
Its been a year since that night and I can hardly believe it…. 


but its that time of year again and just like every other Christmas Eve I’m working a double shift at the pub. It’s close to midnight and the place is pretty quiet so I settled in for an easy Christmas Eve with Sinatra crooning in the background and the regulars without family nursing their Irish whiskeys. Of course Mickey’s acting up, but then every year he yells at the Snoopy Christmas program like that’ll change anything… its the same every time so I and the other bartender Sam just ignore him. 


Around 2am a rowdy group of guys, obviously on a holiday pub crawl, crash through the front doors and effectively destroy my dream of a quiet Christmas Eve-Christmas Day. They take over the back table with a perfect view of the front door and bar as a whole which clues me into them being either cops or soldiers. A fact later confirmed when the hot, 6-2, and jet black haired one signals that their ready to order his dog tags hanging from his neck and clicking against the table. I’m instantly turned off, yet attracted to the guy and I have to shake my head as Sam nudges me to go take their order. 


As I walk to their table I can’t help but think what is it about girls liking men that remind them of their father. “What can I get you guys?”


Blond and flirty turns away from his friends as answers “We’ll take 6 Blue Moons and 6 shots of whiskey.” He then yells as if I’m not standing a foot away… “I mean Irish whiskey none of that watered down crap you bartenders usually serve… we’re celebrating!”


Rolling my eyes I say “Coming right up...”


Once I’m behind the bar working on their order Sam comes up and says “Don’t look now but 6-2 and handsome is looking right at you… and its not a drunk stare either”


Covertly looking under my arm as I pull down the Blue Moon tab I realize he’s telling the truth. However, I also realize that I wasn’t as covert as I’d thought because our eyes meet and hold. I am forced to look away first as the glass overflows but I could feel his eyes burning twin holes into my back. Sure enough as I turn back to their table he’s still looking at me, only now he seems super sober and as if he’s thinking about undressing me. 


I have to say ‘Excuse me’ to one of his buddies who is sprawled across the table slapping blond and flirty but I can still feel his eyes on me… once I’m done putting all of the drinks on the table I look anywhere but at him and ask “Anything else?”


And its just my luck that he answers forcing me to look him in the eye again “I think we’re good for now thanks… ”

Blushing for the first time ever I walk away backwards then turn just as I was about to bump into a table… I quietly yell at my self for being so stupid as I make my way back to the bar. I keep the beers and shots coming and finally is blissfully time for me to go home. I end up sighing in relief out loud though which has Sam turning with a questioning look… “I’m good Sam. See you in two days… ” I shrug into my jacket and grab my purse as I walk backwards to the door saying “Merry Christmas everybody!”

As I leave though I notice the guys gone, must've gone to the restroom, and feel oddly disappointed at not being to wish him a Merry Christmas too… shaking my head again I push my way out the door and zip up as I head to the car… 


I’m so busy zipping up though that I don’t see him standing there until I literally walk into him and give a shout of fright… When I see it’s him, oddly enough, I calm down and listen to the tail end of his question “... you okay?”


Closing my mouth I answer “Uhm… yeah I’m fine thanks. Sorry about...”


6-2 and hot cuts me off with a “Don’t worry about it...” and continues after a pause with “I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and give you this...”


Taking the napkin he hands me and looking at the numbers scrawled on it I ask “What’s this?”


“Its my number… I’d like to go out some time if you’ve got the time.” Walking back to the bar he shouts over his shoulder and the wind saying “Just text me when you’re available...”


Staring at his back in shock, and later the door as it shuts behind him, a smile slowly comes to my face his the audacity… looking down at the slip of paper once more I see his name above the numbers and whisper it to myself as I walk and get into my car… “Casey


Its been a year since that night and I can hardly believe it but today I’m standing in an airport surrounded by a sea of military families and feeling a sense of deja-vu as I wait for Casey to deplane… I guess girls really do end of with men who remind them of their fathers because here I am…  a former Army brat waiting for her fiancé SEAL to come home and a wedding scheduled for 2 weeks from today at the very pub where we met. 


You are cordially invited to the nuptials of 

Casey & Audrey! 

To be held at the Moonlight Pub 

on Sunset Boulevard on January 10th at 2pm. 

(Open Bar courtesy of the bride and groom)



December 24, 2019 20:22

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Anni Zimmerman
13:43 Jan 03, 2020

Hello Mahalia! The reedsyprompts Critique Circle has asked me to read your story and provide a critique for Prompt #21. I hope that I can provide some positive feedback for you! After reading through your submission, I can summarize it in two sentences: A woman bartender meets a man on Christmas Eve who gives her his phone number. A year later they get married. This is an entertaining anecdote but not a true short story. What worked well is the use of the first person point of view in conjunction with the use of run-on and incomplete sent...


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Faith McCune
20:23 Jan 02, 2020

I enjoyed the story, but there were a few grammatical errors that interrupted my read. You may want to use an editing program to fix them.


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