Drama Fiction Romance

This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives.

But oh how the day would end.

 "Get up! Get up!" a voice screeches through my head as I'm dragged out of dreamland.

Groggily I sat up and looked at my older sister. 

 "The sun isn't even up yet." I moan as she grabs my arm and drags me out of the bed.

  Leaning in so I could smell her morning breath she growls "it's my wedding day and everything will go perfectly."

I laughed "well you need to start with a toothbrush." As I fan my hand in front of my face.

  My sister does a breath check and runs out of the room screaming behind her "get dressed we need to get ready!"

Sighing I headed for the bathroom. I was ready for this day to be over already. 

 For the past 8 months my sister has been a total bridezilla. She has meticulously planned every single detail of this wedding. With my help of course. Right down to the hideous bridesmaids dresses. 

  The dresses were a disgusting pink monstrosity. She chose them because she believed they'd make her look prettier. 

  To be honest my sister is an entitled brat. She was the tall blonde Barbie type and our mother's favorite. I, on the other hand, took after our father. I was the female version of him. When our parents divorced I was a daily reminder of her failed marriage. 

 So naturally my sister got everything and I was left in the dust. My Dad tried to make up for it but between alimony and child support he barely had enough money for rent. But he always had time for me. And to be honest that was the most important thing.

  I cleaned up got dressed and headed out. 

  As I entered the hotel restaurant I see the wedding party making their way in. You would think being the bride's sister I would be at least in the wedding party. But no, not my sister, she says I need to help make sure that everything goes off without a hitch. Yet likes to tell me how I'm always messing things up. 

 Amanda one of the bridesmaids comes up to me at the buffet table and asked "girl I heard a rumor. Is your sister pregnant?" Amazed I replied "how did you find that out?" 

"Well I heard it from Kathy, who heard it from Danielle." "Yes it's true?" I said in a loud whisper. "I also heard it wasn't Keith's." She added. "You can't be serious?" I said "I think my sister would have told me something like that." Amanda shrugged, "but it's true she is pregnant, right?" I nodded " Two months" I said. "She's waiting to tell Keith. She said she wants to surprise him." "Huh if the rumors are true he's going to be real surprised." Amanda smirked. "Oh come on. My sister can be a bitch but she's not a cheater." I replied. "I'm just saying..." Amanda said as she walked away.

 My sister being her usual bossy self starts telling people to settle down. 

I get comfortable with my cream cheese, bagel and coffee. Then spend the next hour listening to my sister tell everybody, where they're going to go, what they're going to do and how they're going to do it.

 While she's talking all I can think about is what if. What if she did cheat. To be honest she has done it before. I just didn't want Amanda to know that. But I thought for sure Keith was the one she would settle down with. I really hoped it wasn't true.

 Finally she was done and I was able to pull her aside.

"Sis," I began, "I heard a rumor that the baby isn't Keith's please tell me it's not true." 

"Of course it's not true." She sneered. "Good Lord how stupid do you have to be to believe rumors?" She gave me this nasty look and shook her head. "The baby is Keith's. Who else's would it be?" 

 Honestly I couldn't think of anyone else it could have been. She's spent most of her time at my house planning the wedding. If she's not at home or working she's been there.

  I watched her walk away in a huff. I didn't mean to offend her but I had to ask.

 "There you are beautiful." I turned around a huge smile spreading across my face. "Did I miss anything?" Danny asked as he planted a kiss on me. "Just bridezilla being bridezilla." I said grinning. I turn to watch as my sister went to speak with one of the other guests. Danny wraps his arms around my waist "so what's been going on so far?" Danny asked "well actually," I said "did you know that my sister's pregnant?" "What?!" Danny said in shocked surprise. "And I heard a rumor it might not be Keith's." "Well that's just ridiculous." Danny said. "We know your sister adores Keith she'd never cheat on him." I shrugged, planted a kiss on Danny's cheek and told him "well it's time to go get our hair and nails done. I'll see you later handsome. Don't forget to catch up with Keith he has your tux." He reluctantly released me to let me catch up with the others.

 It was now less than 10 minutes to the wedding time.

Everyone was ready just doing the final touches.  

 "Allright my" sister says "now for the last thing." My sister turns to me"whatever you do, do not screw this up for me." "Wow what makes you think I would do that?" I asked. " Oh please." She said as she rolled her eyes at me. "You have a bad habit of always messing things up and I have to suffer for it." 

 "Now, now don't be so hard on your sister." Mom said,"l "You know she wasn't blessed like you were dear." 

 God how I hated when mom would say things like that. I wasn't blessed with my sister's good looks. Or I wasn't the smart one. Which honestly wasn't true. I was A-B honor role while my sister barely skimmed by with a C average. This is also one of the reasons why I never contacted my mother unless I had to. All she would do would berate me and compare me to my sister.          

 However, all I had to do was make it through today. Then I could go back to only calling my mom on holidays. 

 "Still," my sister sneered, "she always messes things up for me." I reminded her "I helped you plan this wedding keep that in mind sis." "Oh whatever" she groaned. "Just do what your told and everything will be fine. Now go see if Keith is ready." 

 I stomped down the hall angry that she would dismiss all the effort and hard work I put into planning her wedding. Her wedding, not mine, Hers!

 I found Keith and his groomsmen ready and waiting. "Well are you ladies ready to do this?" he asked. I nodded and said "get to your starting points boys and girls I'll go let the bridezilla know it's time to begin." They all chuckled. " Just a little bit longer and then it'll all be over." Keith said.

 I went to get my sister so we could finish this. I was so ready for this to be done.

 She did look beautiful in her satin wedding dress. I got her lined up and the two gentleman open the doors for her as the music began. I was behind her ensuring her trail was straight as she walked. The doors open and my sister begins her walk down the aisle. 

 I noticed that one of the groomsmen was leaning in to talk to Keith. I didn't think anything of it till I saw the expression on his face. We were almost to him when he cried out, "you're pregnant!" My sister froze. "Oh I wanted to surprise you!" she said in her sweetest voice. You could see the anger on his face growing as he yelled. "Well I'm infertile so who's the father!?" I was flabbergasted. 

  I couldn't see my sister's face but she must have been looking at someone. Because Keith turned to one of his groomsmen and roared "YOU SCREWED MY FIANCE!!" 

 I looked at the groomsmen trying to figure out which one he was screaming at and then it dawned on me. "Danny!?" I cried out as my heart broke. 

 I looked at my sister's back and felt years of pent up rage take over. Still holding her $5,000 wedding dress in my hands I just yanked it as hard as I could sending her flailing to the ground. Simultaneously Keith punched Danny square in his face.

My sister weeping started scrambling to her feet begging for forgiveness.

But by then it was too late. 

November 16, 2020 21:24

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