
                              It's Fun and Games?

Lali just walked in from school. “Mom, could I speak to you for a second?”

“Okay, I’ll be down in a few minutes. When Goldie, Lali’s mom got to the kitchen Lali told her about the big baseball game that was coming up in Virginia and that anyone who wasn’t joining, had to pay 20.00 dollars for the front seat. They asked me to join Mom and I want to so bad. Then I won’t be paying, because I would have wanted to sit in front.”

“Where is it?” Mother asked.

“It’s in Virginia, so will you take me there? It’s going to be, the Basics Of Major League Baseball crew that those from our school are going to play against. Can I go? It will cost for the tickets.”

“I know, so do they have an age limit?” Mother asked.

“Yes, from 16 up.” She told her.

“Then you can go because you are turning 17 soon and it can be your birthday gift from me.”

“Yes Mom,” she said excitingly.

“When is it?” she asked.

“A week after the school game is played they tell everyone they will be taking the winners on the trip. So tomorrow we play here.”

“Wow! That will be fun for you. Now you will have to work hard to win.” her mother smiled.

“Yes, so you will take me if I win?” Lali smiled.

When her mom said yes, she went over and gave her a big hug, “I love you, mom.”

The next day there was a sign put up called, The High School Players at Willaims School. While playing baseball everyone played to win. Mothers and fathers came to watch. It was hot and with the whole school watching with their own picks to win, Leli knew she had to fight to win. What a game, they smash, fell, and jumped trying to beat. Halfway through the game, the class against Lali’s term was winning. No way, thought Lali. She started pushing all she could and, down she went, but just got to the base in time. All she needed was one more to beat them. It was a tie.

She had to throw the ball this time and some screamed for their term to win. Lali’s side just made it to hit the runner out. After a few tries the class against them tried to win, but Lali’s side got them just before the runner touched base. Everyone on Lali’s term was happy. When her term went their round they scored two above the other term. Lali and her term were so happy they screamed and jumped up and down, shouting “We’ll be going on the trip, because we won the game.”

The speaker said over the loudspeaker, “The Term Blue Bays won the game so they with going on the trip, and the winner's term there will get 5,000 dollars to split with the term.”

After the Coach shouted, “The Blue Bay’s have won. They will be going on the trip.” Her mother was happy for her.

That week, Goldie and her daughter started packing to go to the baseball game. Lali was so excited she couldn’t stop thinking about it. “Mom pray our side wins because this time we win money. Five thousand dollars and we split it amongst each of us who is on our term if we win.”

The day they were leaving her friend’s mom came over because she didn’t want to travel alone.

“Sure, you are more than welcome to come with us, and Lali would love her friend Sally to come.”

When they got to the field, The Coach showed them the way. Her friend was on her terms. There was a big crowd.

“Look at all the people,” Lali said.

“Don’t be nervous. Just play,” her mother told her.

When the game started Lali was ready. They planned to win and when the Coach said, “Ready, set, go!” everyone took off to their place.

The people looking on were chatting back and forth hoping their term would win. They were sitting on pins and needles. Hoping their term will win. Screaming and shouting were coming from every part of the stadium.

Lali’s mother had never gone to a baseball game in her life and she was enjoying it. Just then someone at the end of the game was roaring loud as the runner was trying to get to their base. Just then the guy who had to toss the ball again threw it too hard and hit Lali who was the catcher. It knocked her to the ground with blood coming from her head and when everyone got around her they tried to get her talking but she wasn’t even breathing.

As her mother was working her way to the field she looked terrified. “Call the ambulance!” She shouted.

Someone told her they were coming.

The paramedics worked on her until they got her breathing again.

“Oh honey speak to me.” her mom cried.

The paramedics told her not to worry. She would be alright.

Goldie didn’t want to believe that and she followed them right in the hospital room.

“Is she going to be alright?” Goldie asked.

“She did have a hard blow. Were they using a ball or a rock?” the nurse asked, “Her head is cut pretty bad as well.”

“I’ve been trying to stop the bleeding but it’s not helping.”

“No, she will need stitches. We will put something on it till she’s awake.”

Sally came in to see Lali. “How is she?” Sally asked.

“She’s in a comma.”

“Do you know what I heard?”

Goldie looked at Sally.

“Someone said the guy who threw the ball at the batter put something in it and made sure it would hit Lali. He didn’t want them winning.”

Goldie turned angry. “Does the coach know?”

“Yes, someone found the ball and it was very heavy. They told the coach and he threw him out of school and told him he would be calling the cops. He waited for the cops to come and they took him to jail. He will never be in our school again. He’s going to be made to pay the hospital bill.”

“Really, that’s great. He deserves it.” Goldie told her.

Just then Goldie saw Lali’s finger moving. “Did you see that?” Goldie asked.

Sally looked on.

“Lali, can you hear me?”

She slowly opened her eyes. She looked at her mom and then to Sally.

“Do you know why you are here?”

Lali looked at her. And moved her head back and forth.

After Sally told her it surprised her. “You remember who tossed the ball at the batter?”

“Yes,” she said lowly.

“They call him stinky because he never takes a bath.”

“Yes, I know him.”

Goldie asked, “Are you feeling better honey?

“I am but before the nurse comes to fix my cut head could you tell me who won the game?”

“Your term did, honey.”

“Really? Oh Mom I am so happy. You remember, Mom, when you told me sometimes not everything you do is always Fun and Games?”

Goldie and Sally both agreed.

April 14, 2024 23:57

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