
Some say that you are supposed to know who you are by the age of eight-teen. You are also supposed to know what college you want to go to, what you want to do for a career, and even sexuality. I’m 25 and I’m not really sure what to do with my life, the first of half of my life I thought I love animals I think maybe I should be a vet, until I discovered needles. Then when my Dad when I was twelve, and the only thing that helped me cope was the magic of writing. I thought maybe I should be a writer, author, script writer.

But then when I turned six-teen I discovered Anime and then it hit me, what if I learned how to draw anime, and learned how to animate cartoons. But it is funny how life puts you on a path that you are not sure where to go. Especially when you are confused on what you want to do, so buy the time I graduated my teachers pressured me to pick a college, at the time I knew my teachers wanted the best for me, but I should of trusted my instincts and should of waited a year. That was mistake number one. Mistake number two trying to prove a point the wrong way/ getting my Mom fired/ almost losing my sister.

Ok, I am not proud of this moment in my life, but since we are talking about passed mistakes, I accidently got her fired. I know she would not say that I got her fired, God bless her soul, but I do take blame for what I did. Ok, so, the whole story is when we live in Lake Orion my sister and I went to school at Lake Orion high, and I was bullied profusely, and I need something to get my bullied to back off. Now I did not know this back then but what I did was not smart, and I know this now, but I still mentally kick my ass every time I remember it. I thought the best way to get back at the bullies was to stink to high heaven. It worked for a little while until the fire nation attacked, ha kidding no it was worst then the fire nation, nope the school called CPS on us. They started investigating us when I was eight-teen years old, even though it was to late to take me away, they could have taken my sister away, but luckily, they did not.

                      However, they made us take a blood sample and I was terrified of needles, and those six months of them making my mother come home early that got her fired from her job. Mistake number three my judgement on horrible people. Ok, five years after high school I finally got my first job at McDonald’s. After a year in a half, we, as me and my mother finally moved out of my Grandmother’s and uncle’s house. We moved five minutes away from my job.

                      The mistake was us trusting our new landlord. At first, I thought they would be cool, but then I found out that she called herself Loria, even though she went by Tammy. Though the funny thing is Loria was so close to my Mother’s name, and that was so suspicious. The next thing that was a red flag was I had to find out from the pool cleaner that there was a thief living there, and that’s when I decide to quit my job with out telling, which was stupid. They evicted and took us to court.

                      The fourth mistake was coming back to Grandma’s and my Uncle’s. Let me explain ok, I love them dearly, but after Grandpa died 2013 when I was 18 that is when they changed and not for the better. See my uncle rules with an iron fist, he is also bossy and manipulative, and very lazy. He will not do anything to save his life, so he gets me or my mom to do everything even shopping.

                      Mistake number five Quitting my better than McDonald’s job Hollywood supermarket. Ok, this is probably the biggest mistake of my life, and I am probably going to mentally going to kick my ass for this. I worked there for a year in a half, though I stayed at McDonald’s for two in a half years I do not why, but before the virus I wanted to quit and do YouTube full time. The reasons why I quit was because I was paying $10.00 a week to the union for absolutely nothing, they cut my wages for some reason, and the last thing that happened was the first time ever I got hit on by an older male, and I didn’t like it. I then decided to quit.

           As of right now to keep myself busy with three of my passion’s art, acting, and writing. The art part I want to sell my art and do commissions, for the acting, I do narrations, comic dubs, bloopers, and for the writing, I write for a channel that I post my short stories. I keep writing stories that had bits and pieces of my life into them. Two of them did not make it into the first few contest. The first one was about the dog’s point of view on the pandemic, and the other was about spring forward in that one is about a girl that sprung forward 10 years into the future to find out she was married to one of her managers.

           Then the next story was diary of an insomniac where I told the story of my life of being an insomniac. Then the other story I did was about a girl who was stocked by a stranger, and had a mother who thought was a mother, turned out to be her grandmother, I kind of got the idea from Medea’s happy family, and many, many more on my part of the website under Melissa Holewa. Now let me ask you something who are you?

May 22, 2020 02:23

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