Crime Sad Romance

  Felix and Geena came back from another successful mission. Felix was proud of himself. He was the best agent at the secret service. He never failed at any mission since he started his career. He was a risk-taker and that was what made him so good at this job. Even though he was always told he was incredible, he always gives credit to Geena. Remind everyone who only praises him that he has a partner and never achieved this success on his own.

  He turned to Geena and asked with a cocky grin, “Do you want to celebrate this success with a drink?”

  Geena gave him an annoyed look and answered, “It had been a long week and I don’t think I can survive a celebration with you. So, I would rather go back to my flat and spend some time with Bobby.”

  He put his hand on his heart and act as he was hurt and said, “You prefer your dog’s company to mine? You hurt my feelings Geena, and I thought we were friends.”

  Geena rolled her eyes at his childishness. Then said, “We are friends, but I spent the whole week with you, and it was a living hell, and I don’t want to spend any more time with you if I have a choice.”

  “Come on Geena, I am not that bad, and you know you love me. It is just a drink. You can leave any time you want.”

  Geena groaned in frustration and finally gave in. “Okay, I will come, but just one drink.”

  Felix smiled brightly at her and said, “See, I am irresistible. Now come on. There is a great pub I know.”

  Geena wanted to erase that stupid smile on his face. Felix was a good partner and a friend. He loved to tease her and sometimes flirt with her. He was funny and childish. He was arrogant at times but always treated her as his equal. There was one trait he has that makes her mad, and that was his impulsiveness. He acted without thinking sometimes at missions and put his life in danger. She always worried one day this will cost one of their life. She loved spending time with Felix even though he annoyed her endlessly. Sometimes wondered if they could be more than what they were and if he really meant the things he said or he was just joking. She just doesn’t know where to draw the line. Now she was in his car and going to a pub with him. Is it really a good idea? She hoped she wouldn’t regret this decision.

  While Geena was thinking about these things, Felix was lost in his own mind. He was glad Geena accepted his offer, after what happened earlier today. They were on an undercover mission to catch a drug cartel. Everything was going according to plan until the cartel took hostage. Geena said they need a plan to not risk anyone’s life, but he didn’t listen and acted on his instincts. They took down the cartel and saved the hostages. After they arrested the cartel and his men, Geena argued with him.

  “What were you thinking there?” She asked angrily.

  “We need to do something. We were running out of time, and I did what I had to do.” He answered.

  “Going there without a plan was just stupid. They could kill the hostages or you.”

  “But they didn’t. We arrested the cartel and his men; Hostages are safe, and we are still alive. You are angry at me for doing my job.” He shouted.

  “We are doing the same job Felix, but you don’t see me interfere in this kind of situation without a plan.” She shouted.

  “Are you going to teach me how to do my job, Geena? I am doing this longer than you. So don’t treat me like I don’t know what I am doing.”

  “I may not be as experienced as you are Felix, but it wasn’t my first mission. I am experienced enough to know what I am talking about. One day your impulsiveness will have serious consequences.”

  “In this line of job, there are times we need to take risks. Taking risks is what made me successful as an agent, Geena. Nothing bad happened.”

  “This time it worked out fine, but that doesn’t mean it always will. You had to be more careful and stop taking unnecessary risks.”

  He came back to now. Maybe she was right. Maybe he was reckless but that was the only way he knows to deal with unplanned situations. After all of these years, he didn’t think he could change. They arrived at the pub. He parked the car and they headed inside. They sat at the bar.

  “What does my beautiful partner want to drink?” Felix asked.

  She rolled her eyes and answered, “A beer would be good.”

  He ordered two beers for them. They waited for their drinks in silence. When their drinks came the silence continued. Felix wanted to say something, but he didn’t know what to say. He brought Geena here to talk about the argument and apologize, and now he couldn’t find the right words to say. He took another sip from his beer to find the courage he needs. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

  Geena can clearly see he was struggling, and it was kinda funny. This was the first time she was seeing Felix having trouble with words. He is always so confident and cocky, always knows what to say, but now he couldn’t even form a sentence. Geena couldn’t hold herself back anymore and started laughing.

  Felix was surprised by the sudden laughter, and he was wondering what Geena found so funny. He waited for her to calm down, then asked, “What is so funny?”

  “You. Seeing Felix White having trouble figuring out what to say is not something you can see every day.” Geena teased.

  “I guess not,” Felix said with a small smile.

  Geena realized he was really having trouble, she reached for his hand and said, “You know you can tell me anything, Felix. I am your partner and more importantly your friend.”

  Felix squeezed Geena’s hand and looked into her chocolate brown eyes which looking at him with worry. He always thought she has the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. He wanted to tell her, he loved her, but he couldn’t. If he told her how he felt, it would have badly affected their partnership. And he couldn’t risk it. So, he decided to only talk about the argument they had.

  “I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier today, but I didn't know how to do it. I’m really sorry for acting without thinking and putting everyone’s lives in danger.”

  “What’s done is done. I forgive you, but I need to know you won’t do that again.”

  “I don’t know. I can’t make any promises, Geena. It is the way I’ve done things for years, and I am not sure if I can change it.”

  “I am not asking you to change it overnight or change at all. All I ask for you is to be more careful or tell me if you are going to do something stupid. So, I can get your back.”

  “Are we good?”

  “Of course, we are good.”

  They drink their beers and chat. Felix was relieved. They were still friends, and everything was back to normal. He wasn’t sure if he was really happy about everything going back to normal. After two more drinks, they decided to call it a night. Felix drove her home.

  Geena took her dog, Bobby, from her neighbour and thanked her for taking care of him. She got in her flat with Bobby. Bobby was really happy to see his owner. Geena gets out of her clothes and took a warm shower. She knew she shouldn’t go to that pub with Felix. The fact that He almost got himself killed at the mission was taking a toll on her and with alcohol in her system, it got worse. She laid down on the bed, and Bobby snuggled to her. She embraced him. She wished she was laying down in Felix’ arms, instead of her dog sleeping in her arms. But that was never going to happen. She was sure Felix didn’t feel the same way about her. She fell asleep thinking about him.

  When he arrived at his place Felix was angry with himself for not telling Geena how he felt. He was brave enough to take down drug cartels or take a bullet but not brave enough to tell his partner he is in love with her.  Felix headed to bed. Tomorrow will be a new day, and this time he was going to tell Geena. He prayed she feels the same way if not then he has no idea what will happen, but he always has been a risktaker and he always will be.

  Like every other day, Felix went to Geena’s place to pick her up. As he arrived, Geena got out of the building. They stopped at a coffee shop to get coffee and something to eat. The moment they stepped into the office; their boss wanted to see them.

  “First I want to congratulate both of you for your success in the last mission. You did a good job. Now I need both of you for another mission.” Their boss said.

  “What do you need us to do?” Felix asked.

  “Well, we get information someone is going to try to steal a very important plan from one of our secret facilities. You two are going to make sure it never happens.” He answered, then added, “İs that clear?”

  “Copy that, sir.” They answered in unison.

  They armed and got the coordinates of the facility. The ride to the facility was silent. There were a lot of things both of them to say each other, but neither of them uttered a word. This wasn’t the right time. One of the officers greeted them and lead them to the safe where they were keeping the plan. As they get closer to there, they heard an explosion. They rushed there. The officer asked for backup from his radio. They get their guns in their guns and get into the room with the officer’s lead. They saw a woman and a man. The woman was trying to open the safe, and the man was on watch. When the man noticed them, he fired his gun, and he shot the officer. The officer was dead. Geena and Felix took cover behind some machine. They heard the opening of the safe. They knew they had to move quickly. So, Geena let Felix take the lead. Felix quickly moved towards the man and tried to get the gun out of his hand. While Felix was dealing with the man Geena get out of the cover and raised her gun at the woman. Felix knocked the man down, and after that, he heard gunfire.

  He turned to Geena thinking she was the one who fired the gun, but he was wrong. The woman shot her, and she was lying on the floor in her own blood. He ran towards her and took her in his arms. He put pressure on the wound and said, “You are going to be okay Geena. Just hold on. You are strong, I know you can get through this.”

  Geena looked at him, she wanted to say something but the only thing that came out of her mouth was blood. Her lungs were filling with blood. She was going to die and both of them knew that.

  “Hang on Geena. You will be okay. I got you.” He was crying while saying this. He wasn’t sure if he was saying this for reassuring her or himself. E can’t lose her without telling her, but it was too late now. Geena’s lifeless body was lying in his arms. He sobbed while hugging her lifeless body.

  When he turned back to the office, their boss gave him a few weeks off. He was going to head his home but instead, he headed to Geena’s home. Someone should take care of Bobby and Geena couldn’t do that anymore. He took Bobby with him to his place. The dog was upset for not seeing his owner, but somehow it understood she wasn’t coming back.

  Felix mind wandered to Geena again. As he was thinking about her, he remembered the argument they had the day before. Her words rang in his head, one day your impulsiveness will have serious consequences. He wondered if she would still be alive if he hadn't acted on his instinct. He brushed off that idea. There was no point in that. She was gone, and she would never come back.

  The woman who killed her ran away with the plans. He came to a decision with anger and grief. He was going to find that woman and avenge Geena no matter what. He got nothing left to lose.

May 26, 2021 01:04

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Deniz Toprak
18:22 May 31, 2021

What a great story!! I was surprised at the end, I didn't expect that. 😉


Z. A.
18:25 May 31, 2021

Thanks!! It is nice to know you enjoyed my story.


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Angelina Jeong
00:39 May 30, 2021

What an amazing story!!!


Z. A.
08:14 May 30, 2021

Thank you!! I am glad you liked it.


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Scarlett Barker
18:08 Apr 15, 2022

Such a bittersweet story. All of the unsaid feelings and that irrevocable mistake. It has such a sad ending, but I loved it so much.


Z. A.
18:23 Apr 17, 2022

I am so glad to hear you loved it. It was the first time I ever wrote a sad ending to a story. Normally I end them with happy endings but in this one I had to kill Geena. So, Felix could learn the consequences of his impulsiveness.


Scarlett Barker
10:50 Apr 23, 2022

On your first try, you did an extraordinary job. I love your writing style and stories so much.


Z. A.
10:52 Apr 23, 2022

Thank you, you are so kind. It's nice to know people are enjoying my stories.


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Xena A.
16:36 Nov 01, 2021

What an incredible story and a sory end. I read it in one breath. Good job.


Z. A.
13:34 Nov 05, 2021

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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Tetsuya Date
09:37 Sep 25, 2021

Dang, now I'm sad. Great story


Z. A.
13:09 Sep 25, 2021

Thank you. Happy to know you liked it.


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Iris Orona
13:28 Jun 02, 2021



Z. A.
17:58 Jun 02, 2021

Thanks! I'm still working on it. I will let you know when it is out.


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Z. A.
22:49 Jun 11, 2021

Part 2 is out now.


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