Submitted to: Contest #180


Written in response to: "Write about someone whose luck is running out."


Sally woke with excitement due to hearing some very good news concerning a job that she has dreamt of so many times before. "It is finally happening." She always desired to be a Day Care Director and owner. After years of planning and studying for this phase of her life, the existence feels so real. But, first Sally must make contact with a few influential individuals who may be the key component for door openings. The sun is shining and getting dressed for the first appointment is essential. There's a day care center, which an appointment has been assigned to speak with the owner for tips and pointers. Upon arrival, the owner appears with smiles and ready to have a discussion concerning beginning and operating a business. Sally approaches the owner only to notice the closer she got; the owner's smile was slowly fading.

Without any warning, she turns cold and acted as if she was too busy for a meeting. Sally left feeling disappointed because she didn't understand what may have spooked the owner. Sally has another appoint to drive to the University and speak with an individual about how to obtain credentials needed to operate an in-home day care. Happily, the next morning was a opportunity to take a step closer to seeing her dreams come alive. The lady greeted Sally with a big smile and offered a handshake. The office was small but had several nice photos hung on the wall. Sally was offered to take a short tour to another area of the University. Excitement builds up again, after arriving to another area, the title name hung above the building which read Library. "Why on earth would she bring me to the Library?" Sally thought to herself. But decided to wait to see what was going to happen next.

There was a large reference book about starting a business the lady checked out for Sally and told her that she has two weeks to read the book before returning. No future initiations for a revisit, so the necessary details on day care operation could be revealed. As Sally walked to her vehicle, tears begin wounding up in her eyes, because again, here she is being forced into a brick wall. What did these two individuals have to lose by providing proper guidance to someone very interested in a career leading to ownership? Still, hope was lurking in Sally's mind, she had managed to schedule an appointment to meet at an organization who specializes in assistance for building a business plan. During the time before the meeting, she designed a business plan detailed document to take with her.

The day finally arrived for the meeting, it was explained that only one slot was available, but Sally noticed a younger female was meeting with a different adviser. After beginning the process, Sally notices each time, the younger female would also be there. This was very strange. Sally has wonderful ideas and a great presentation in preparing the business plan. But, her advisor leaves the door open. It didn't take very long to figure out what was going on, Sally 's ideas and information was gathered to provide a business plan for the younger female. With no concrete proof, Sally decided to continue her future meetings, but with the door closed. Sally received a review of her completed business plan and agreed the document was professionally put together.

Later, the documents were available for pick-up. Sally could not get home fast enough to make preparations towards obtaining a business loan. Copies were sent to the appropriate lenders. A phone call to Sally revealed some of the words used in the plan were not realistically exercised, therefore her document was void. Sally experienced disappointments far too many times to count. What really put the icing on the cake is one day while driving to an area not mostly traveled, she noticed a sign stating a day care new opening taking place. After conducting a careful investigation, Sally received confirmation that it was indeed the same young female who was attending meetings with her advisor during the same timeframe. Sally was heartbroken, but continued to keep children within her home.

Sally's life is going great, although the day care center didn't flourish during her business ventures attempted. While maintaining a fulltime job, she maintained a third shift operation, which worked out better for the regular work schedule, which means sleep was an asset for being able to function the next day after getting the children ready to deport with their parents. Also, she had a working routine of getting her own children ready for school. What a great plan, which also allowed errands to be conducted before heading to the full-time job. Sally thought at times, "her real plans never took off, but for the moment, other things have fallen in place." She has no complaints and continued to manager and operate her home day care.

Sally went to work one day and had an accident on the job leading to surgery forcing to close her home day care. The recovery was a long process and resulted in many doctor appointments and physical therapy three times a week. During the healing period, Sally was left with no other choice but to file bankruptcy, which meant giving up her home because there was no income to pay all her expenses. She could no longer maintain a full time job.

Sally moved into an apartment with no extra room for operating a home day care. So, her whole entire life changed. Sally still had to carry out positive vibes for her children with encouragement, in which they needed to continue to be a success in school and college. Underneath all of the smiles and sound advice years later, often wondering how she managed to have the strength to do so much with so little. She comes to realize that she was only able to do all things by the Grace of God and she learnt to be even more thankful.

Posted Jan 08, 2023

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15 likes 5 comments

Sherri Moorer
17:49 Jan 19, 2023

So often our best laid plans are waylaid by, as somebody once said to me, "life getting in the way." In fact, I think this is exactly what the mid-life crisis is: dealing with the failures that got in our way, and this story illustrates that well.


Vanita Johnson
15:19 Feb 06, 2023

Thank you for your comment.


01:45 Jan 19, 2023

Interesting vignette of a woman who dealt admirably with life's difficult circumstances. Good effort.


Vanita Johnson
15:20 Feb 06, 2023

I appreciate your comment, thank you.


Vanita Johnson
05:04 Jan 08, 2023

Sometimes through challenges and trials we all may encounter, there's a little voice which always acts as a guidance because it leads us through the hardest times when we may not feel our own strength. But, where there's way, there is also a will that will carry on a longest path ever imagined. Reading someone else's struggles may resonate with the readers thoughts and things encountered as we all experience ups and downs through our lifespan. This enables us to realize that we are not alone. Hanging in there is a key factor.


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