Christian Happy

The leaves were on fire with all the reds, oranges, and yellows! I was walking by the coffee shop with leaves falling left and right. I saw a big bright red and orange poster, it had 3 drinks on it. The drinks looked delicious, there was an iced coffee, a latte, and a new drink I had never heard of. It was a chocolate drizzle coffee, it was a light milky color, it had foam on the top, and a thin chocolate drizzle on top. I had never seen anything that had looked so good! It had just come to my realization, that I had been standing there, staring at the poster for ten minutes. I walked in and the smell of coffee smacked me in the face, at the beginning of the month I had made myself a goal to stop drinking coffee for a month. At the sight of the chocolate drizzle, I immediately forgot about my self-goal. It was even better in person. I practically ran to the register and asked for the new chocolate drizzle. They said they had just sold the last one, and their coffee maker was pretty much destroyed from everyone getting the new drinks. I left and went to my apartment, my cat ran to me with his bowl in his mouth and meowed. I went to the laundry room to fill up his bowl, he almost fell in trying to get his food. I finished up his food by putting some oranges on top, I put it down and he almost knocked it over. I loved my cat and he was only 10 months old. When I got him I immediately knew what I was going to call him, Oliver. The next day before I went to work, I stopped by the coffee shop. It was early in the morning so there weren't that many people, they said they had to fix their coffee machine. I went and sat down at one of the tables and waited. Just as I was about to leave a girl walked in. She had blue eyes, blonde hair, and when she talked to the cashier she was very nice. I invited her over to wait with me, she saw I didn't have a coffee and asked why I was just sitting there. I told her I was waiting for the new chocolate drizzle, and he offered her coffee to me. I politely accepted her coffee and I asked if I could do anything for her, but she politely declined. We talked for 45 minutes and I learned a lot about her. Her name was Madison, but her friends call her Madi. Her favorite color was blue and she loved volleyball. I also asked for her phone number so we could text and call each other. It turns out she went to the coffee shop every day, after I found that out, we met there after work every day. We learned a lot about each other and we had a lot in common. Once we started hanging out more we became best friends. I invited her over to my apartment and we watched a lot of movies, while Oliver was trying to eat our popcorn. One time, when we were at the coffee shop we saw there was a building for sale on 1st street. We both had the same idea, to make our own coffee shop. We ran to the building and asked how much they were offering it for. They were an old couple and they said they were selling it for free because they just can't manage it anymore. We said we would take it and we signed some papers. We went inside and they had a huge shop with one old couch, some old bar stools, and a table. I assumed they took the other furniture they had there and put them in their house. We went to the bar and sat on the two barstools. Then, we started planning our coffee shop. The next day, we woke up at 6 AM and met at our coffee shop, we went to Target right away. We found a lot of pillows and decorations, then we went to the furniture shop. We found a better sofa, tables, chairs, and a lot more. We had the furniture delivered and got to work. When we were finally done getting the furniture in the shop it was about 9 PM. Early the next day, we learned how to make a ton of different coffees and drinks. We decorated it together and we were ecstatic about how it turned out. Then we started opening up, we had about 3 customers to start, but they started coming in more. It was about 6 PM that people stopped coming in, and Madison and I were tired. After a long time of owning our coffee shop, we decided to buy a house together. Our coffee shop got really popular, and we hired more people. Every day, we worked really hard and never gave up when things got tough. Our coffee shop ended up being the best in our city, and we were very grateful. We decided to put a little box for suggestions and comments about our shop. Almost everyone that left filled out a little card and slid it into the small, cute box. Madison and I loved how our coffee shop had turned out. Once we got enough money we got two puppies. I got a Labradoodle named Lightning and Madi got a German Shepherd named Thunder. We raised them together, and they became best friends, just like us. One day, one of our college friends came into the shop and was really surprised to see us. He loved our coffee shop and ordered some coffee for his whole family. We were very glad to see him, and we said thank you. We waved goodbye and he left. Madi and I love working at our coffee shop to this day, and our dogs are doing just fine. 

October 16, 2020 14:22

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Amanda Kelly
20:31 Oct 24, 2020

I liked this story a lot! I would agree with H.I Whitlock that it seemed a little run-on. However, I LOVED this beautiful storyline! Keep writing!


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H.L Whitlock
13:35 Oct 23, 2020

I like the excited feeling the story has, rushed out and positive like a friend telling you something that happened to them and it's all garbled because they just had to get it out. Feels caffeinated, like someone who has had too much coffee (was this deliberate?) I would also say it feels a little too rushed in places and could maybe benefit from some more details about the pov character, some sensory description eg how the coffee smelt, and more details about the setting. Enjoyed reading, keep it up.


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