. Speaking of which want to go to the movies later?”

“Yea what time?”

“Saturday at three.”

“It’s a date.”

“You forgot to say no homo.”

“Shut up!” John always knew how to cheer me up we met at this job around three years ago. Been friends ever since. Pretty soon lunch ends and I have to make my way back to my station when suddenly I spy a pretty girl looking at me with a smile on her face. I wave hey and she smiles even harder and waves back. I decide to say something to her I can’t explain why something just made me feel like talking to her.

“Uh heading back to work?”

“Yup…same with you?”

“Uh…yeah I…haven’t seen you around here before are you new?”

“Yeah, just started today.”

“What’s your name?”

“Sarah and yours?”

“Rick nice to meet you.”

“Same well…anything else before I leave?”

“Oh well I was wondering uh are you new to the area by any chance?”

“Hmmm maybe why?”

“Well if you are I can…show you around?”

“Hmmm okay.” I beamed the minute she said that.

“So, I’m free this weekend when and where should we meet up?”

“How about this Sunday at three near the harbor?”

“Sounds like a date then see ya.” With that she waved goodbye and left once out of site I started jumping for joy. I was elated I actually managed to get a date it’s been a while since I asked anyone out. The last time I asked someone out it ended with me getting ghosted. I made it back in my booth before my superior took notice. Once there I played some music and started getting back to work. Then I noticed someone walking up to me out of nowhere. It was…Rayman? Shit what does he want?

“Hey word on the grapevine is that you got a date with the new girl Sarah, right?”

“Um I’d rather not say.”

“Man, just answer question! Shit we all grown men up in here.” I hate when some people try to pry into my personal life.

“I guess?” I said hesitantly while still focusing on my work.

“I’ll take that as a yes smart ass. Anyway, what you gonna do with that all that?”

“Don’ t worry about it.”

“Excuse me!? The fuck you just say to me?” Rayman had a pretty stern look on his face I guess I did come off as a bit rude and that offended him.

“Sorry but, I don’t like discussing things with people I’m not that close with.” Please don’t start anything I hate fighting more than I hate large crowds of people.

“Ared man I get it. I’m just saying your not gonna know what do to do if things get hot steamy you know? That girl needs a real man to help her with her…struggles.” What?

“Uh okay but, I am a real man.”

“Boy! You a grown ass child don’t play and try to act like you know what you doing.”

“Can you leave me alone please I need to focus on my work.”

“You a asshole I should take your bitch.” Finally, after that brief exchange he left and left me to my work. After two hours I started thinking about if he did steal her from me. Wait…what am I saying? It’s not like I own her. Jesus I need to get together if that’s what happens then that’s what happens but…what if he does sleep with her and tells her to go out with me and use me for money? Stop. Or what if we get close only for me to lose her to him? Stop! Or what if she just doesn’t show because she happens to be over his house fucking him? SHUT UP! I started playing some music to help me calm down and get out of my own head. After a long work day I headed home to my apartment and watched like three episodes of chosen pieces the new hit anime. The work week continues and eventually Saturday comes, and I left to meet up with John at the movies. We met at the Towson Cinema it was my favorite movie theater mostly because of the reclining chairs. As we were heading into the theater a certain couple caught my eye it was Sarah and Rayman.

I felt a lump form in my throat and my face became flustered. “Please don’t look this way.” I pleaded with God but, as luck would have, they both turned around at the same time.

“Oh shit. Well, if isn’t little Ricky?”

“Oh, hey Rick! How’s it hanging?” That’s all she has to say? Judging from the way Rayman had his arm around her waist they were on a date…they had to be.

“Oh, Rick who’s this?”

“Hey I’m Sarah I’m new to fafazon Rick here asked me on a date and I said yes.”

“Oh, so I guess you and Rayman are friends?” Idiot! Don’t bring it up!

“Well not sort of see after Rick asked me out Rayman did shortly after and I said yes so were here just about see king of crashers three. What are you guys seeing?”

“The same movie.”

“Oh, we should all sit next to each other.” Why is this happening to me?

“Uh…I don’t think that would be a good idea. I think Rick would want to sit somewhere else.” What did I do to deserve this?

“What why?”

“Yea why not sit on the same row next to each other shit we aint gonna bite or nothing.” This sucks!

“Hey Rick!” John Yelled as he shook me to wake up from my self-loathing.

“Rick, you don’t have a problem with us sitting next to you guys, do you?” What! Of course, I do.

“Uh, no not at all.” I said hesitantly.

“You sure?” Asked John as he shot me a suspicious look.

“Y-Yeah.” With that me and John got seats in row E but I guess luck was on my side as five seats next to us were taken so Sarah and Rayman had to sit further away from us though they still sat on the same row. During the movie though it turns out that the five people those seats were reserved for didn’t show so I had a clear view of Sarah and Rayman from my seat. At first I tried to focus on the movie playing but, as time went on I started to get curious so I turned and that’s when I saw it. Sarah was going down on Rayman I had a clear view so I saw it clear as day. As soon as Rayman turned to check if anyone was looking, I looked away immediately. Of course, John didn’t notice he was fast asleep as usual if a movie bored, he wasn’t ashamed of taking a good hour nap.

Once the movie was over I had to wake John up so we could live I started to check if Sarah was coming over here and she wasn’t her and Rayman were gone THANK GOD! Once John was up we decided to eat at Mexicano grill across the street.

“You okay man you’ve been silent this whole time?”

“Oh, uh…I…don’t worry about it.”

“Wait did something happen with Sarah and Ray while I was asleep?”

“I-I saw her…go down on him.” Just saying it made me anxious and a little bit angry.

“Look man stop worrying about it what happened happened ya know?”

“She gave him head how can I not be worried about it?”

“It’s just a date bro it ain’t like she’s gonnna choose him just because of one night in the sheets.”

“How do you know?”

“Because it’s just sex man yeah she might choose him but, so what if she does that’s life and I’m afraid you just gotta learn to deal with it. Trust me I’ve been there I know more than anyone it’s not fun especially if you don’t have the confidence Ray has. Trust me at least try to give her a shot tomorrow if it doesn’t work it doesn’t work but, at least you’ll know and then you’ll be able to move on.” I swear John was like a guru at times.

“Okay” After we ate we went our separate ways I went home and went to sleep having a nightmare about what happened today. The next morning when I woke up I started to not show I didn’t want to have to confront Sarah or the possibility of being tossed aside for Rayman and being friend zoned. I still wen though I think deep down John was right maybe I still had a shot and so I decided to head down to the harbor to meet her. Once down at the harbor I recognized her immediately from her voluptuous figure which was only more pronounced in the sundress she wore.

“Hey Sarah, ready to explore Baltimore?”

“Sure, thing let’s do it.” Sarah seemed excited which made me excited. I decided to take her to the aquarium first since I still had a lot of money left over from my check. She was beaming when we came to the tank where the dolphins were. Then I showed her the pier where we got to see the beautiful clear ocean and all the ships. There was a group of people dancing in the park down the street from the pier so we decided to take part in it only to learn that we suck when it comes to dancing. Finally we ended it with a dinner at chef Zung an Asian restaurant that just opened.

“I had so much fun today.”

“Did you?”

“Yeah, who knew you were cool guy?” Me cool?


“I’m surprised your single.”

“I-I’m not really a people person so I don’t talk a lot or go outside all that much.”

“Oh, okay nothing wrong with that. So, what are we going to do for our next date?”

“What! Next…date?”

“Did I stutter? Yeah, next date I want to see you again.” Should I ask about Rayman?

“Well, what would you like to do?” Nah it’s probably better if I don’t bring it up.

“Hmmm how about we go to the Carnival next weekend say…Saturday at eight?”


“Cool can we exchange numbers?”

“Of course.” We both exchanged numbers and kept on talking.

“So, what was your childhood like?”

“Well I grew up in Baltimore county…and it was pretty normal nothing out of the ordinary had my mom there to keep me out of trouble.”

“And your father?”

“Yeah, he kind of left us when I was young.”

“Damn! That sucks I don’t know what I would without my dad.”

“Not know him?”

“Shut up! Hahah” After the date ended I went home full of energy so I decided to write some short stories so I could get better at writing. I stayed up all night and got a phone call from Sarah.

“Good morning how are you feeling.”

“I feel alive.”

March 26, 2023 10:44

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Marisa Billions
21:13 Apr 05, 2023

Aside from a few grammatical issues, this was a good read. :)


Robert Cook
16:23 Apr 08, 2023

Yea I'm trying to get better at that lol. Are there any other things you think I can work on?


Marisa Billions
06:10 Apr 09, 2023

No! I enjoyed the rest of it!


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