Suspense Crime Mystery

‘‘The secret truth’’


Night… Dark, bluish, full of mystery. Night with lots of secrets, unrevealed and kept. The starless sky, hopeless thoughts, never ending troubles were all around. The hearts, feeling stressed and helpless found their rest in that darkness. People were silent, no voice was heard, no cry, no laugh, nothing…

Night is meaningful only for those who are not afraid of it, who are strong enough to stay alone with their thoughts, but it was not for Jane, she would not have been the one to cope with such kind of troubles, she would not have been the one to feel that all. Life has already been rude enough towards her since childhood. However, we can not decide for our destiny, we are to ones to carry it on our shoulders despite our will. Jane was a girl, just a girl, sincere and kind. People could never measure her devote and kindness to the strangers. Anyway, life was not kind to her. Since childhood she has faced lots of troubles – the relationship between her parents was always tense and stained, which, of course, had had an impact on her personality, psychology and not only. After her father’s death, she was left alone in the whole world – world that was an enormous space for anyone, living on it. She had a mother, just a so called one, because her mother had never taken care of her, moreover she had left her alone after knowing about her heart disease. Despite this all Jane was strong and was suffering against everyone, everything…But…All was upside down on that night – night full of pain.

That loneliness was chewing her heart deeper and deeper and the only salvation was the night, silent, soundless and dark. The overwhelming walls of the small cottage made her leave, leave and be away. Outside was empty, there were no people, singing, crying, laughing or looking straight at her, like they had seen a person for the first time. She was running along the long streets, crying out and singing aloud. Yes, she was alone in the whole world, alone with her thoughts and feelings, and her disease that sometimes was making her sadder and sadder, weaker and weaker. Let’s leave her alone, she adores it.


Night is for people, who are able to overcome its challenges. It was not for weak and free ones. Night vanished all the troubles inside the heart and gave people strength, strength to tell the words that you could never tell in the morning or afternoon, to stay with people, who your soul is the closest to, to wear the clothes, you could be inconvenient to go out with when it is light. That night, the same night gave strength to her, Mrs. Maddy, the strength she had always dreamed of having, the strength has adored. Mrs. Maddy was a woman, who knew the value of suffer and sorrow, who had lost her identity and even had gained mental issues. She was the one who was spending her life years with a weird evil, her husband Mr. Doyle. Every morning was a new beginning of her sufferings, a new beginning of her hell, but she was living, keeping all inside, which later turned into mental illness and health problems. Mr. Doyle had been the only child in his family and since the day he was born his mother always told him not to be kind to others, be selfish and always self-confident. He had been grown up like this and when he got married to Mrs. Maddy, who was the lovely daughter of her daddy, he did his best to take her as a slave in his palace. Mrs. Maddy was too young with not enough understanding of life, when they started their life together, life for Mr. Doyle, hell for Mrs. Maddy. The time passed and he had revealed up all the negative and out of sense features of his personality. All was tolerable for her, until the moment when he killed their only child at the age of two. Killed in front of Mrs. Maddy’s eyes. Since that day her heart wore dark and black blanket and covered the light with pure devilishness. Mrs. Maddy was under stress for many years, she could not even utter a word, the only thing she wanted to do as soon as she opened her eyes was to take a knife and stick it in his heart, but Mr. Doyle knew it well and was trying to save his life by giving her lots of sleeping pills all the time, all the year round, all the hours of her being awake. But that night gave her that strength to pretend sleeping and doing the thing she was dreaming all their together life.


The night that lead some to soul rest, while the others to make the dream true. It was the same deary night, that gave Jane time for relaxing her mind and being alone in the whole world, but Mrs. Maddy a will to kill her husband and feel free.

Mrs. Maddy had waited for this moment for many many years, but she could have never thought that it was the night that would feel her heart with strength and her hands with power. Step by step she was near her wonder and would make it true. She took the knife hidden under the bed, wearing the long white clothes that is usual for mads, came to his husband, lying on sofa and sleeping deeply. She could not bear that soft sleep, that voice, that calm and closed eyes, that beating heart, she wanted to put an end to all, all that was given to his husband by God. She was trembling, feeling cold and fear all around, but she knew it was her dream and it was the last chance to make it real. She did it, she stuck the knife deep in his heart, deeper and deeper she pushed it into it and started laughing and crying out, dancing and feeling free, running and smiling anytime. Her voice was everywhere on the streets.

Her consciousness however rose its head as soon as she realized that soon the police would arrive because if his voice. She breathed for a while, letting the air go deep in her heart and soften all the sprinkles inside. She took a chance to act in a real way, taking into consideration all her features and the wish to feel free. She went out of home crying out for help.

-Anyone, come here, help me. My dearest husband can not breath I beg you help me, save his life.

-People, listen to me, help me…

At the moment Jane came out a real world from her dreams, she heard someone crying out and calling for help, Jane was the one that had never ignored anyone. Jane ran, ran as fast as possible to the calling voice. Mrs. Maddy saw her coming to the house and cried out:

-Dear, my poor beauty, come here, help me, help me.

She went and rushed to the house, looked around and saw the dark walls, dirty floors and blood everywhere. She was in shock seeing her husband dead, the knife having stuck in his heart. While she was trying to check his heart beating Mrs. Maddy did what she had planed for the last moments. She called the police and told them that there is a murderer at home and she had just killed her husband, moreover she was to kill her as well. She could not even understand what was happening around, who was there, where was she… And the police arrived. Mrs. Maddy cried aloud with a poor voice that it was her, who killed his husband. She cursed Jane with lots of bad rumors, she told her the worst words of the whole world. All the neighbors rushed to the house because of Mrs. Maddy’s voice and believed in her at once, because any of them knew well that Mrs. Maddy was not the one to kill anyone, she could not even kill a bird in her life. They called:

-Murder, murder. Take her to arrest to the death.

-Dear John, how could you die so early, our devoted friend… How dangerous is the life that we live.

And, what happened? Mrs. Maddy did it, she reached her goal and felt free with mind and heart, but Jane, that little creature appeared in such a place, that she did not have to. Jane was crying and shouting, she was asking to help her, she was crying and crying, but no one could help help, no one was the person to take care of her.

She felt again that the world is not a safe place to live. That we live a life, unexpected and mysterious. We live a moment, we do not live a life. We adore freedom that we do not have. We need people, who would take our hands whenever we are in trouble and we need doors that are open for us, whenever we stay in cold. However, this world was not for Jane. No one believed in her honesty, no one wanted to take care of her feelings, it was just a simple way for people to got rid of the noise of Mrs. Maddy to go to their safe homes, to continue their calm life. That is the way we act, that is the common problem among humanity. “We are not strong enough to think for others as well”. 

December 01, 2020 16:39

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